Search Results for: cultural project

#IF2015: Space for the Digital Revolution

Internet Festival 2015 is taking place on 8-11 October, as every year in Pisa. One of the most important European events dedicated to the digital world, IF is an unmissable date to understand what the technological innovation can represent for the future of Italy and the Italians. The meeting provides a programme packed with appointments and hundreds of guests. “Space” is the topic of this edition 2015: how it, and the perception of it, has changed in time. #IF2015 is held in friendship with the conference “Cloud Forward 2015”. Continue reading

File formats for preservation

Riksarkivet (the Swedish National Archive) has been invited to the IS&T conference Archiving 2017 to hold a course about file formats for preservation on the 15th of May. The course will take the form of a workshop with the purpose to concretise the work done in Riksarkivet’s research and development program ArkivE 2.0 by using the tools developed in the PREFORMA project. Continue reading

Digital Nights: Digital Poetry

Onassis Cultural Centre organized an interesting encounter with J. R. Carpenter, moderated by Prodromos Tsiavos and Thodoris Chiotis. Athens (Greece), 21st March 2018, h19:00 Galaxia & Evridamantos str. (behind the OCC building) Website: J.R. Carpenter first began using the … Continue reading

Tools for uncovering preservation risks in large repositories

This webminar aims to demonstrate how to identify preservation risks in your content and, at the same time, share your content profile information with others to open new opportunities. There are 23 places available which will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis. Continue reading

Interview with Brendan Coates

This is the seventh in a series of interviews with people using MediaConch within their institutions. Brendan is AudioVisual Digitization Technician at the University of California. He is using MediaConch both on the raw XDCAM captures, to make sure that they’re appropriate inputs to the ingest script, and on the outputs, to make sure the script is functioning correctly. Continue reading


February 2012: Parisienne de Photography, Roger-Viollet’s parent company, joins the EuropeanaPhotography project: 30.000 images from the agency’s own collections will be digitised and contributed to Europeana within the next 3 years. Continue reading

Guidelines for digitization and data preservation

The main task of Digisam is promoting the achievement of the objectives of the Swedish national strategy for digitisation, but among its activities one key focus is on international dissemination. The latest release in English is about guiding principles for working with digital cultural heritage and for enabling effective cooperation regarding digitisation and its related processes. Continue reading

Open Science Day at KU Leuven

KU Leuven Open Science day 2023 The Open Science day is the KU Leuven event where researchers share experiences about Open Science. Open to all KU Leuven researchers (PhD students, postdocs, professors) Date: 2 May (9 am – 5 pm) Hybrid event: … Continue reading

ARCH’s CEN Workshop Agreement for Resilience Management: open for Comments

ARCH project, together with several other organisations, has developed a draft CEN Workshop Agreement, CWA 17727 on a “Disaster Risk Management / Climate Change Adaptation Framework for historic areas”. The draft , to which more than 40 stakeholders contributed, defines … Continue reading

EAGLE, Europeana network of Ancient Greek and Latin Epigraphy

The EAGLE BPN represents a community of research institutions documenting the most recent progress in the study of Classical Epigraphy. By aggregating digital content from unique and authoritative collections in its domain, the BPN brings together a significant quantity of information about ancient writings on ancient artifacts to the wide Europeana audience, thereby enhancing the quality of the historical experience and stimulating discovery in primary source materials never disclosed before to users on such a large scale. Continue reading