Search Results for: cultural project

Digital Heritage 2013 event in Marseille

The event is very wide. For this reason, to provide an effective way for participants to explore such a rich and diverse program, Digital Heritage 2013 built an interactive schedule featuring social networking, a personal agenda builder, dynamic attendee directories, and more. Users can view the schedule in list, grid, and other forms as well as on mobile devices. Continue reading

E-Space presents… STORYPIX

The universe is made of stories, not of atoms. Muriel Rukeyser, an American poet and political activist, said it right. Our lives are build up from this strange material, that seems to hold everything together. It is through stories that we learn, … Continue reading

No Time to Wait: Standardizing FFV1 and MKV for Preservation

Check out the results of the symposium organised In Berlin in conjunction with IETF’s 96th meeting and hosted by Deutsche Kinemathek, Zuse Institute Berlin, and MediaArea. The symposium brought together 70+ audiovisual archivists, technologists and format designers with a focus on the standardization of a preservation-grade audiovisual file format combination package. Continue reading

IMCW2014 calls for workshop and tutorial proposals!

The 5th International Symposium on Information Management in a Changing World took place in Antalya, Turkey, from 24 to 26 November 2014. To commemorate the 2014 Turkish-German Science Year, IMCW2014 was organised in cooperation with Hacettepe University and the Goethe-Institutes in Turkey. Research Data Management and Knowledge Discovery was the main theme of the Symposium. Continue reading

Search in Europeana via the Toolbox realised within the E-Space Museums Pilot

The Toolbox of Europeana Space Museums Pilot is a web-based application designed for museum curators, that will allow them to create always brand new educational videos and promotional worksheets melting the museums/memorials contents with the cultural heritage available in Europeana, the European digital … Continue reading

2021 TICCIH Congress in Montreal: Industrial Heritage Reloaded. New Territories, Changing Culturescapes

The Canada Research Chair in Urban Heritage of Université du Québec à Montréal, in collaboration with the Association québécoise pour le patrimoine industriel (Quebec association for industrial heritage) and with the support of Tourisme Montréal, will be hosting the 2021 … Continue reading

DiXiT Convention: submission deadline extended!

The deadline to submit proposals for the DiXiT Convention “TECHNOLOGY, SOFTWARE, STANDARDS FOR THE DIGITAL SCHOLARLY EDITION” has been extended to Thursday the 28th of May 2015. The call for paper is open to everybody (except DiXiT fellows).   The … Continue reading

Tribute to the 15 Years of Athens Digital Arts Festival

Athens Digital Arts Festival (ADAF), the representative of Greece in the international digital art scene, celebrates 15 years of constant presence with a great tribute event on 10 and 11 of May, opening for the first time to the audience … Continue reading

E-Space presents… NORA

We are four art-flirty young women, each one different from the other. We are your companions on an infinite journey through the jungle of Culture. We are Italians, surrounded by Arts, Culture and Beauty and for sure this helped in … Continue reading

DiXiT workshop: The educational and social impact of Digital Scholarly Edition – Call for Proposals

Digilab and DiXiT network ( organize a one day workshop on the educational application and social impact of digital scholarly editions. The workshop will take place on Tuesday, January 24, 2017, in conjunction with the AIUCD 2017 Conference and the 3rd EADH Day ( at … Continue reading