Search Results for: cultural project

LoCloud international competition – deadline 1 November!

LoCloud is a Best Practice Network that brings together a strong group of technical partners with network and regional aggregation service providers, and a number of partners representing specialised museums, public libraries and archives.  LoCloud’s overall goal is to support … Continue reading

EBONY & JET magazines’ archive will (hopefully) soon be widely accessible

Text by Caterina Sbrana. It’s been 74 years since John H. Johnson, an American businessman and publisher, laid the foundation of a new magazine called Ebony and 68 years from the birth of Jet, considered the Ebony sister.  We are … Continue reading

VIEW Conference and competitions 2018 – call for films

The 2018 VIEW Conference is now accepting submissions for its 2018 film competitions: The VIEW AWARD 2018 for short animated films, which has a €2,000 first prize, and the ITALIANMIX award for Italian short films. The VIEW AWARD is open … Continue reading

DHN 2018 Di­gital Hu­man­it­ies in the Nor­dic Coun­tries

The 3rd conference of the association of Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries (DHN) will be held at the University of Helsinki March 7–9, 2018. The conference is organised by HELDIG – the Helsinki Centre for Digital Humanities at the University of Helsinki, the Faculty of Arts. The overarching … Continue reading

Unleashing the power of data-driven tourism

On Friday 22 September, 2023, PwC will organise an event, “Unleashing the power of data-driven tourism“, featuring Amazon Web Services (AWS), to inspire and create synergies between different stakeholders to unleash the power of data and accelerate data pooling and … Continue reading

CROSS Award 2018 – IV edition

LIS Lab Performing Arts – in collaboration with the Comune di Verbania (Municipality of Verbania) and with the support of MiBACT, the Regione Piemonte (Piedmont Region), Fondazione Piemonte dal Vivo (Fondazione Piedmont Live) Fondazione CRT (CRT Foundation) and Ricola. Announces … Continue reading

Comparing Formats for Video Digitization

The Audio-Visual Working Group within the Federal Agencies Digitization Guidelines Initiative recently posted a comparison of a few selected digital file formats for consideration when reformatting videotapes. The new report compares MXF and MKV on sustainability. Continue reading

TownsWeb Archiving – TWA announcing the winners of the UK grant

The TWA UK heritage digitisation grant scheme ran for its fourth year in a row this July/August and we reached a record number of archivists and holders of heritage material. It was great to see so many organisations on board … Continue reading

A female director for the Louvre!

The Louvre is about to get its first female director for the first time since its opening in 1793. Laurence des Cars, current head of the Musée d’Orsay and Musée de l’Orangerie in Paris, was recently appointed by President Macron … Continue reading

“Changing with the Times” – ICSB Arts & Entrepreneurship Series

Put forth by UNESCO, artists around the world engage with the “ResiliArt” movement to demonstrate how “confinement can also be a period of openness to others and to culture, to strengthen the links between artistic creation and society.” The movement remains strong … Continue reading