RICHES: policy brief on co-creation released!
co-creation session at Waag Society

co-creation session at Waag Society


A crucial topic that is addressed and researched within the RICHES consortium is co-creation, being the practice where different stakeholders with different expertise come together collaboratively to create future-oriented perspectives, enrich cultural heritage (CH) experiences and build relations with networks that are closely invested in an institution’s collection.
Co-creation within CH institutions is not a new phenomenon, but the current practice often is project based, run only by the educational staff, met with skepticism from curators and conservators, leaving a lot of potential results untouched. Besides providing an indication of good practices in co-creation and a practical toolkit for heritage professionals who want to take on this challenge themselves, the RICHES project also provides this policy brief. The paper is based on preliminary research findings, where the consortium gives a short overview of the potential benefits of co-creative methods and current practices in the CH sector and offers a number of suggestions to stimulate co-creation in CH on a strategic level.


«A co-creative approach that is firmly rooted in CH institutions can potentially change the way that heritage is curated, presented, digitised and shared, involving specific experts, specific communities and specific target groups to address a topic or a collection together. By working in an equal partnership, where personal expertise is recognised and valued and where people meet each other and share ideas through creating something together, unexpected outcomes can emerge. More importantly, ownership is created and the exhibition, campaign or programme is closely connected with the stakeholders and reflects a broader story than just the viewpoint of the CH professional» A very important outcome or result of co-creation is «that a CH institution may become more embedded within the communities it is trying to reach. Working co-creatively can enable CH institutions to build a relationship with their local communities, with new visitors, with younger people or with people from diverse cultural backgrounds».


A co-creation process can help organisations: «find a connection between groups that would normally not collaborate; raise awareness and sensitivity towards important issues with certain groups; create a safe space for sharing; create a common understanding; enable the creation of more layered and nuanced exhibitions and events; build relationships between groups that exist well beyond the scope of a project». [RICHES, Co-creation strategies: from incidental to transformative, 2015]



Download this policy brief

From Digitisation to Preservation, Creative Re-use of Cultural Content and Citizen Participation

On 1st October 2015, in Granada, an important event was being held, organised by Promoter SRL under the title “From Digitisation to Preservation, Creative Re-use of Cultural Content and Citizen Participation”. The initiative, hosted by the Digital Heritage 2015 conference, was a discussion panel involving EU projects RICHES, Civic Epistemologies, E-Space, PREFORMA and the international association Photoconsortium.





Click here for further information on the Panel, including programme and speaker.


More details on Digital Heritage 2015 are available in the Conference website.

Civic Epistemologies at Digital Heritage 2015

Civic Epistemologies was presented in a panel session entitled “From Digitisation to Preservation, Creative Re-use of Cultural Content and Citizen Participation” at the DIGITAL HERITAGE 2015 conference in Granada (28 September – 2 October 2015).

“Federated” world congress of the leading international societies, organisations and events around IT for heritage, this event will bring together for the second time VSMM, Eurographics GCH, Arqueologica 2.0, Archaeovirtual and special events from CAA, CIPA, Space2Place, ICOMOS, ICIP and many more, all in one venue with a prestigious joint publication. A ground-breaking public display of cutting edge digital heritage projects will also grace the conference venue at Granada’s Alhambra and Sciences Park museum.

The “From Digitisation to Preservation, Creative Re-use of Cultural Content and Citizen Participation” panel, taking place on 1st October 2015, offered an overview of initiatives and EU projects E-Space, RICHES, Civic Epistemologies, PREFORMA, and Photoconsortium.


For more information view the article published on DigitalMeetsCulture to announce this event.

SOIMA 2015: Unlocking Sound and Image Heritage


Call for contributions: Deadline 15 February 2015

What? This is an international conference on ensuring a safe and creative future for sound and image heritage. Twelve national and international institutions are supporting the event.

Why? Recorded sound and images have captured our world, our lives and our imagination. Thanks to rapid advancements in social media and information technologies, it has become much easier to share and use sound and image content. Yet contrary to common perception, not all content is readily usable. Today’s knowledge on preservation and access is fragmented, often trapped in separate areas of expertise, presenting a challenge to content collectors and users.

How? The conference will bring together professionals and policy makers with an interest in sound and image preservation by focusing on four themes:

  • Memory, Intangible Heritage and Creative Expressions
  • Sustaining Sound and Image Heritage
  • Creative Use and Access
  • Education and Training: Current Needs and Future Possibilities

Contribute!  Is there a theme on which you want to share your experience, a challenge that needs to be addressed, an innovative and real-life example or do you have an idea for the future? Then join us for a long (20 min.) or short presentation (10 min.), round table discussion (20 min.) or poster presentation.

The conference will have an interactive and participatory, yet reflective, format with inspirational guest talks, round-table discussions, featured interviews, and parallel sessions on special/technical topics. Additionally, there will be both hosted networking occasions and social activities. An exhibition area will provide rich possibilities to directly experience and learn about unique and little-known sound and image heritage. A poster area will also be available. A pre-conference workshop of five days will be organized for advanced professionals who are responsible for training or knowledge dissemination on preservation and access of mixed sound and image collections.

The complete, detailed programme will be available by 10 April 2015.

If you would like to present a paper, please send a 150-word abstract (excluding references). For the purpose of blind refereeing, the full name of each author with current affiliation and full contact details (address, email, phone), title of presentation, and a short biographical note (max. 150 words) should be supplied on a separate page. Both documents (abstract and contact details) should be in English. Please indicate the theme as well as the type of contribution you wish to contribute.

Proposals for papers should be sent using the  Pre-registration and Abstract Submission form or by e-mail to by 15 February 2015. All applicants will be informed about the status of their  application by 20 March 2015.

Collaboration, and exchange of information and know-how between institutions and specialists is key to unlocking this heritage!

More information:


Concorso fotografico Pisa oltre lo specchio



in collaborazione con




presenta il
concorso fotografico a premi

“Pisa oltre lo specchio: il suo fiume, i suoi canali, il suo mare”

L’acqua è stata e continua ad essere per la città di Pisa un elemento di importanza vitale.
Elemento generativo della città stessa e fonte da addomesticare, molte volte sfruttato con poca lungimiranza.
Ai partecipanti del concorso fotografico è chiesto di esplorare, con un approccio personale il più originale possibile, la pluralità del rapporto spesso altalenante che lega l’acqua alla città e ai suoi cittadini o di
soffermarsi su un aspetto particolare di tale pluralità.

Esplorare ed illustrare l’elemento acqua come risorsa e possibilità, limite e punto di fuga;
come metafora identitaria e opportunità di valorizzazione del contesto urbano, sociale e architettonico.

La partecipazione al concorso è gratuita ed è aperta a tutti i fotografi, esperti e/o dilettanti di qualsiasi nazionalità.
Ogni autore è libero di interpretare il tema a proprio piacimento e può presentare al concorso un massimo di tre opere.

Una giuria di esperti selezionerà le migliori 50 foto pervenute.
Il giudizio della giuria è inappellabile.

Le immagini vincitrici e le foto selezionate saranno esposte al pubblico presso
gli Arsenali Repubblicani di Pisa in occasione di
LabQ – Laboratorio per la Qualità Urbana Pisa 16-25 ottobre 2015
“La priorità dello Spazio Pubblico. Il Verde come valore primario nelle nuove strategie urbane.”

La giuria decreterà le opere vincitrici il 24 ottobre 2015 presso la sede espositiva e mediante pubblicazione dei nominativi dei vincitori e delle opere sul sito
Le fotografie potranno essere consegnate a mano o spedite entro il 5 ottobre 2015 insieme alla scheda di iscrizione all’indirizzo seguente:
Associazione Culturale Imago, Via G. Bovio, 10 – 56126 Pisa.

Ogni singola foto, di dimensioni massima 24x30cm, può essere sia a colori che in bianco e nero e dovrà essere montata su cartoncino nero rigido 30x40cm.
Ogni foto dovrà riportare sul retro nome e cognome dell’autore e il titolo dell’opera.


