Search Results for: cultural project

Jönköpings läns museum in Jönköping, Sweden, invites Video Art Miden to present the video art exhibition “ARTificial Intelligence”

The video art selection, curated by Gioula Papadopoulou (art director and curator of Video Art Miden) presents 8 works that deal with various concepts concerning the “homo digitalis” era and artificial intelligence, exploring the physical detachment and the gradual digitalization and … Continue reading

African digital collages of past and present

Jepchumba of presents us the digital collage, in Africa a growing form of art that utilises technology to produce a range of artworks, incorporating digital video, animation, photography, animated gif’s and digital photo manipulation. Through digital new stories of Africa emerge, setting an alternative – and often critical – narration against the image of Africa we think to know. Continue reading

DPF Manager Workshop

On Wednesday, December 13, PACKED and the Royal Library of Belgium, in collaboration with the University of Girona, organise a workshop “Quality Control of TIFF Files”. The workshop is intended for digital archivists who are responsible for the long-term preservation of TIFF files. During the workshop you will learn how to gain an insight into the technical properties of TIFF files and what you can do to preserve them for future generations. The workshop is conceived as a hands-on session, where participants get started with TIFF files from their own collection. Continue reading

Procurement Week 2015

PREFORMA project has been invited to exhibit at the Game Changing Exhibition event organised by the Institute for Competition and Procurement Studies in the framework of the Procurement Week 2015. Continue reading

E-Space disseminated @ Europeana Photography final conference

The connection between Europeana Space and Europeana Photography is stronger than ever, basing on a Cooperation Agreement and most of all on common themes of reflection and activites. On 29-30 January, the Final Conference of Europeana Photography was organized in … Continue reading

NTUAthens upcoming event “The Role of Semantic Technologies in Common European Data Spaces”

The event “The Role of Semantic Technologies in Common European Data Spaces” promises an enriching program with presentations from esteemed experts representing SEMIC, Interoperable Europe Academy & Joinup, Data Space Support Center, DG CNECT, Data Space for Cultural Heritage, STIRData, … Continue reading


Gluon is an organisation that realizes projects on the crossing borders of visual art, research and industry. For the realisation of its programme Gluon is supported by an extensive network of national and international research institutes, museums, public authorities, businesses and artists. Five … Continue reading

Innovate your photographic heritage and your future business!

Prof. Fred Truyen of KU Leuven recently published an interesting article on his Digital Culture blog, under the title “Europeana Space Photo pilot: Innovate your photographic heritage … and your future business!” The article tells the commitment the E-Space project is devoting through its Photo Pilot to demonstrating a range of possibilities offered by apps, Europeana API’s and a multitude of tools developed by the open source community to come up with innovative models involving historical and present-day photography, with monetising potential and investment appeal. Continue reading

The CINES and its archiving platform PAC

“PAC” (Plateforme d’Archivage) is an archiving platform specifically focused on long-term digital preservation developed by the Centre Informatique National de l’Enseignement Supérieur. Continue reading

REMIX – Global Summit on Culture, Technology & Entrepreneurship

Join creative pioneers from across the globe at REMIX Summit London, 2nd-3rd December 2014. This is the flagship chapter in a series of global summits on Culture, Technology and Entrepreneurship. REMIX Summits are produced in collaboration with worldwide partners Google, … Continue reading