RICHES at Europeana Photography Final Conference

IMG_3788Neil Forbes, RICHES Project Coordinator, presented the project during the Final Conference of Europeana Photography, which took place in Leuven on 29-30 January 2015, hosted by CS Digital (KU Leuven) and the Lieven Gevaert Centre for Photography in Campus Library Arenberg.



aoy_belgium_banner_popupThe conference, called “The Impact of Digitization on Photographic Heritage: Memories Reframed, brought together scholars from the field of photography and professionals from photo-archives, in order to develop an understanding of responsible archival practices towards photographic heritage in the context of the promotion of public access through digital portals.


At the end of the conference, an official vernissage celebrated the Belgian edition of All Our Yesterdays, that will be opened in the period 1 February – 15 March 2015.


For more information on the Europeana Photography conference visit this article.

E-Space disseminated @ Europeana Photography final conference

The connection between Europeana Space and Europeana Photography is stronger than ever, basing on a Cooperation Agreement and most of all on common themes of reflection and activites.

On 29-30 January, the Final Conference of Europeana Photography was organized in Leuven, hosted by KU Leuven, Coordinator of Europeana Photography and partner in Europeana Space. The title of the conference is: The Impact of Digitization on Photographic Heritage: Memories Reframed.


At the conference were present the Technical Coordinator of both projects Antonella Fresa, and some other partners of E-Space who were invited to participate: Frederik Temmermans of iMinds, who delivered a presentation of the project and announced the upcoming event of the IPR workshop, Joanna Zyliska of Goldsmiths, with a lecture entitled “Curating / Open / Images”, and Charlotte Waelde of University of Exeter with lecture: “Digitising photographs: thinking around originality”.

Also the Advisory Board member Nathalie Doury from Parisienne de Photographie was involved in the conference, in the double role of content provider of Europeana Photography and moderator of a panel discussion around the theme of IPR which is a very important theme for both projects.


E-Space IPR workshop


Speakers: Sarah Whatley (Coventry University, project’s coordinator), Charlotte Waelde (University of Exeter), Prodromos Tsiavos (Postscriptum), Frederik Temmermans, Peter Schelkens, Ann Dooms (iMinds).

A workshop focused on IPR that considers content rights in a non traditional way. Rather than only focussing on different licensing models, this workshop aimed to make content providers aware of technical frameworks and advances that support better management of licenses.

The workshop took place at h. 9.30 – 17.30; the programme included business lunch and an evening reception with networking session at h. 18.00 – 19.30.

For more info:

PDF flyer of the event

Learn More about Europeana Space:


Pisa Game Jam 2015

A Game Jam is an event where people from all over the world meet driven by a common, insatiable, passion: making videogames.

In Pisa, a 3-day event including an opening workshop, where videogames veterans, people with decades of expertise in the field, as well as young students who just started a BSc in Computer Science or Arts (or any other faculty of course) met and accepted the challenge of creating a videogame in 48 hours.

The event was organized with the aim to enhancing the video-gaming culture in Italy, which is currently really hidden. Pisa Game Jam is an opportunity to bring it up to surface and make our country an awesome nest for young creative entrepreneurs.

Learn more:

pisa game jam


L’Europa in Comune: Funding opportunities seminar

convegno europa2Representatives of the city of Anagni, the neighbouring municipalities, local associations and SMEs participated in the training sessions “L’Europa in Comune” held on the 16, 19 and 20 January at Anagni. During the events, organized by the Municipality in collaboration with the Lazio Region and Promoter Srl, were presented the funding opportunities by the European Commission and the ways to access these forms of funding.

The seminar trained the participants in order to navigate the various funding opportunities, use a proper methodology for the construction of European proposals and manage funded projects in all their various stages.

Fausto Bassetta, Mayor of Anagni, declared that “to promote information days and training activities, and therefore create tools for the effective use of the resources made available from Europe is not only a political and cultural choice, but a necessity and a priority, especially in a period of social suffering widespread. The attention aroused by the event and the participation of municipal employees, cultural associations and representatives of other municipalities confirms that we are on the right track”. Raffaella Santucci, commissioner responsible for policies of the Structural and European Funds, expects that “these seminars will be a first step towards the transformation of the local realities (citizens, SMEs, public and private institutions), which must be the key actors of this change”. As expressed by Claudio Prandoni, Head of Projects at Promoter and lecturer of the seminar: “The European funding opportunities are real. It is important to be familiar with the new programs and prepare an action plan to provide access to municipalities, local authorities and SMEs to these funds. For us it is a pleasure to transfer our knowledge and long experience in this field by contributing to local and regional development and its internationalization.”

The Municipality of Anagni, through the “Assessorato per le Politiche dei Fondi Strutturali e di Investimento Europei”, has launched strategic plans to ensure the municipality access to European networks and funding, as well as gain visibility at international level.



For more detailed information, check the presentations delivered during the training sessions:


Funding opportunities – H2020 and other programs

Euopean projects – How to participate 


Europeana Space first Hackathon announced

The Europeana TV Pilot (interactive television) of Europeana Space has made significant progress on the realization of two scenarios to experiment with, being:

  1. Local scenario, for the smaller scale media outreach;
  2. Broadcast scenario for the larger scale media outreach.

Both scenarios are generating prototypes, and the pilot is getting ready for a big Hackathon event in Amsterdam on 8-9-10 May.

Local scenario

The work on the local scenario is in full progress. Two workshops took place between the pilot members in the past months, to work out the details of the scenario, the needed features, the wireframes for the interface, and a design document detailing all user requirements. Particularly useful and outcome-generating was the workshop held in November 2014, where the ReWind app was presented.


Broadcast scenario

Work on the broadcast scenario is also progressing according to plans. In this scenario, workshops were held too: at the first workshop in August the “Chance discovery of rich cultural content” use case was discussed with the partners. A version of the Smart TV app “The Berlin Wall” was created and has been publically available since the 3rd October 2014 on rbb fernsehen, RBB TV channel.  The idea was to create and test a model app, to provide certain requirements and to serve as the basis for further work on the broadcast scenario, and use this input for workshops.

Another workshop was planned in February 2015 in Berlin. The plan is to re-create an app similar to “The Berlin Wall” app using tools provided by the partners to curate content from European and create a broadcast standard application for Smart TV (HbbTV).


Learn more about the Europeana TV pilot here!


Europeana Tech second international conference

europeana techThe second international EuropeanaTech conference was held on February 12th and 13th 2015 in Paris, France. Europeana is uniting hundreds of experts from across the EU to share knowledge and jointly shape the future of memory organisations in a networked environment. Specifically on the technology front, Europeana has developed into a point of reference in various areas, including data modelling, innovative reuse of cultural heritage assets, semantic enrichment and –discovery.

Several innovations proposed by Europeana’s ‘TECH’ Community have now been adopted by others. Notably, metadata application profile used by the Digital Public Library of America is based on the Europeana Data Model. Many of the applications and tools developed in the context of Europeana are made available through the Europeana Labs that’s buzzing with activity since it was launched earlier this year.


As part of the second EuropeanaTech 2015 Conference, there was an Ignite Talks session (a series of 5-minute presentations) as well as a space for posters, allowing the EuropeanaTech Community to present their work to all conference participants.

Also, the conference featured some project ‘punch’ presentations and posters of the Europeana Family. The goal was to report on the major technical developments of projects directly related to Europeana. The organisers showcased infrastructure work that brings clear value to partner institutions and/or end users, even when some may not consider it cutting-edge R&D. They moreover gave the floor to projects where partners agreed to follow established best practices and implement technical standards for everyone to work better.

Europeana Photography: grand-final

The final step of Europeana Photography took place in Leuven on 29-30 January 2015, with the closing scientific conference and the the official vernissage of the Belgian edition of All Our Yesterdays (open in the period 1 February – 15 March).


The conference title is The Impact of Digitization on Photographic Heritage: Memories Reframed. Hosted by CS Digital (KU Leuven) and the Lieven Gevaert Centre for Photography in Campus Library Arenberg, this event assembled scholars from the field of photography and professionals from photo-archives, in order to develop an understanding of responsible archival practices towards photographic heritage in the context of the promotion of public access through digital portals. Of course, all the content providers of Europeana Photography project participated in the conference showing a selection of stories and of the photographic masterpieces held in their archives.

Topics of the conference included archival practices for photographic heritage, digitization and preservation, Europeana, public exposure and the archival mission. Among the speakers there were important academic names such as Elizabeth Edwards (De Montfort University, Leicester – UK) and Simon Tanner (King’s College, London – UK),  Joanna Zylinska (Goldsmiths University of London), Jan Baetens (KU Leuven – BE) and many others. Project presentations and an IPR roundtable completed the programme.

The programme is available here.

aoy belgium fred

At the end of the conference there was the vernissage to celebrate the Belgian edition of All Our Yesterdays, that, besides the exhibition, included events for schools, seniors and amateurs as well as a PechaKucha Night, the first one to be held in Leuven. 

Official website:

ku leuven

10th International Digital Curation Conference

DCC_Logo“Ten years back, ten years forward: achievements, lessons and the future for digital curation”


For a decade IDCC has brought together leaders and experts in digital curation and the significance of good curation to research and innovation is now well recognised across the globe. The first Digital Curation Conference took place in Bath in September 2005; one year after the Digital Curation Centre was launched. Since the inaugural conference they have covered a range of curation issues from the simple question of “What is Digital Curation”, through to more complex issues of infrastructure, radical sharing and open data and how to encourage collaboration and create a curation community. Content has covered topical research, bold looks into the future as well as distillations of lessons learnt from practice.

IDCC15 aimed to take a 10-year view whether into the past, present or future, to assess the progress and to help identify and stimulate debate on the critical digital curation questions for the future, focusing on how to move forward building on what has been learned.

imageThe 10th International Digital Curation Conference was held from Monday 9 February to Thursday 12 February 2015 at 30 Euston Square, London.

30 Euston Square is a building located at the corner of Euston Road and Melton Street, London NW1. Originally built as the headquarters of an assurance company, it has since been converted to form the headquarters of the Royal College of General Practitioners (RGCP).

The main conference took place over the first two days followed by two further days of workshops and other satellite events.


For further information visit the Conference website.

HOLA CLOUD Project Kick Off Meeting

The HOLA CLOUD project  consortium met in Madrid on 19 and 20 January for the project kick off meeting.



Image used under Creative Commons from Flickr user cuellar

HOLA CLOUD targets to establish effective mechanisms for efficient collaboration among the members of the software, services and Cloud computing community building on a decade of experiences acquired by people who are themselves core members of this community, and extends this collaboration to stakeholders who can turn the community knowledge into sustainable economic growth. This will enable companies, governments, and politicians to discover best practice solutions in different domain applications, including the cultural heritage one, and to identify future challenges that must be addressed to move European software intensive industries forward.


The HOLA CLOUD project international consortium comprises EU recognised R&D companies, Universites and Communication experts; a multidisciplinary mix of high level skills that will boost the success of the project results.


Project website: