Search Results for: entertainment software

No Time to Wait! 2

The PREFORMA project and MediaArea are pleased to announce initial details for a 2nd No Time to Wait symposium, hosted by the Österreichisches Filmmuseum – Austrian Film Museum. Members of audiovisual archiving, digital preservation, open media development, and open format standardization communities as well as curious onlookers are welcome to attend, discuss, and present on subjects pertaining to the intersection of open media, standardization, and audiovisual preservation. Continue reading

SME Event: Face2face Meetings and Clinics at CF2016

Cloud Forward 2016 conference on the future of cloud computing offered to SMEs, projects, researchers and institutions the opportunity to talk to other companies or institutions about new opportunities for collaboration and innovative R&D ideas. These meetings were be organised both … Continue reading

MediaConch Newsletter #4 – April 2016

MediaArea Team released version 16.03 of MediaConch, the open source conformance checker for audiovisual files. Among the latest updates, it now supports plugins including VeraPDF and DPFManager, the other two PREFORMA conformance checkers for electronic documents and still images. The Online MediaConch GUI enables accessibility across platforms. Continue reading

Innovate your photographic heritage and your future business!

Prof. Fred Truyen of KU Leuven recently published an interesting article on his Digital Culture blog, under the title “Europeana Space Photo pilot: Innovate your photographic heritage … and your future business!” The article tells the commitment the E-Space project is devoting through its Photo Pilot to demonstrating a range of possibilities offered by apps, Europeana API’s and a multitude of tools developed by the open source community to come up with innovative models involving historical and present-day photography, with monetising potential and investment appeal. Continue reading

PV 2013 Conference

For its seventh edition, the PV 2013 conference will be hosted at ESA-ESRIN in Frascati (a lovely town very close to Rome) to continue addressing prospects in the domain of scientific and technical data preservation together with value adding to these data. Continue reading

Outcomes of UNCHARTED participation presented at KISMIF International Conference

In July, members of the members of the UNCHARTED Consortium were invited to participate to the International KISMIF Conference ‘Keep It Simple, Make It Fast! DIY Cultures and Global Challenges’ (KISMIF 2021). The event goal was to foster a debate … Continue reading

No Time to Wait: Standardizing FFV1 and MKV for Preservation

Check out the results of the symposium organised In Berlin in conjunction with IETF’s 96th meeting and hosted by Deutsche Kinemathek, Zuse Institute Berlin, and MediaArea. The symposium brought together 70+ audiovisual archivists, technologists and format designers with a focus on the standardization of a preservation-grade audiovisual file format combination package. Continue reading

Little Islands Festival | Living Environments

Contemporary creation, new art forms, unexpected locations: Little Islands Festival explores and creates new worlds and suggests alternative ways of viewing art and life. With a view to connecting the Aegean landscape to contemporary creation and the power of new … Continue reading

Symposium: Preservation and Access to Born-digital Art and Culture

In the continuation of their collaborative program on Cultural Heritage in the Digital Age which started beginning of 2015, iMAL and Packed organise on 30-31 October 2015 in Brussels the first international symposium on the issues of preservation of born-digital art and culture and their public access. We hope to see you there! Continue reading