Search Results for: entertainment software

18th Image and Research Conference

  The new edition of the Image and Research Conference (18th Antoni Varés Conference) will be held in Girona from November 20th to 23rd, 2024. The event is organized by one of the founding members of PHOTOCONSORTIUM, Ajuntament de Girona, which has … Continue reading

The technology and methodology behind WeAre#EuropeForCulture

WeAre#EuropeForCulture wanted people and citizens of any age and background to meet cultural heritage and interact with it, under the motto “it’s your history too”. It is a stubborn misunderstanding that communities or individuals who do not routinely engage with cultural … Continue reading

Citizen Science predictions of the Digital Era

In a recent post of hers entrepreneur, citizen science advocate and author Chandra Clarke observes the last years’ developments of citizen science and makes some predictions based on the available data. Continue reading

Open Source Workshop: presentations now online!

Sweden’s majestic Royal Library Kungliga Biblioteket welcomed more than a hundred heritage professionals for the first public PREFORMA event, the Open Source Preservation Workshop – Serving the Cultural Heritage. All presentations are now available for download on the event website. Continue reading

Call for papers VIEW Journal: Audiovisual Data in Digital Humanities

Considering the relevance of audiovisual material as perhaps the biggest wave of data to come in the near future (Smith, 2013, IBM prospective study) its relatively modest position within the realm of Digital Humanities conferences is remarkable. The objective of … Continue reading

Online exhibition of digital sculptures by Hande Sekerciler at JD Malat Gallery

JD Malat Gallery is proud to present ecstasy, a solo exhibition by leading Turkish sculptor Hande Sekerciler. From the 26th of November until the 1st of January, ecstasy will bring together a selection of three-dimensional digital sculptures to explore the … Continue reading

Do diverse exhibitions make the Dutch art museum more popular?

Research project of MA students in the Museums in Context course at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, MA Cultural Economics led by professor Trilce Navarrete. Authors: Ilse Romeijn, Willemijn de Wit and Lotte van den Bergh All images courtesy of the … Continue reading

High resolution 3D digital imaging in China

As digital technology evolves, 3D data is increasingly preferred as a method of preserving cultural heritage artifacts. It provides an easy way to get in touch with them and significantly reduces the need for physical storage space, offering to museums a portable and accessible platform to exchange information and to researchers the possibility to easily browse and review the materials. Continue reading

Digital Humanities 2013

At the International Conference, the abstract “An Evaluation of the Involvement of General Users in a Cultural Heritage Collection” submitted by Cultura project has been accepted. The project will attend the meeting to present its results, including posters and short papers. Continue reading

Interview with Marion Jaks

Marion is a video archivist at the Austrian Mediathek, the Austrian video and sound archive. Her main area of work is the digitization of analogue videos and quality control of video files entering the digital archive. The main use case for MediaConch is to check if files that were produced outside of the default workflow procedure meet the policy for the archival master. Continue reading