Paper by INCULTUM Portuguese pilot on cultural landscape of Campina de Faro.

The noria as a privileged expression of heritage andwater mastery | photo Desidério Batista

The cultural landscape of the Campina de Faro is characterized by the
presence of vegetable gardens and orchards associated with a historical,

evolving, and adaptable irrigation system, revealing a technological unit

(hydraulic infrastructures) and a social unit (local community).

The paper, The cultural landscape of Campina de Faro: solutions based on water heritage and cultural tourism”, focuses on INCULTUM’s Portuguese pilot, located in the Algarve region in southern Portugal, and describes the process of research and cooperation carried out in the first two years of the project to fulfil their goals, reflecting and debating around the role and importance of the agrarian landscape and water heritage as a basis for community-based cultural tourism, in a territory subject to a process of disqualification.

To download and read the whole article (PDF, 9,78 MB), follow this link.


Time Machine Academy: LILLO 1640

Time Machine Academy shows how a virtual reconstruction of a historical site is made, based upon the example of the 17th century fortress of Lillo, Belgium. This fortress was reconstructed by Visual Dimension bvba, in close cooperation with the Centre for Urban History at the University of Antwerp and the European ‘Recapture the Fortress Cities’ (RCF) project.

Just north of Antwerp (Belgium) lies Fort Lillo, one of the oldest forts around Antwerp. The villages around the area have disappeared during recent harbour expansions in the 1960s, but Fort Lillo has been preserved as a heritage site. In the coming years, Fort Lillo will go through a process of intensive spatial replanning, mainly initiated from the need for more substantial levees protecting the inland area from flooding.

To facilitate this process, a true ‘Time Machine’, allowing to virtually travel between past, present, and future of Fort Lillo was designed. To build this Local Time Machine, researchers from the Antwerp Time Machine and the specialised digital heritage company Visual Dimension teamed up with Regionaal Landschap de Voorkempen in a pilot action VirtuaFort within the project RFC (Recapture the Fortress Cities), funded by Interreg Europe and the City of Antwerp. While historical sources tend to be fragmented and incomplete, a 3D reconstruction asks for filling in all missing information to visualise every part of the given study area.

VirtuaFort consists of 3D virtual reconstructions of the historical fortress and its immediate surroundings in 1640 (past), panoramic visualisation of the current situation (present) and 3D visualisation of the masterplan for the future fortress in a Time Machine application that allows to interactively explore these three time periods and switching interactively from one period to another.

The results of VirtuaFort are in the first place aimed towards the general public, consisting of local inhabitants, tourists and guided groups, making heritage more visible through virtual reality. It also proves to be an excellent tool for more sustainable conservation and as a tourist attraction.

Dates of the Academy:

  • Friday, 16 June 2023 – 14:00 to 16:00 CEST
  • Friday, 23 June 2023 – 14:00 to 16:00 CEST
  • Friday, 30 June 2023 – 14:00 to 16:00 CEST 

Prerequisites to participate in this Academy:

  • A working computer with an internet connection and a recent web browser
  • An intermediate level of English

Follow these links to register and to learn more about the Academy.

2nd UNCHARTED Co-creation workshop

The second co-creation workshop of the UNCHARTED project is held in Barcelona, at Centre d’Estudis i Recursos Culturales, on 15-16 June 2023.

This workshop is gathering members of the Advisory Board, invited stakeholders from the various fields related to cultural policy and cultural institutions, and partners of the consortium who are part of the research process.

The aim is to debate with actors about the central issues investigated during the UNCHARTED research, in order to deepen our understanding and, at the same time, to generate new hypothesis and research questions in the run up to the comparative analysis to be completed afterwards, and to look forward to the production of final project’s outcomes.

The workshop is led by UB, the project coordinator, in collaboration with CNRS, lead partner of WP4, and ELTE, lead partner of WP5.

Volterra: the fieldwork of the case study continues

The UNCHARTED project includes as part of its Work Package 5 (WP5) the main case study about cultural strategic planning in Volterra and the experience of its nomination as City of Culture in Tuscany.

The first phase of the investigation on the case of Volterra ended in May with a campaign of interviews involving about 15 stakeholders of the territory. Promoter Srl, as leader of the case study, is reconstructing the first results in a report and developing an online public questionnaire to collect the contributions of citizens.

The questionnaire is going to be published at the end of June 2023 and remains open until September 2023 to intercept the highest number of people, thanks to the support of the city administration and their contacts.

In parallel, a public event is planned to take place in Volterra in autumn 2023 to present the results of the survey.

The next appointment is scheduled for Tuesday 13 of June 2023 in Volterra for a meeting with ELTE, the University of Budapest, lead partner of UNCHARTED WP5, and with the participation of institutional actors.

Some picuters about fieldwork

“From Intangible Expression to Digital Cultural Heritage”: update on Erasmus+ Project

text and images in this post courtesy of the project “From Intangible Expression to Digital Cultural Heritage”.

After our first virtual meeting in Italy, this time we were welcomed by the “St. St. Cyril and Methodius” Primary School from 7th to 13th May in Razlog, Bulgaria. It was again attended by 6 students and 2 teachers from each partner schools. Razlog is a town in Blagoevgrad Province in the southwestern of Bulgaria. This visit we made to Bulgaria was an experience for us where we nearly witnessed history. It is a town which is rich in traditions and customs.

On the first day of our visit we had a tour in Razlog and visited the Nicola Parapunov History Museum. It has many valuable collections of traditional local clothing and works of local craftsmen. In Bacheco village, our students had the experience of riding horse and tasted very delicious traditional foods of Bulgaria.

On the second day, we were in Bansko which is full of traditional houses. The Pririn National Park is located here and this park is included in the convention for the Preservation of World Natural and Cultural Heritage Sites. Here in Bansko, having experienced the Bulgarian folk dances and local hand crafts made our students get together and communicate in foreign language. They also shared cultural heritages by exposing to them.

On the third day we were in the secon biggest city of Bulgaria called Plovdiv. It is one of the most historical cities there. The history of the city dates back to a thousand years  Before Christ. In 2019 it became the European Capital of Culture. It is a city that contains colours.

In the end of our meeting we noticed again that we should respect and accept other people’s culture, history and traditions and also save them for the next generations. All the cultures are worth to be shared and made more visible. Beside this, we had the opportunity tu use our foreign language to communicate. We ensure the intercultural dialogue among people. Our Project encourages us to do all those things. And that’s why we love Erasmus+ projects!

3D in Cultural Heritage Event in Rome was a success

img. courtesy of Piero Masi

The first public event of EU funded project EUreka3D is organized by project coordinator Photoconsortium in Rome on 6th June 2023. The conference 3D in Cultural Heritage is integral part of the DHCH 2023 initiative on Data Science, and is realized by EUreka3D project in collaboration with University of Basel Digital Humanities Lab and Istituto Svizzero.


The event is realized under the auspices of the Italian Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy.

The event was a success with ca. 50 participants in the room and over 120 connected online. The post-event survey reported that 100% of respondents agree the event was useful in their work or for personal knowledge.

Few comments collected from the audience:

– The exhibition of practical cases are always to useful to understand the use of 3D digitization in various fields.
– The most useful part of the webinar were technicalities behind 3D imaging and would love to hear more about technical part of photogrammetry.
– I 100% agree with Valentina about the European Viewer Platform and I would like learn more about archives, storage and digital preservation. Thank you for everything, it was a great event.

It’s possible to view and download all the presentations of the various speakers by going to the Agenda section below.

3D in Cultural Heritage is an event of the training and capacity building programme of EUreka3D project, to support cultural heritage institutions in the process of digital transformation and in the effort of advancing with 3D digitization of cultural collections.


