E-Space Digital Dance Day in Coventry

by Hetty Blades and Rosamaria Cisneros, Coventry, University (UK).

As part of the EU funded Europeana Space (E-Space) project, C-DaRE  held its Digital Dance Day March 16th, 2016, to showcase two recently developed digital tools for dance practice and scholarship.

E-Space is a three-year project, now in its third year, which examines the creative reuse of cultural heritage across a range of art and media forms. As part of the project researchers at C-DaRE have teamed up with partners from New University Lisbon and IN2 to develop two digital tools to facilitate and encourage creative engagement with digital dance content.


DancePro is a digital annotation tool, which allows users to inscribe on top of live streamed and recorded footage. It is designed for use during and after the creative process, allowing artists to notate their work and draw attention to key features. The tool allows for aspects of choreographic thinking to be communicated across disciplines and has great potential for use in educational contexts.

DanceSpaces is an online portal that allows users to search, collate and organise dance content. It facilitates the development of virtual exhibitions, specialist educational resources, and expansive collections of online and personal content.

E-Space Digital Dance Day from Rosamaria E. Kostic Cisneros on Vimeo.

The E-Space Digital Dance Day introduced the tools through a series of practical workshops led by Sarah WhatleyRosa Cisneros and Hetty Blades. The morning session explored the potentials of annotation in studio contexts and participants had the opportunity to experiment with using DancePro in their own practice, and explore the multiple ways they can be used for research and education. The afternoon session looked at ‘remixing’ dance, using DanceSpaces to source, learn, re-make, and share online content. The Pilot explored embodied interaction with digital dance, developing new works and collections for submission to an online dance exhibition.


Photos credit: KoZin Photography


PREFORMA presented at ILIDE 2016, Innovative Library in Digital Era

IMG_5988Antonella Fresa, Technical Coordinator of PREFORMA, presented the project at the 19th edition of the ILIDE Conference.

The presentation focused in particular on the open source approach and on the forthcoming testing phase, showing how the conformance checkers can be used and integrated in other systems.


ILIDE,  Innovative Library in Digital Era, is the continuation of well-known and prestigious Digital Library Conference and brings together digital preservation, digital collections access and digital processing experts from around the world. The presentations were delivered by leading representatives of the most important institutions dedicated to librarianship, archiving, information technology, cultural and collecting activities.


For further information please visit the Conference website.

Repurpose, Experience, Taste and Rethink Culture

How to creatively reuse & participate in digital culture: an event organized by NTUA with the support of PostScriptum, to present the WITH platform technology that is at the basis of E-Space Technical Space.

This one day conference brought together speakers from the ICT, Creative Industries and Cultural Heritage communities to present and discuss the impact of digital content on sustainable economic and social development.

It highlighted the growing efforts to share the wealth of cultural resources, research and knowledge found in institutional repositories in order to promote creativity, generated innovation and lead to richer interpretations of the past that improve our understanding of the national and European identity.

The event aimed to generate new perspectives and facilitate the creative re-use of  cultural heritage and associated metadata made available through online digital collections within a framework of creative experimentation and novel dialogue between multidisciplinary sectors,  explore the potential of crowdsourcing as a means of promoting increased public participation in core tasks such as collecting, describing, categorizing, or curating heritage collections.

During the event, there was a mix of inspiring talks and lively discussions on cultural heritage discoverability and creative reuse,  community engagement and the implicit business potential that lies in this. The newly founded  collaborative WITH platform was be demonstrated via focused presentations and showcased with applications to different spaces: Audio-Visual, Food & Drink, Museums & Art, Smart Cities.

Event’s page: http://mint-events.image.ntua.gr/

Visit event’s page in other websites:


Friday, 8 April 2016, 9.00-16.00
Brussels, Covent Garden, 9th floor, room 183 (COV2 9.0183)
16, Place Charles Rogier, BE-1210 Brussels

This workshop gathered projects on Social Sciences and Humanities
that focus on different aspects of cultures and citizenship.

Agenda and speakers

8.45 Registration and welcome coffee
9.00 Welcoming address
Elisabeth Lipiatou, Head of Unit B.6, Open and Inclusive Societies, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, European Commission
9.20 RICHES Renewal, Innovation and Change: Heritage and European Society
Neil Forbes, Coventry University, United Kingdom
9.40 CULTURALBASE Social Platform on Cultural Heritage and European Identities
Arturo Julio Rodriguez Morato, University of Barcelona, Spain
10.00 MEMOLA MEditerranean MOntainous LAndscapes: an historical approach to cultural heritage based on traditional agrosystems
María Teresa Bonet García, Arqueoandalusí – Arqueología y Patrimonio
10.20 CRE8TV.EU Creativity for Innovation & Growth in Europe
Mickael Benaim, University of Manchester, United Kingdom
10.40 Coffee break
11.00 MIME Mobility and Inclusion in Multilingual Europe
Francois Grin, University of Geneva, Switzerland
11.20 ATHEME Advancing the European Multilingual Experience
Lisa Cheng, Leiden University, The Netherlands
11.40 DIMECCE Defining and Identifying Middle Eastern Christian Communities in Europe
Fiona McCallum, University of St Andrews, United Kingdom
12.00 Discussion & Conclusions of the Morning Session
Sylvie Rohanova and Zoltán Krasznai, Policy Officers, Unit B.6, Open and Inclusive Societies, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, European Commission

12.30 Sandwich lunch

13.40 bEUcitizen All Rights Reserved? Barriers towards EUropean CITIZENship
Sybe de Vries, Europa Institute, Utrecht University
14.00 LIVEWHAT Living with Hard Times: How European Citizens Deal with Economic Crises and Their Social and Political Consequences
Marco Gabriele Giugni, University of Geneva, Switzerland
14.20 RESCuE Patterns of Resilience during Socioeconomic Crises among Households in Europe
Markus Promberger, The Institute for Employment Research (IAB), Germany
14.40 SOLIDUS Solidarity in European societies: empowerment, social justice and citizenship
Marta Soler Gallart, University of Barcelona, Spain
15.00 Coffee break
15.20 TransSOL – European paths to transnational solidarity at times of crisis: Conditions, forms, role-models and policy responses
Ulrike Zschache, University of Siegen, Germany
15.40 Discussion & Conclusions of the Workshop
Yuri Borgmann-Prebil, Policy Officer, Unit B.6, Open and Inclusive Societies, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, European Commission
End of the Workshop

Download the Agenda in PDF

Digital Echoes Symposium 2016: Dance Pilot and Games Pilot on show

by Hetty Blades and Rosamaria Cisneros, Coventry University (UK)

The Europeana Space Dance and Games Pilot joined forces and organised the 6th edition of the Digital Echoes Symposium. The event took place at Coventry University in the UK on Friday March 4th 2016. The day opened with a keynote by Professor Matthew Fuller (Goldsmith University) “Just Fun Enough to go Completely Mad About: on games, procedures and amusement” and welcomed a number of experts in dance, arts and humanities, and saw a range of practitioners who are critically engaging with archival material.

We invited contributions that considered the impacts of public/user participation on archival practice and research, and their legacy for the future. The symposium saw a series of presentations that ranged from a silent lecture by C-DaRE’s own PhD student, Emilie Gallier, whose instructions led participants to manipulate and dance with archival material,  to case studies and projects by leading artists and researchers who are working in an interdisciplinary fashion of bringing Cultural Heritage and the arts and/or dance together through the use of archival practices. C-DaRE’s visiting researcher, Monica Dantas, also presented her work on the process of building a dance archive in Southern Brazil and referenced C-DaRE’s Siobhan Davies RePlay archive (http://www.siobhandaviesreplay.com/sdda) as a key pillar of her research.

In addition to organizing the event, the Pilots set up their applications and allowed delegates to engage with the tools. The two applications DanceSpaces and DancePro were on display as well as the Games Pilot’s casual, educational and social games. The Europeana Space corner was frequented throughout the day and many participants spoke with the Pilot coordinators to gain more knowledge on Europeana, Europeana Space and its various activities.

c-dare (1)

The event titled (Re)Collecting the Past:(Re)Making the Future, focused on participation as one of the most prominent legacies of the digital, in particular  how it invokes processes of collectivity, democratisation and decentering. The tools were a great asset to the day as they allowed users to see how the re-use of digital content can be (re)worked to support new ways of (re)making the future.

Learn more on the Dance Pilot: http://www.europeana-space.eu/dance-pilot/

Learn more on the Games Pilot: http://www.europeana-space.eu/games-pilot/

photos credit to Koko Zin

Results of the EC concertation meeting for PCP projects

EC_beaulieu25The third concertation meeting for on-going PCP projects in DG Connect, organised by the European Commission in Brussels on 10 March 2015, gave the opportunity to the attendees to network and share experiences on common issues that they face while implementing PCPs.

The meeting started with a plenary session, which provided an update on the state of play of PCP implementation, including the main lessons learned so far, indications how to prepare the deployment of the innovative solution through PPI already during the PCP, and a presentation of the new Horizon 2020 CNECT PCP projects.

In the afternoon, two paralles workshops took place, the first one dedicated to the ongoing FP7 project to discuss how to test, assess and evaluate the results of the PCP and how to measure its impact, the second one dedicated to the new H2020 projects, to discuss how to carry out the market consultation and how to prepare the invitation to tender.


Antonella Fresa, Technical Coordinator of PREFORMA, presented the methodology and approach to evaluate and improve the software prototypes, i.e. how set up a framework and an infractucture that allows to “train” the tools during the prototyping phase and to evaluate them during the testing phase.


Download here the agenda of the meeting.

Download here the presentation by PREFORMA.

E-Space at INTED 2016

fred at intedby Clarissa Colangelo, KU Leuven

From the 7th till the 9th of March 2016, the 10th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference took place in Valencia, Spain. Every year, INTED brings together more than 700 delegates from 80 different countries, providing the opportunity to present own projects, research and innovative methods in teaching and learning. It is a platform to discuss the latest developments in the field of teaching and learning methodologies, educational projects, innovations and new technologies applied to education and research, with experts from all over the world.

Among the various sessions and panels of the interesting and large conference program, E-Space was present. Prof Fred Truyen (KU Leuven, coordinator of the E-Space Photography pilot and president of Photoconsortium) didn’t miss the opportunity to give a lecture about the contribution of Europeana and Europeana Space to education during the session dedicated to Open Educational Resources. His talk focused on the Europeana portal and collections, right labels, the E-Space Educational channel and the upcoming E-Space MOOC.

The Conference Proceedings, among which is the article by Fred Truyen “MOOCs and Online Learning: the Contribution of Europeana to Education”, will soon be available online, in the iated Digital Library.

Read the Photography pilot blog HERE.

Innovative Libraries In a Digital Environment



For the 19th time, the beautiful surroundings of Low Tatras will create a scenery for the ILIDE 2016 Conference where as usually the digital preservation, digital collections access and digital processing experts from around the world will gather.


bg_digilibThe conference is the continuation of well-known and prestigious Digital Library Conference. The organisers felt that the name should reflect the broader area of topics the conference has recently presented and ilide: Innovative Library in Digital Era fully represents the conference’s broader scope. However, the ilide2016conference is not losing its attractive atmosphere and remains a unique opportunity to connect with library professionals, who work in a variety of government, academic and private sectors.


The presentations will be given by leading representatives of the most important institutions dedicated to librarianship, archiving, information technology, cultural and collecting activities.


Antonella Fresa, from Promoter srl, Technical Coordinator of PREFORMA, will present the project, focusing in particular on the open source approach and on the forthcoming testing phase, showing how the conformance checkers can be used and integrated in other systems.



The full programme of the Conference is available here: http://ilideconference.schk.sk/wordpress/digital-library-english/agenda/

Registration here: http://ilideconference.schk.sk/wordpress/digital-library-english/registration/

For further information please visit the Conference website.


E-Space network enlarges: welcome to Rokiškis regional museum

Rokiškis regional museum is an institutional member of the Lithuanian Museums Association. The beginnings of Rokiškis Regional Museum date back to 1933, when enthusiasts assembled in the Society for Regional Studies and established the Museum of Regional Studies. The first museum spaces were two rooms in the county library. In 1939 the museum’s collection consisted of 1046 objects of museological value.

This regional museum has an impressive amount of visitors per year and may become an interesting case for the use of the Blinkster prototype developed in the E-Space Museums pilot, and for cooperation with European partners. The Rokiškis museum is interested to test Blinkster app and share results with other partners within the project funded by national program of the Lithuanian Council for Culture.


Currently, the museum houses over 100 thousand exhibits. The unique history and culture of the Rokiškis Region is preserved here: countless archaeological finds, old books, documents and prints, coins and banknotes from various ages, visual and applied art pieces representing manor house culture, a valuable collection of the Counts’ clothing, manor house archival material, photographs, old and new folk art collections with the exceptional works of the 20th century’s most famous Lithuanian wood carver, Lionginas Šepka, and the only collection of nativity sculptures in the country. The museum conducts research, publishing, educational and expositional activity, as well as organising events and festivities. Every year the museum attracts over 50,000 visitors from more than 30 countries.

The project „Rokiškis manor“ was the winner of the Lithuanian Destination of Exellence that corresponds the theme „Tourism and Regeneration of physical sites, 2011“ In 2012, the Rokiškis Regional Museum was chosen as the Museum of the Year. It was selected by experts as one of Lithuania’s 20 best museums, receiving the most votes by online news site delfi.lt readers. Since 2012 ongoing digitization activities, the museum provided content in the Project Europeana Photography.


The Future Museum Challenge / E-Space hackathon in Venice

Another inspiring hackathon for Europeana Space took place in Venice, at the Ca’ Foscari University Campus (Mestre), dedicated to Museums.

The call itself was exciting: We’re looking for innovative and advantageous designers, coders, museum experts and lovers, cultural managers,  artists, creatives, IT and marketing experts to take up the challenge of redefining the museum experience and take their new ideas to market!

Over 120 people responded to the call and over 90 of them came to Venice to bring their ideas.

The event was a great success with hackers and teams coming from different countries, and the nice organization of hosting partner Ca’ Foscari with the support of Museums Pilot coordinator Fondazione Sistema Toscana and of Technical coordinator Promoter S.r.l.

During the two-day event, the 16 different teams focused on building new products and developing creative ideas that will bring museums into the 21st century with a better user experience, enhancing content, engaging the audience and improving the educational experience. Participants worked on creating products that are not only innovative but also can produce sustainable business models.

The event started with a plenary session that set the scene for the challenge with presentations about the Museums Pilot and its contents, the E-Space project, the WITH platform, Europeana, as well as the insights on the competition itself.

The selection of the three winners was very tough, due to the high quality of proposed ideas. After a pleasant but long discussion, the jury voted the first three promising and innovative ideas, whose representatives  and will now fly to London for an intensive Business Modelling Workshop to hone their ideas’ business potential.

Here’s the lucky winners:

  • Proverb team with “PostArt”; a way to share contents and emotions from the museum visit
  • 3logic team with “YourMuseum”; a mobile app to see really beyond what is seen from the usual visitor’s eye
  • Lilith team with an app to spice up the museum visit with edutainment features

…but we are sure that we will hear again also from some of the other projects and teams!

After a further selection, only one team from the three will be selected: the one with the strongest idea will win a 3-month intensive incubation package from the Europeana Space Network.

If we had to summarize the hackathon in 3 words, the choice would be: exciting, inspiring, successful!

Event website: http://www.europeana-space.eu/hackathons/museums/

Download the flyer (PDF, 3.15 Mb)

museums hackathon1