Intangible CH in China
Clay models showing how to prepare the roast duck

Clay models showing how to prepare the roast duck

When you think of museums in China you may have calligraphy, landscape paintings or even Ming vases in mindMartin Patience of BBC writes – Not, I would suggest, a giant statue of a golden duck.

But one of Beijing’s latest cultural offerings is a museum dedicated to the capital’s most famous culinary dish: roast duck.

The museum, built by the well-known Quanjude restaurant chain, is most of all attended by peckish customers of the restaurant.

The exhibits include clay models showing how to prepare the roast duck, restaurant advertisements from a bygone age and various pictures of famous people – including, surprisingly, the actor Charlie Chaplin – eating Peking duck.

Giant golden duck at the museum

Giant golden duck at the museum

The museum is part of an astonishing building boom and is not the only one of its type: among the country, there are museums dedicated to watermelons, socks and so on.

The boom is going to continue because the funding is there and the interest is there – says Cathy Giangrande, a co-author of the Chinese Museums Association Guide – China is trying to reach the number of museums they have in the US per head of the population.

Less than 50 years ago, she observes, everything was being destroyed during the Cultural Revolution and anyone who was a private collector or had a private museum was banned. The museum building boom therefore represents a major change in the Chinese history.

Curator Cheng Guoqin says part of the reason the government supports the opening of new museums is that it improves the country’s image.

Even if the Chinese government still censors what the public can and cannot see (anything politically sensitive remains strictly off limits) but in terms of choice the average Chinese museum visitor has never had it so good.

Read Martin Patience’s article!

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RICHES on YouTube:

RICHES is on Net4Society’s website!

Logo_net4society_05-2011_RGBOn 9 September 2014, Net4Society published an article on its website announcing the first International Conference of the RICHES Project, being held in Pisa, at the Museum of Graphics of Palazzo Lanfranchi, on 4-5 December 2014. During the two-day event, entitled Cultural Heritage: Recalibrating Relationships, the Consortium partners will present the initial project’s outcomes and illustrate the progress and advances made by the research. Well-known experts, from Europe and outside Europe, will intervene as key-note speakers.

NET4SOCIETY is the International Network of National Contact Points for the Societal Challenge 6 (“Europe in a changing world: inclusive, innovative and reflective societies”) and Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities (SSH) in Horizon 2020. National Contact Points (NCPs) are set up to guide researchers in their quest for securing EU funding.

Founded in 2008, Net4Society is a learning network which actively supports the SSH research community and offers help in every respect of Horizon 2020 consultation. It includes National Contact Points from almost 50 countries.

Net4Society is an FP7 project funded by the EUROPEAN COMMISSION.

For further info visit

Read the article published by Net4Society for announcing the RICHES Conference!


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RICHES on YouTube:

RICHES disseminated at Italia è Cultura

aiciA very prominent conference is taking place in Turin on 25 and 26 september: ITALIA E’ CULTURA (Italy is Culture) organised by AICI (Association of Italian Cultural Institutions).

This conference will see, among its participants, the Italian Minister for Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, along with representatives from the European Commission and from many important Italian Institutions.

The speech about RICHES, by Antonella Fresa, takes place in the afternoon of Day one, during the workshop entitled Culture in EU policies: Horizon 2020, Creative Europe (La Cultura nelle politiche dell’UE: Horizon 2020, Europa Creativa) moderated by AICI’s Secretary-general Carmine Marinucci.

Confirmed speakers of the workshop:

Fabio Donato, Università degli Studi di Ferrara, Italian Representative SC6 in H2020
Antonella Fresa, Promoter, presenting RICHES – Renewal, Innovation and Change: Heritage and European Society
Cristina Loglio, President at the technical table of Italian Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism MIBACT
Leila Nista, presenting the initiatives of MiBACT for the European cultural policies
Luigi Perissich, ConfindustriaSIT, IPOC2 platform

Learn more about the event here:


RICHES-LOGO1RICHES on Twitter #richesEU

RICHES on YouTube


Italia è Cultura – disseminating Europeana Space

Promoter e FST disseminated Europeana Space and announce the project’s Opening Conference in Venice during an important event in Turin: ITALIA E’ CULTURA (Italy is Culture) organised by AICI (Association of Italian Cultural Institutions).

italia e cultura

It was a prominent conference featuring the participation of the Italian Minister for Cultural Heritage and  Activities and Tourism, along with representatives from the European Commission and from many important Italian Institutions.