The event aimed to help understanding the challenges and needs for creating 3D content in good quality and reusable, and it brought together experts and specialists on 3D digitization and holistic documentation of 3D cultural content. It was the best occasion for institutions, researchers, cultural professionals and students in cultural heritage to improve their skills, knowledge and capacity for the current scenario of digital transformation in the cultural sector.

After the welcome messages from the Istituto Svizzero, the University of Basel and Dr. Mauro Fazio, from the Italian Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy, the event opened with an introduction on EUreka3D project by Dr. Antonella Fresa (Photoconsortium), the project coordinator.

Then, the event was organized in two sessions.

During Session 1, the current scenario of development in the cultural sector was discussed, and why reusable 3D content in good quality is needed: keynote speeches from Valentine Charles (Europeana Foudation), Marinos Ioannides (Cyprus University of Technology) and Frederik Temmermans (VUB/imec) provided the most recent information on the trends of the cultural heritage sector, and best practices and technological insights on the matter of 3D digitization of heritage sites and collections.

After that, during Session 2, the event focused on important experiences of international projects dedicated to 3D digitization and the use of 3D in cultural heritage, with the contributions of Timothy Naessens (meemoo),  Ismo Malinen (Museovirasto), Peter Fornaro and Vera Chiquet (University of Basel), and Ana Busom Arruebo and Albert Sierra (GENCAT).

Question and answer time allowed the participants onsite and onlineto interact with the speakers and join the conversation.


3D in Cultural Heritage –  EUreka3D public event

Istituto Svizzero, Villa Maraini, Via Liguria 20, 00187 Roma

6th June 2023 h. 9.30-13.15

h. 9.30 Opening

  • Welcome messages by Istituto Svizzero and University of Basel
  • Welcome message by Dr. Mauro Fazio, Ministero delle Imprese e del Made in Italy
  • Introduction on EUreka3D project and scope of the event, by Dr. Antonella Fresa, Photoconsortium (PDF)

Session 1 – Current scenario in the cultural sector: the need for 3D content in good quality and reusable

  • h.10.00 Valentine Charles (Europeana Foundation, NL): The new Data Space for Cultural Heritage (PDF)
  • h. 10.20 Marinos Ioannides and Petros Siegkas (Cyprus University of Technology, CY): The VIGIE Study for high quality 3D digitization (PDF)
  • h. 10.40 Frederik Temmermans (imec, BE): Standardisation activities for 3D modalities (PDF)

Question and answer time

Coffee break

Session 2 – Experiences with projects for 3D in cultural heritage

  • h. 11.40 Vera Chiquet (University of Basel, CH): Facilitating small CHIs in digitization for 3D Models, a case study with the Museum of Learning (PDF)
  • h. 12.00 Ismo Malinen (Museovirasto, FI): 3D digitization of World Heritage Sites in Finland (PDF)
  • h. 12.20 Timothy Naessens (meemoo, BE): 3D digitization of sculptures in the context of GIVE Flemish masterpieces project (PDF)
  • h. 12.40 Ana Busom Arruebo, Albert Sierra (GENCAT, ES): Giravolt, the National project for 3D digitization of Catalan heritage (PDF)

Question and answer time

h. 13.15 Conclusion

Attend in Rome, register here.
Follow the conference online on Zoom here.

image of Villa Maraini, Istituto Svizzero di Roma

Reconstructing a Vlach dwelling hut – the ‘kalive’, with interiors

Article and images courtesy of Eglantina Serjani (CeRPHAAL)

The INCULTUM partner CeRPHAAL in Albania has identified the cultural heritage of the Vlach minority as the main product of their project’s innovative actions. This initiative aimed at recording, revitalizing and promoting the currently menaced cultural heritage values of the Vlach people. An important part of this enterprise was the reconstruction of a Vlach authentic dwelling – the kalive.

It was reconstructed in July of 2022, in a camping site, just outside the town of Përmet, a destination highly frequented by foreign and domestic tourists. The location is significant as it corresponds with one of Vlach’s temporary daily camps set during their seasonal transhumance movements towards summer and winter pastures. The dwelling is an open-air museum that exemplifies the living history of the Vlach people that survive due to the detailed memory retained by those individuals who once lived in pastoral transhumant societies across the landscape of the Upper Vjosa valley. It was constructed using the same techniques and materials that Vlach builders used in the past, acquired in the surroundings of the area.

During the first half of May 2023, the CeRPHAAL team was engaged with the arrangements of the interiors of the dwelling hut and prepared a display of domestic objects used by local society in the past. This is an ongoing process that necessitated a broad collaboration with local stakeholders, particularly the elderly Vlach. Some of the objects displayed include old tools used for wool processing, such as the manual spinning instruments for yarn making and other domestic utensils, including a wooden decorated cradle, a wood butter churn, etc.

The objects attracted the attention of visitors to the site, propelling the organization of a dynamic cross-cultural activity that is programmed to take place at the dwelling site during July. It will allow the students and visitors to interact with the elderly Vlach and learn ancient forgotten domestic processes that took place within a Vlach dwelling.

This event is part of Vlach’s open days program of activities scheduled to take place during the first week of July.


FIAT/IFTA, the global network of audiovisual archives, presents Preservation & Migration Seminar 2023

FIAT/IFTA is  global network of broadcast archives organisation that promotes co-operation amongst radio and television archives, multimedia and audiovisual archives and libraries, and all those engaged in the preservation and exploitation of moving image and recorded sound materials and associated documentation.

This year’s Preservation & Migration Seminar, titled The Preservation Life Cycle will provide insight into the questions of digital obsolescence, assets protection, permanent preservation and its costs, and decisions on the fate of physical materials after they migrate to digital—also an opportunity to share and gather thoughts from panellists and participants.

To learn more about the event and to register, follow this link.

CitizenHeritage: Looking for New Participatory Practice

text by Costanza Rizzetto (Erasmus University Rotterdam), image from EUR image bank, by Jonathan Van Rijn.

EUR image bank – Jonathan Van Rijn

The installation ‘The Value of Art’ (2010) consists of two traditional oil paintings portraying a hairy cat and a lady. Any 10 seconds a visitor stands in front of the painting, the piece increases in value. The value of the artwork depends not only on how many visitors look at the painting, but how much time they spend in front of it. Media artists Christa Sommelier and Laurent Mognonneau have been experimenting with virtual and immersive installations since the beginning of the 90s. Pioneers in the field of interactive arts, the distinctive signature of the artistic duo is engagement and audience participation. Playing with generative software and sensors, the artists create a connection with the audience, who becomes an active part of the installation and its meaning.

Playing with the ways in which it is possible to interact with visitors, the installation captures the scope of the CitizenHeritage’s multiplier event at Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR). The event explored cultural and creative approaches to re-think cultural heritage in terms of participation, citizen engagement, and inclusion. When talking about audience participation, the focus is often on attendees’ numbers or Social Media’s following. Yet, are there other strategies to engage, and include, citizens in participatory practices? More importantly, how can we see participants as more than data to offer new and concrete forms of engagement?

Starting from these questions, the conference illustrated alternative approaches to include students and citizens in an on-going discussion. Moving from creative and art practices, the sessions explored different possibilities to make participants see their contribution and engage in a mutual exchange to see cultural heritage as a collective effort – rather than the result of institutional policies. Trilce Navarrete (EUR) opened the talk session, expanding the initial questions and opening the ground to different perspectives and experimental projects.

The first speaker,  Fred Truyen (KU Leven), presented the CitizenHeritage initiative, illustrating what it means to create a collective heritage and the conditions to consider for authentic citizen participation. From crow founding to interactive platforms, Truyen explored different strategies to engage a wider audience, highlighting how new approaches are essential to give citizens a tangible example of their participation and contribution. Soon after, Katerina Zourou (Web2Learn) illustrated how citizens and open science are mutually beneficial through different examples, shading the light on how it is helpful to engage citizens, more than why.

Following the discussion on open science, Francesca Manfredini (European Fashion Heritage Association) showcased different methodologies to test and develop participation and evaluate the influence of citizen engagement. Starting from empirical results, Francesca highlighted how partnerships and collaborations between different fields can create new forms of engagement interlacing with the local context. Eirini Kaldeli  (National Technical University of Athens) presented the value of digital cultural heritage and crowdsourcing in computer science courses, showing how a cultural approach encouraged students to think in a dual role – citizen and scientist – and be more engaged with campaigns and projects. More than a tool to gain data for researchers, participants provide valuable insights to improve existing strategies in the educational context.

Following the discussion, Valeria Morea (EUR) explored how to unveil new practices of participation in cultural heritage institutions. Starting from the notion of commons, the researcher investigated new modalities of participation in cultural heritage and re-thinking heritage as knowledge commons. Usually, commons refer to shared resources like forests or waterfalls. As Valeria puts it, however, ‘we need good ideas to produce new good ideas.’ Researchers highlight that information is also common for the community. For example, the open dataset Europeana contains metadata of cultural heritage from, and about, Europe. Collecting data from more than 4000 cultural heritage institutions, the dataset is an example of an institutional effort in engaging the community in contributing information. Intending cultural heritage as an expression of individual and collective identity poses several challenges, as the line between who produces and consumes culture blurs. In this perspective of sharing knowledge, however, culture is at the center of collective identities, and active participation is key to enhancing social and environmental benefits. Art and creative approaches can create the context to participate and negotiate a collective and on-going story, instead of listening to a story.

Soon after, Marianna Lorincz (EUR) illustrated the relevance of including a change in methods to include interdisciplinarity approaches in traditional settings to implement participation. Exploring theatre and performance techniques in business settings, Mariana provided examples of how cross-disciplinary approaches can enhance soft skills and learning processes. The focus of the presentation was on improvisational skills in entrepreneurial settings. Qualitative interviews with participants illustrated how students felt more engaged and developed a positive attitude. Findings also show how the workshop enhanced skills like teambuilding, EI competencies or adaptability highly increased (between 50% and 90%), as well as other skills mentioned by participants. Giving numbers to the previous discourses, Marianna’s project is a concrete example of the relevance of cross-disciplinary approaches to enhance participation and engagement. The last speaker, Antonella Fresa (Photoconsortium) presented a past initiative on memory and heritage to show the importance of the conference’s themes, illustrating how participation and engagement are essential to creating an inclusive cultural heritage.

The session concluded with a dynamic conversation on future possibilities and the relevance of looking at how society is quickly transforming following the implementation of new technologies. Exploring different angles and approaches in the field, the session showed how different strategies become relevant during an on-going conversation over time – rather than expecting instant results.

Event’s webpage and speakers’ presentations:

INCULTUM Training session with heritage specialists in the Municipality of Përmet

Article and images courtesy of Eglantina Serjani (CeRPHAAL)

On May 23rd 2023, CeRPHAAL organized a training session with cultural heritage specialists at the Municipality of Përmet, the administrative centre in the pilot area in the Upper Vjosa valley, Albania.

The meeting aimed to bring up and discuss issues that cultural heritage tourism sector is currently facing in the area. During the last decades, tourism is emerging as a new and expanding sector in the economy of the region. However, the valley remains mainly a nature-based destination despite the rich cultural heritage resources that make a strong potential for cultural heritage tourism development.

Therefore, the focus of the discussion during the training was the neglected heritage potential of the territory, and how important it is to bring to light and promote this heritage. Here are included a diversity of cultural components, such as the aspects of the Vlach heritage, the monumental remains related to the Second World War and those of Communist time. Also, the participants were introduced to the innovative initiative undertaken during the INCULTUM project that tackles to study and highlights the great potential of Vlach minority heritage in the Vjosa valley.

Following this discussion, a field training tour has been scheduled to take place in July 2023, intended to provide a guided storytelling of the history of the town and its particular landmarks.

Discover INCULTUM Pilot 8 Vjosa, the shared river