I premi
1° classificato:
I cinque DVD della serie “Fotografia Italiana” raccolti in un cofanetto. 5 film documentari dedicati ai fotografi italiani tra i più noti a livello internazionale: Gabriele Basilico, Gianni Berengo Gardin, Franco Fontana, Mimmo Jodice e Ferdinando Scianna. 2009, 5 volumi, Ed. Contrasto

2° classificato:
“Gabriele Basilico – Milano. Ritratti di fabbriche” 2009, 126p., ill., Ed. 24 Ore Cultura

3° classificato:
“Mimmo Jodice. Perdersi a guardare. Trenta anni di fotografie in Italia” 2007, 276 p., ill., rilegato. Ed. Contrasto

Ogni partecipante è responsabile dell’oggetto delle proprie opere e solleva gli organizzatori da ogni responsabilità, anche nei confronti di eventuali soggetti raffigurati nelle fotografie. Il concorrente dovrà informare gli eventuali interessati (persone ritratte) nei casi e nei modi previsti dall’art.10 della legge 675/96 e successiva modifica con D.Lgs. 30 giugno 2003 n.196, nonché procurarsi il consenso alla diffusione degli stessi.
In nessun caso le immagini inviate potranno contenere dati qualificabili come sensibili.
Ogni partecipante dichiara di possedere tutti i diritti sugli originali, conserva la proprietà delle opere trasmesse alla giuria, ma autorizza ad usare le immagini a scopi promozionali senza fini di lucro, redazionali e documentari, senza l’obbligo del consenso da parte dell’autore, ma con il solo vincolo di indicare nella pubblicazione il nome dello stesso. La partecipazione al concorso implica la la totale accettazione del presente regolamento.

Announcing the winners! Business Modeling Workshop of Europeana Space

by Simon Cronshaw, REMIX

Europeana Space consortium is very pleased to announce that we’re now embarking on the Incubation process of the winner of the first Business Modelling Workshop of the project, held in London on 26th June, following the TV Hackathon which took place in May in Amsterdam.

We had three very interesting ideas emerging from the TV Hackathon, named Bosch, ART(F)INDER, and Mnemosyne, but had to choose one winner that we felt best met the judging criteria objectives:

  • reuse of cultural heritage;
  • potential for job creation
  • and likelihood of success.

The winning proposition still has the internal working title of “Mnemosyne”, but will be launched under a new name over the coming months.


winner teams of the TV hackathon in Amsterdam (8, 9, 10 May 2015)

We were drawn to Mnemosyne because it has several different components, and is a well placed to capitalise upon several consumer and industry trends. Among other things, it offers an innovative user interface for online catalogues; an algorithm for serendipitous browsing across different disciplines; and a hardware installation for physical environments. One of the most attractive aspects of this proposition are the multiple revenue models and markets available to them, which we’ll be unpicking in due course as part of the Incubation process.

It is still very early stages for Knut, Marius and the rest of the Mnemosyne team, but over the next few months we’ll be working closely with them to develop a strategy that gives them the very best chance of succeeding as a commercially viable cultural startup, on the basis of the Europeana Space Incubation Support Package.

We look forward to keeping you updated on their journey, and wish them the very best for this exciting new enterprise!

You can read the Amsterdam hackathon report here and watch the video report here, plus learn more on the Business Modeling Workshop in London here.


ICA 2015 Conference



The 3rd Annual Conference of ICA will be held on 29-29 September in the beautiful city of Reykjavik, Iceland.

The conference will address themes that are essential for archives in modern society, the role and function of archives and their importance for individuals, governments and businesses.


Under the theme of “Archives: Evidence, Security and Civil Rights Ensuring trustworthy information” the Annual Conference 2015 will without doubt be the highlight of this year’s professional calendar.


We are operating in an increasingly digitised world, accompanied by unprecedented accumulations of records. This new world offers many opportunities, however also brings with it considerable threats. Archives around the world must take on board a diverse and complex range of attitudes expressed by citizens, businesses and governments concerning the accountability of institutions, right of access to information, privacy/data protection, security of archival holdings and the protection of national security. The Annual Conference 2015 promises to bring together the best international speakers with a stimulating program of events to enable the Archives and Records Management community to engage with these important issues and influence the ongoing development of strategies and solutions.


For further information visit the Conference website.

19th International Conference on Electronic Publishing



The international conference on Electronic Publishing (ElPub) approaches its 20th anniversary. Elpub 2015, held in Valletta from 1 to 3 September, is the 19th edition of the conference and it will continue the tradition, bringing together academics, publishers, lecturers, librarians, developers, entrepreneurs, users and all other stakeholders interested in issues regarding electronic publishing in widely differing contexts. These include the human, cultural, economic, social, technological, legal, commercial and other relevant aspects that such an exciting theme encompasses.

ElPub 2015 will particularly focus on the interplay of two dimensions of the electronic publishing: the ever growing volume of digital collections and the improved understanding of the widest user group, the one of the citizens.
ElPub 2015 aims to provide a forum for discussing how scale of collections, openness and trust change the way citizens contribute to modern research.
The conference invites contributions from members of the communities whose research and experiments are transforming the nature of electronic publishing and scholarly communication.


As part of the conference programme, the Civic Epistemologies project will attend with a presentation of its activities within the session “What’s in it for me? Engaging with citizens and professionals”, scheduled for Tuesday 1st September (11.00-13.00 CET). The presentation will be delivered by the Project Coordinator Mauro Fazio (from the Italian Ministry of Economic Development) and Borje Justrell (from the National Archives of Sweden), intervening as representatives of the whole project consortium.


See the full article presented and published into the proceedings of the Conference here.

See the full Programme of the Conference here.

Venue: St James Cavalier Centre for Creativity, Valletta (MALTA).

Elpub 2015 is organised by the University of Malta. The University of Malta is the highest educational institution in Malta.

General Chair: Dr Milena Dobreva, Associate Professor at the University of Malta, Malta
Programme Chair: Birgit Schmidt, University of Göttingen, Germany.

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  • identification of R&D partners and scientific expertise, 
  • visualisation of a specific research ecosystem, 
  • creating consortia or collaborative projects, 
  • identification of leading technologic players
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  • resolving research issues


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For further information visit the Expernova website and follow Expernova on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube.

A hub to bring together creativity and production





From 30 September to 3 October, the first edition of the Bologna Design Week is being held under the auspices of Municipality of Bologna, Emilia Romagna Region and CERSAIE. Thanks to the initiative, for the first time cultural, production and creative excellences of the territory convene in an integrated communication system. The Emilian centre will become a further attraction hub in the Italian design system, through a rich programme providing exhibitions, workshops, talks and business meetings organised in the framework of 8 thematic itineraries.


Bologna Design Week 2015 - 3D printing in fashion

Bologna Design Week 2015 – 3D printing in fashion


Bologna Design Week is a cultural event aimed at mapping the creativity spread over the territory, through a collaborative approach between institutions, enterprises, designers, universities, research companies, associations and privates. An activity strategical to a territory featuring production excellences in many sectors (from packaging to ceramic, from car to textile industry, from education to food and wellness) and expressing itself not only through product design, but also and mainly in the B2B world, by creating industrial products, technologies, services, design processes and communication plans. The initiative aims to merge and tell multifarious design experiences, by realising an event that is meeting point between the research world and the production world and highlights their creative geographies.
The event provides four main seats (Galleria Cavour, Campogrande Concept, Corte Isolani and Atelier Corradi), a programme thick with workshops, happenings, talks, meetings with companies, institutions, firms and personalities from the design sector and eight thematic itineraries with stands by great brands such as Flos, Molteni & C Dada, Kartell, Fritz Hansen and Vitra.


An Info&Press Point will be in Giampaolo Gazziero’s temporary store of Galleria Cavour, in the green atmospheres of the exposition Galleria Cavour Green, promoted by BolognaFiere and realised by Latifoglia Group. Campogrande Concept will host workshops, talks and expositions. Corte Isolani will be instead reserved to the Design Food section, providing tastes, workshops and exhibits dedicated to the preparation, elaboration, transportation and preservation of food. The subject matter is put on show within the exhibit “Maybe a new way” curated by Accademia di Belle Arti, while Fashion loves Food will offer a reading of the relationship between fashion and food, curated by the Course of Cultures and Fashion Techniques of Bologna’s University. Finally, Atelier Corradi will host a selection of emerging designers. It will be possible to admire, among others, works and products by Antonello Ghezzi, Juno design, Crete Pièce Unique, Maria Luigia 7071 and Cristian De Franchi.



For further info (Italian language) visit