Learn more about the event here:

IMG_3468 speaker Carmine Marinucci Segretario generale AICI

in this photo, dr. Carmine Marinucci general secretary of AICI


Italy is culture: cultural institutes for economic development

On 25-26 September, the national conference “Italy is Culture” organised by AICI (Association of Italian Cultural Institutions) was held in Turin, at Einaudi Campus. The event – where Dario Franceschini, Minister for Heritage and Cultural and Tourism Activities, and representatives from the European Commission and from important Italian Institutions intervened –  was part of a series of initiatives taking place on occasion of the Italian Presidency of EU and followed 23-24 September’s assembly of Europe’s Cultural Ministries hosted by Turin’s Venaria Realm.

campus_einaudi_popupThe conference aimed to give a strong signal about the potential of Italian culture and cultural institutions, which are undergoing a positive process of transformation and renewal: Italian culture has a strong vocation to social and technological innovation, to communicational experimentation, to internationalisation. Objectives to be achieved through synergic and multidisciplinary cooperation between the public and private sector for the benefit of Italian economic development.

Italy is culture presented data and concrete proposals that will merge into a Charter of Culture for European Renaissance, baseline for the growth and identity preservation of Europe.

Event official website:

Conference Programme

Thursday, 25 September

9.00 – 13.00

  • Welcome speech by Dean of Turin’s University Gianmaria Ajani;
  • Round table: New role for Italian private cultural institutes. Relationship with the policy for heritage and policy for university and scientific research. Chaired by AICI’s President Valdo Spini;
  • Round table: The relationship between public and private bodies with the Cultural institutions and Foundations.

13.00 Lunch

14.30 – 17.30 Parallel professional workshops

  • Culture in EU policies: Horizon 2020, Creative Europe. Moderated by Carmine Marinucci, AICI’s Secretary-general;
  • Enterprise, job and culture. Moderated by Sergio Scamuzzi, Turin’s Gramsci Institute;
  • Integrated cultural systems and digitisation. Museums, archives, academic libraries and libraries of cultural institutes; MAB network. Moderated by Daniele Jalla, Piedmont MAB (Musei Archivi e Biblioteche – Museums Archives Libraries)
  • The Cultural Institutes between continuity and necessary innovations. Moderated by Giuseppe Sangiorgi, Don Luigi Sturzo Institute.
  • Participation of the cultural institutes in the Great War’s celebrations. Chaired by Franco Marini, President of the National Committee for the First World War Centenary. Moderated by Andrea Ciampani Coordinator of AICI for the Great War.

19.00 Turin cultural itinerary and social dinner

Friday, 26 September

9.00 – Round table: Job and Innovation in the economy of culture. Chaired by AICI’s past president Franco Salvatori;

10.30 – Round table: Culture funding: what private/public/social mix for innovation? Chaired by Patrizia Asproni, president of Confcultura;

13.00 Conclusions;

14.00 End.

AICI-logoThe programme included the presentation of the volume Italia – Europa. Per una nuova politica della cultura (ItalyEurope. For a new culture policy) by Gabriella Nisticò, collecting the proceedings of the last two AICI’s meetings and containing the introduction to a survey on the AICI-affiliated Institutes and Foundations’ activities of the period 2011-2013.

Mario Caligiuri, Councillor for Culture and Cultural Heritage of Calabria Region and President of the Cultural Committee of the State-Regions Conference participated in Turin’s event; read his interview published on AICI’s website!

Download the detailed conference programme (Italian language) here

For more information visit

E-Space friends: Levantes Dance Theatre

by Rosemary Cisneros, Coventry University

Levantes Dance Theatre is a Greek/UK company that has supported the Dance E-Space Pilot.

photo The Camera Club London (2)Award winning Levantes Dance Theatre consists of key practitioners Bethanie Harrison and Eleni Edipidi. Since April 2012 Levantes Dance Theatre are Associate Artists of Greenwich Dance based in London,UK.

The company works primarily with Dance Theatre, with a constant enthusiasm for fusing artistic disciplines and indulging in vibrant aesthetics. The work is current, bold and honest. Intrigued by the draw of obscurity, the crux of work visually explores contradictions, blending and sinking into equal measures of the mundane and divine. Both the absurd and familiar are married together with set and costume, which in turn, are inhabited, developed, eaten, destroyed, worn, applicated and distributed within process.

They say: “We have a kitsch admiration for routine and value the body’s capacity to communicate in its most basic form. We wrap our audience in a cocoon of colourful activity striving to cushion their acceptance of an oddness, which in time melts into a viable element of the landscape.”

photo The Camera Club London (1)

Learn more:

Images credit: The Camera Club, London and Foteini Christofilopoulou 

E-Space friends: Jennifer Essex and J Squared Dance Company

by Rosemary Cisneros, Coventry University

Europeana Space’ s Dance Pilot is experimenting new applications with different kinds of content, belonging to both Europeana and other digital collections such as the important archive of Siobhan Davies.

Next to this content, there are many artists supporting the Dance Pilot through offering dance videos.

Screen Shot 2013-02-13 at 12.14.51

Artistic Director of J Squared Dance Company, Jennifer Essex has recently contributed to the E-Space Dance Pilot.

Jennifer has supplied the Dance Pilot with content to test the Pilot’s applications and has been incredibly generous and supportive.

Jennifer says “In my work I try to break open the richness of human relationships through an exploration of language and metaphor. Drawing on contemporary iconography – video, film, fashion – my work is informed by a strong visual and theatrical sensibility. My current project, Distance Duet, uses the digital interactions of real couples as the source material to imagine new dance duets.”

More information here:


Images courtesy of Jennifer Essex and J Squared Dance Company

MemorySharing tells the History through your stories

Memory Sharing_albero2MemorySharing is a project which aims to create a new way for increasing the value of a community’s memories and private documents, by combining web technologies, scientific accuracy and creative approach in the multimedia sharing/telling of contents. Main objective is to connect generations, comparing and transferring knowledge, dynamically and funnily strengthening the shared memory, actively engaging aged and young people. Basically, MemorySharing wants to match with History starting from documents and individual and family testimonies, believing that such micro-historical, fragmented and scattered material can constitute (once suitably reconstructed as a puzzle) an unconventional collective heritage, important for retracing the history of communities, cities and nations. The main phases of the project are four:

1)      Citizenry mobilisation – through web, institutions, local media, events, meetings: people are invited to share their photos, letters, diaries, super8s and heirlooms. Their material is an important piece of the collective history, to be digitised and used as source of events and tales;

2)      Material collection – through web portals, social networks and physical spaces (libraries, schools, associations and local newspapers. The material is collected, digitised and showed via itinerant video-boxes;

3)      Material sharing – the material is catalogued and inserted in open web networks (Historypin, Xdams, Europeana…), free and dynamic;

4)      Storytelling, exhibitions, events – the collected material is given a narrative and captivating form: documentary-films, multiscreen films, itinerant films, multimedia tours, multimedia exhibitions, photography contests, readings and theatre performances, web-docs (non-linear interactive telling), e-books, paper volumes.

banner-acquario-72dpi1MemorySharing is a project by the cultural association Acquario della Memoria (Aquarium of Memory), whose essential objective is to experiment effective and innovative ways of transmitting the value of past’s memories, in particular to the young generations. According to such view, Acquario della Memoria believes audio-visual and interactive technologies can contribute to keep up, in a modern and engaging way, the ancient oral methods of transferring knowledge and cultural identity. Documents and testimonies collection, creation of an open and dynamic multimedia archive, realisation of educational workshops, films, documentaries, video-installations, exhibitions and interactive museums are the basic activities of the association.

Download MemorySharing’s abstract

Download the article A year of MemorySharing by Lorenzo Garzella, president of Acquario della Memoria (published on a Italian newspaper, Italian language)

For more information visit MemorySharing’s web-page  and Acquario della Memoria’s website 

Guidelines for digitization and data preservation

b2ap3_thumbnail_STEERINGDigisam is an organization established by Swedish Government to coordinate the continued development work on digitisation issues, and it is settled as a department of the National Archives in Sweden.

The main task of Digisam is promoting the achievement of the objectives of the Swedish national strategy for digitisation, but among its activities one key focus is on international dissemination. For this reason, an english version of the Digisam’s blog is available and an appropriate work for translating documents and guidelines in English is carried on.

The latest release in English is about guiding principles for working with digital cultural heritage and for enabling effective cooperation regarding digitisation and its related processes.

The principles are available here:

Photo: Young woman steering a yacht under sail. Harold Nossiter/Harold Nossiter Junior. 1920’s/1930’s. Australian National Maritime’s Museum. No known copyright restrictions.


Media & Learning 2014 conference

media & learning brussels 2014Media & Learning 2014 is dedicated to the latest developments, services and uses of media in education and training. Aimed at both policy makers and practitioners, the purpose of this annual event, organized by the Flemish Ministry of Education, is to identify policies and initiatives that promote digital and media competence at all levels of education and training as well as to promote best-practice in the take-up and application of media in education and training.

Themes of discussion:

  • the urgency of embedding digital and media literacy skills amongst the European workforce
  • how best to convince stakeholders about the importance of embedding digital and media skills amongst learning professionals and learners at all levels of education and training

Official website with programme and speakers: