FOOD LANDSCAPES, workshop organized by the INCULTUM Pilot in Portugal

The workshop “Food Landscapes”  was organized by the University of Algarve, IN LOCO Association in the context of the INCULTUM Pilot dedicated to the hydraulic heritage of Campina de Faro.

26th May 2023 h. 9.30

Where: Loulé, Sala da Junta de Freguesia de São Sebastião


The workshop was focused on water heritage, agroecology and food sovereignship, and was addressed to local producers, technicians from public institutions, tour guides and other small tourist agents, university and secondary school students, other local development agents and citizens with an interest in the subject.

The workshop had three distinct parts. The first part involved sharing good practices de agroecology and water heritage recovery, with the participation of different stakeholders (a private company producing and catering for local and seasonal products, an association for the defense of natural and cultural heritage and a cooperative for the development of low density territories). In the second part, there was the opportunity to taste food products from local vegetable gardens associated with the Mediterranean diet. In the third part, there was a training session corresponding to the creation of an interpretation path of the landscape and water heritage. This training session and innovation workshop was attended by 35 people from the local community and stakeholders.


Italian artist Gianluca Cingolani presents Imago Sum at the Italian Cultural Institute in Beijing

Three and a half years after his solo exhibition Fragmenta at Beijing’s Today Museum in November 2019, Gianluca Cingolani returns to China from 19 to 25 May  with the site-specific installation Imago sum at the Italian Cultural Institute in Beijing.

It is a tribute to the Art of memory narrated by what is still recognized in China as the cultural ambassador par excellence in relations with the Western world: Matteo Ricci. To this art  Ricci in 1596 dedicates a small treatise written in Chinese and titled 西国记法 (Xiguo jifa).

Created by Collettivo G_B, Imago Sum leads us along the path of memory created from and through images: to osberve, imagine a space (a palace, a theatre, a colonnade), then insert what we whish to remember in that space. When we want to remember we come back with the mind to the palace, the theatre, we make an immaginary walk thorugh the colonnade. In the installation Imago sum, we meet Matteo Ricci, but also Plato, Cicero and Giordano Bruno, crossing the world from East to West.

The exhibition itinerary unfolds through six rolls of artificial silk and two videos, made with the artistic technique of digital compositing. The works talk to each other, in a dialogue held together by the great Masters of the art of memory.

Imago sum – I am image – is an installation work dedicated to the power of memory, which is also a great creative  power” – the artist says – “in order to remember, one should be able to imagine. The power of imagination: this is what Ricci narrates to the Chinese.”


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NTUAthens upcoming event “The Role of Semantic Technologies in Common European Data Spaces”

The event “The Role of Semantic Technologies in Common European Data Spaces” promises an enriching program with presentations from esteemed experts representing SEMIC, Interoperable Europe Academy & Joinup, Data Space Support Center, DG CNECT, Data Space for Cultural Heritage, STIRData, University of Ghent, European Railway Association, and Cognizone.

To join the the event, registration is mandatory. Since the event is hybrid, it’s possible to also participate online.

More information about the program event can be found here.

IN SITU survey on ‘Mapping of cultural and creative projects & selection of case studies’

IN SITU is a 48-month-long research project currently exploring how cultural and creative practices can help tackle place-based issues in six non-urban areas representing the six IN SITU Labs: Azores, Portugal; Western coastal region, Ireland; Western region, Iceland; Rauma and Eurajoki municipalities, Finland; Valmiera County, Latvia; Šibenik-Knin County, Croatia.

In this context, the project has just launched a survey on ‘Mapping of cultural and creative projects & selection of case studies’. Through this survey, we want to map projects proposing cultural and creative responses to key place-based issues in the six IN SITU lab locations and at the same time identify the two most relevant, impactful and innovative projects in each Lab location, in order to become the case studies of the IN SITU project. The case study providers will be subcontracted to provide two monitoring reports on the development of their project (value EUR 5000).

The survey can be answered by those meeting the following 3 requirements:

  • The cultural or creative practice of the respondent is legally registered in one of the IN SITU lab locations (see above); AND
  • The respondent is active in one or more cultural or creative fields; AND
  • The respondent runs or is involved in a project that is related to one or more of the most pressing local issues in his/her region.

Link to the survey: The introduction to the survey includes all the necessary information and also the link to a more comprehensive FAQ document.

More about IN SITU:

The INCULTUM Pilot Mining Treasures of Central Slovakia at the INNOVATION MEETUP

Article by Darina Rojíková,  Matej Bel University

On Thursday 11 May 2023, the University Library of Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica became the venue for the second INNOVATION MEETUP series of events. The event was organised by the Banská Bystrica Development Agency in cooperation with the Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, with the aim of building and supporting the innovation system of the region.

More than 70 participants from business, academia, public administration, and startups gathered at the second INNOVATION MEETUP to engage in networking, community building, relationship development, and business-to-business and science-to-business networking in the field of innovation. The aim of the event was, among other things, to exchange experiences, knowledge, and opinions on various topics. The participants of the meetup could get to know interesting projects of existing or starting companies, but also experience scientific research gadgets in the form of virtual reality or the life of microorganisms used in pharmacy and medicine.

img. courtesy: Kamila Borseková

At the event, the coordinator of research at the Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, Kamila Borsekova, presented the innovative and participatory web platform “Mining treasures”, which is the result of work within the international research project INCULTUM. The mining treasures represent a participatory platform and a digital map of the mining treasures in central Slovakia. The purpose of the platform is to introduce and familiarise people with “treasures”, in the form of historical and cultural heritage, left by our ancestors in connection with mining activities in Central Slovakia. The role of the platform is not only to promote and spread interest in visiting lesser-known mining monuments and mining heritage sites, but also to educate children, young people and the general public in this area of history interactively. Few people know that Jakob Fugger, one of the founders of the Thurzo-Fugger company, was the richest man in history, or that the Thurzo-Fuger company introduced a system of double-entry accountancy.

img courtesy: Kamila Borseková

As Kamila Borseková stated at the event: “Although we and our children have learnt about dinosaurs, Mesopotamia, and Egypt, we pay very little attention to our own history, and that is one of the things we decided to change with the Mining Treasures of Central Slovakia project. Thanks to the Mining Treasures project, we discovered immense potential connected with the cultural and historical heritage that this region has, as well as a number of great people who are active, passionate and devoted to protection and further usage of cultural heritage in the region. We also see great potential in starting new business activities, in creating new and innovative products and services. The role of our university can be seen in creating connection between people and activities with the aim to empower this potential for the development of our region.”

Discover more about the Pilot:

Meeting of the Terra Montanae representatives of Civic Association and Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica for the INCULTUM project

Article by Darina Rojíková, Matej Bel University

On Wednesday 10 May 2023, the Faculty of Economics of Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica became the meeting place for representatives of OZ Terra Montanae and representatives of Matej Bel University. The joint meeting was devoted to several current topics and, in particular, to the possibilities of cooperation within the INCULTUM international research project, in which the university is involved.

Representatives of OZ Terra Montanae, as well as Matej Bel University, share the same vision of the importance of cultural and historical mining heritage, which is richly represented in central Slovakia. The aim of the meeting was to exchange information and find an overlap between the activities of the INCULTUM project and the Barbora Route Project, which is covered by OZ Terra Montanae. Representatives of both institutions mainly agreed that the activities of different and diverse actors on the territory, in connection with the historical and cultural heritage of Central Slovakia, are not coordinated efficiently. Therefore, the INCULTUM project and the “mining treasures” could become an umbrella platform for communication and cooperation of the activities of all important actors dealing with the idea of protection, revitalisation, and subsequent use of the cultural and historical potential of the territory for the needs of the creation of tourism products and the development of Central Slovakia itself while respecting local communities. At the meeting, the representatives of the institutions discussed, among other things, the possibilities of further cooperation, the beginning of which could be the signing of the Memorandum on Cooperation.

img. courtesy: Kamila Borseková

img. courtesy: Darina Rojíková

To discover more about the pilot:

Can Citizen Science Contribute to the Cultural Heritage Challenges of Today? the answer from UNCHARTED project

On Friday, May 19 2023, KU Leuven, coordinator of the CitizenHeritage project organised the workshop entitled Can Cititizen Science Contribute to the Cultural Heritage Challenges of Today?.

Antonella Fresa, Network & Communication Manager of the UNCHARTED project and Vice-President of Photoconsortium Association partner of the CitizenHeritage project, participated in the workshop to present the contribution of UNCHARTED to the question posed by the workshop. The presentation “2023Culture values, participation and co-creation: the UNCHARTED project” is available for download.

The workshop run as a hybrid event hosted by the Irish College Leuven (Grand Auditorium) and accessible online. The agenda of the event is available here.

CitizenHeritage is a European project funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the EU, which collaborates with the UNCHARTED project.

First training session of INCULTUM’s San Pellegrino in Alpe

Text and images courtesy of University of Pisa.

img. courtesy: University of Pisa

On 15th May 2023, from 6pm to 8pm (CEST), took place the first of a series of training sessions organized by the University of Pisa with the local stakeholders, hosted in the Church of San Pellegrino in Alpe, where the exhibition “San Pellegrino: una storia di confine” is set up.

Tourism and economic operators and hotel managers of San Pellegrino in Alpe were glad to participate in the meetings, in which were discussed various topics, including INCULTUM project, the activities already completed regarding the Garfagnana pilot, the importance of connecting the stakeholders, and more.

Download the presentation (PDF, 6 Mb, Italian language)

Another part of the meeting provided an interactive session, where both the potential and threats of Garfagnana as a tourist destination were analysed. The stakeholders have been crucial in this part of the training session, proposing solutions about the local tourist offer and information and ideas that could be implemented during the next summer season.

The next meeting was held in Castelnuovo di Garfagnana on the 29th of May.

Travelling to Sweden to visit the INCULTUM Pilot

All photos in this blog courtesy of Pietro Masi (Promoter s.r.l.)

On the occasion of the third project meeeting organized in Uppsala in April 2023, partner Promoter traveled to Sweden to visit the location of INCULTUM Pilot 10 Escape into the Archipelago Landscape. A unique feature of Swedish tourism is that Sweden has more than 250,000 islands (far more than any other country) located along the coasts or in the ca. 100,000 lakes.

Due to the low population density and a tourism that is mostly concentrated in urban areas, several parts of Sweden have rich archipelago amenities with low exposure to visitors. This unique under-developed rural landscape offers a number of coastal areas for recreation and tourism.

Three of the destinations facing this issue in Sweden are the island of Gotland, the Roslagen area, with its close geographical proximity to the capital of Sweden, and the largest inland island area of Torsö. With different distances to larger urban attractions, these places will constitute a comparative case. With an amplified understanding of tourists’ interests and behaviour patterns, the Pilot aims at gaining insight into how information and selection of activities can be designed during the tourists’ stay, so as to be able to meet their wishes. Understanding how to attract tourism to the more remote areas is highly prioritized among politicians and residents in Sweden.

The areas selected for the INCULTUM analysis are rural to peri-urban in nature and have a rich heritage of farming and forestry, mining/foundry or lake/canal sailing or fishing employment. A training and participative programme of encounters with local guides and other stakeholders, in Torsö, in Öregrund, and with students of Uppsala University is supporting the research, by sharing the insights on tourism behavious and discussing ideas of potential tourism development especially on sights and activities, information and communication, and transport and infrastructure.




EUreka3D presented at “Shaping the world of 3D” workshop on 29 June

DANS, a Dutch institute specializing in research data management and based in The Hague, is organizing a workshop on 3D, ‘Shaping the world of 3D’, to discuss data management issues related to 3D datasets in cultural heritage and archaeological research, such as data storage and data formats.

The workshop will address the issues regarding the production of 3D models and visualisations, and more, by bringing together the Dutch research community dealing with 3D research data in cultural heritage. This day-long specific focus on 3D digital data with presentations by experts and open discussions, will result in a roadmap to improve the infrastructure for 3D dataset management and reuse.

Valentine Charles, Data Services Director at Europeana Foundation, will have the pleasure to intervene during this eminent workshop presenting EUreka3D, a project that supports the digital transformation of the cultural heritage sector, offering capacity building, training, and more to Cultural Heritage Institutions facing the challenge of advancing in the digitization effort.

To discover more about the workshop, its agenda and to register, follow this link.