Mobile Apps and Augmented Reality

On 3-7 February 2014, at the School of Industrial Engineering of Barcelona, a workshop was held on Mobile Apps and Augmented Reality. The workshop was organised by RICHES’ partner I2CAT (Internet and Digital Innovation in Catalonia, research organisation promoting research and innovation in advanced internet technology), in the framework of I AM project (International Augmented Med).


I AM is an international cooperation project involving fourteen partner organisations in seven countries around the Mediterranean Sea. It is funded by the 2007-2013 ENPI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme. The 14 partners work to develop joint activities to provide innovative services to the tourism sector in each of their countries, with the aim of assisting economic development in the Mediterranean region. The innovative services consist in the application to a number of heritage sites of a variety of multimedia and interactive techniques in the field of Augmented Reality.

Mobile applications and Augmented Reality technologies offer new opportunities for heritage and tourism. A new market is under development and specific skills are required to offer innovative products adapted to the market needs.


As mobile devices become more powerful in terms of interactivitydata gathering and Internet accessAugmented Reality apps are increasing.

They have the opportunity to augment, enhance and transform user’s experience.

Barcelona 3-7 February’s workshop explored the design, development and user studies associated to mobile Augmented Reality. In particular, discussion topics were focused on:

  • Design of mobile Augmented Reality Apps
  • Augmented Reality for Heritage and Tourism
  • Augmented Reality for Marketing
  • Augmented Reality Games, Entertainment and Education
  • Exploration currently standards, available tools and devices
IAM mascot - Blue

I AM mascot “Blue”

The workshop was conceived as a 5-days training, covering the global development chain, from understanding the business approach when working with mobile apps to the programing training.

Within this workshop the participants were provided with the knowledge and skills required to develop Augmented Reality experiences. It was discussed theoretical design approaches and practical frameworks, which will help developers to make Augmented Reality interfaces in mobile contexts.

The workshop had a great success, the maximum capacity of participants was reached before the ending of the requests.

Target audiences were: developers, SME’s, entrepreneurs and students willing to develop apps for heritage and tourism.

You can join the network and the active community around Augmented Reality and Video mapping for Heritage though the Linkedin Group; the presentations from all the training activities in the framework of the project (and specifically from the Barcelona workshop) are available online on the project website. You just need to register and the documents are available for download.

The call for grants is still open! Deadline by the 17/02/2014

For more information visit

View the event we published to announce the workshop



RICHES on Twitter: #richesEU

Concertation among EC-funded PCP projects

foto 1On February 10th, 2014 the Innovation Unit of the European Commission organised the 1st concertation meeting for ongoing Pre-Commercial Procurement projects. This represents a good opportunity to collect information about good practices and to bring up problems or questions.


PREFORMA has been invited to the meeting and three representatives participated and presented the project:

  • the Coordinator Borje Justrell from the Swedish National Archives (Riksarkivet);
  • the Technical Coordinator and Communication Manager Antonella Fresa from Promoter Srl;
  • Peter Pharow from Fraunhofer-Institut for Digital Media Technologie IDMT, who will lead the first phase of the procurement – the design phase.


Download here the project presentation delivered by Borje Justrell.

Download the minutes and the list of attendees.

On the following link you can find uploaded all presentations: Click here to view PCP_PPI.

“Achieving Impact” international conference

Achieving ImpactNET4SOCIETY, the network of National Contact Points for research in the field of Social Sciences and Humanities organised a transnational conference which took place in Athens at the National Hellenic Research Foundation on the 26th and 27th February 2014 on the occasion of the Greek EU Council presidency.

Entitled “Achieving Impact: Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities (SSH) in Horizon 2020”, the conference highlighted the important role SSH has to play, through its relevance and impact, in achieving the targets set out in Europe 2020 – the EU’s growth strategy for the current decade. The conference also showcased exciting opportunities that exist in Horizon 2020 to help prepare the SSH research community for the New EU Programme for Research & Innovation.

ai-ssh__13The two-day event appealed to members of the SSH research community who are looking for networking and funding opportunities within Horizon 2020. It was of particular interest to researchers from universities and research organisations in the field of SSH, Civil Society Organisations & Non-governmental Organisations. SSH-relevant industries involved in Research and Innovation activities were also among the target audience. Established networks such as ERA-NETs were invited to attend. In addition, the conference targeted at research programme owners/managers as well as policy makers.

The Conference sessions addressed the following areas:

  • The Creative and Cultural Industries
  • The European Social Model
  • Social Innovation.

The second day addressed Horizon 2020, specifically matters arising from the Work Programme for Societal Challenge 6; Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies. It featured a brokerage event to facilitate participants’ engagement with the HORIZON 2020 research programmes and to enhance their networking and collaboration prospects. RICHES Project Coordinator Neil Forbes, of Coventry University (UK), and RICHES Communication Manager Antonella Fresa of Promoter Srl (Italy) attended the conference as invited experts of the second day, in the session devoted to “Reflective societies: European culture”.

The conference was organised by NET4SOCIETY (, the network of National Contact Points (NCPs) for Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities in the EU Research Framework Programme.

Presentations are now available in the conference website. Conference reports, videos and photos will be available soon.

Download the conference agenda

View the event published on to announce the conference

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RICHES is on Archeomatica website!

On the 5th of February 2014, Archeomatica published an article about RICHES, offering to its readers a general presentation of the “Social-Sciences and Humanities” project funded by the EU Commission within the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development.

logoArcheomatica is a multidisciplinary magazine, printed in Italy and published also online, devoted to the dissemination of advanced methodologies, emerging technologies and techniques for the Cultural Heritage’s knowledge, documentation providing, preservation and improvement. Archeomatica is open access, believing that the research results freely available to the public improve the global knowledge exchange. Its contents and its objectives are certainly in line with RICHES’ ones and the magazine presented itself as an appropriate tool for the project’s dissemination.

RICHES Italian article is entitled “RICHES: come le tecnologie stanno cambiando la cultura? – RICHES: how technology is changing culture?”; to read the article click here.

Visit Archeomatica website

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First EAGLE International Conference


poster_eagle_parisThe First International Conference of the EAGLE project (Europeana network of Ancient Greek and Latin Epigraphy) “Information Technologies for Epigraphy and Digital Cultural Heritage in the Ancient World”, organised with the support of Collège de France Chaire Religion, institutions et société de la Rome antique and École Normale Supérieure, was a great success.

The tickets were sold out two weeks before the event with more than 170 registered participants coming from all over Europe and beyond.

Information Technology has brought many significant changes in the field of Cultural Heritage and continues to be a dynamic and exciting field for the emergence of new opportunities. This wave of change has had particularly significant consequences in the field of Epigraphy and Classical Studies where the vast potential for digital content and new tools continues to reveal itself, opening doors to new and as-yet-unexplored synergies. Many technological developments concerning digital libraries, research and education are now fully developed and ready to be exported, applied, utilized, and cultivated by the public.





Susan Hazan (keynote speaker) and Silvia Orlandi (EAGLE Project Coordinator)

Co-funded by the European Commission under its Information and Communication Technologies Policy Support Programme, EAGLE aims to create an e-library for Digital Epigraphy of unprecedented scale and quality for ingestion to Europeana.

EAGLE is also aiming at creating a network of experts and people interested in Epigraphy and Cultural Heritage. This event is intended to be a forum for anyone willing to share and discuss experiences and current general best practices for digital editions. It is open to researchers, archivists, industry professionals, museum curators and others seeking to create a forum in which individuals and institutions can find a place to collaborate.



Tom Elliot (keynote speaker) and Antonio Felle (one of the speakers)

The EAGLE 2014 conference included several presentations around the themes of Harmonization of Content and Geographical information, Translations and Linked Open Data, Intellectual Property Rights, User Engagement, Cultural Heritage and the Social Web, Digital approaches to cross-disciplinary studies of inscriptions. The keynote-speakers consisted of some of the most salient voices in the field, including Tom Elliott (New York University) and Susan Hazan (The Israel Museum). Finally, a Digital Poster Exhibition was organised to showcase the 25 posters that were submitted to the Conference.


For further information visit the EAGLE 2014 Conference website and follow EAGLE on Facebook and Twitter!



PREFORMA presented at OFA Event & FOSDEM 2014

Between the end of January and the beginning of February 2014, researchers and practitioners from the PREFORMA project had several extremely interesting discussions at the OFA event and at FOSDEM.



PREFORMA researchers at the OFA-event

At the OFA event (28 February 2014), the University of Skovde presented the PREFORMA project and the reaction was very positive. Several key players in the “open” world now know about the project (including some legal experts on Open Source and public sector procurement). After presenting the general process, very useful informal discussions followed concerning the legal and procurement challenges that PREFORMA is facing.



The PREFORMA project participating in the legal track at FOSDEM.

At FOSDEM 2014, Jonas Gamalielsson, Bert Lemmens and Björn Lundell met Peter Bubestinger, who is working for “Österreichische Mediathek”, Austria’s national A/V archive in the video department. The discussion covered various  challenges related both to Open Source implementations of file formats in the  AV-domain and to requirements from the memory institutions.



Researchers and practitioners from the PREFORMA project discussing challenges for memory institutions related to implementation of file formats at FOSDEM.

A step ahead in the process of Open Dialogue that PREFORMA is fostering between the memory institutions and the technology providers who develop the software, that will lead to the definition of the requirements of the PREFORMA tender.


For more information visit

EGI community forum 2014
E-infrastructures and services for data preservation and curation @ EGI CF 2014, Helsinki


In the last years, e-Infrastructures and DCH communities entered a dialogue and now several data-infrastructure projects exist, whose results can be adapted and re-used in the DCH domain. In particular, fruitful cooperation started among these projects to test the services and tools developed to facilitate the storage, access and preservation of digital data and to provide feedback for the further improvement of such services. Aim of this workshop was:

  • To present the common registry of services and tools which is being developed jointly by DCH-RP & APARSEN and to discuss how to sustain it after the end of the project. The registry will contain descriptions of common user scenarios as well as information about the tools that may be used to implement them. In addition it will support searching the tools database using several criteria and it will also provide assessments and reviews of most relevant tools. The aim of the registry is to help a broad range of DCH communities, institutions and projects to plan implementation of their digital preservation processes implementation and understand commonly available options by offering them the integrated information from both projects.
  • To present the first results of the Proof of Concepts that have been conducted in the frame of DCH-RP, where e-infrastructure providers and cultural institution work together to test services and e-infrastructures to store and manage cultural digital resources.
  • To present the interim version of the roadmap for the long-term preservation of digital cultural content, which aims to help policy makers and programme owners to plan ahead and assist managerial teams of cultural institutions in taking decisions related to digital preservation and to support cultural heritage institutions in defining practical action plan with a realistic time frame for its implementation.
  • To attract new projects and initiatives working in the domain of DCH, e-infrastructures and digital preservation to find synergies and discuss opportunities for cooperation, starting from concrete use cases.


DCH-RP workshop helsinki 1PRESENTATIONS

  • Introduction to the workshop (Antonella Fresa, Promoter Srl, download PDF)
  • A roadmap for the preservation of digital cultural content (Borje Justrell, Riksarkivet, download PDF)
  • The DCH-RP registry of services (Michal Jankowski, PSNC, download PDF)
  • APARSEN structured list of services for digital preservation (Felix Engel, FTK, download PDF)
  • Keeping culture alive: participative storage and access solutions for cultural and research institutions (Hilke Arijs, KIK-IRPA, download PDF)
  • Sustainability of digital preservation services in the long term (Ed Fay, Open Planets Foundation, download PDF)



DCH-RP ( is a coordination action co-funded by the European Union under its Seventh Framework Programme whose outcome is a roadmap for the implementation of a preservation infrastructure for Digital Cultural heritage (DCH) which will be the first instance of an Open Science Infrastructure for DCH in 2020.
For further information visit the DCH-RP Showcase.



  • Researchers in the humanities
  • Teaching and learning actors (schools, training centers, university courses)
  • Cultural and creative industry for the creative use and re-use of the digital cultural content
  • Content providers (e.g. big and small cultural heritage institutions – libraries, museums, archives, other National institutions -, private and public publishers, etc.).
  • Policy makers and programme owners
  • E-infrastructure providers, technology providers and R&D institutions
  • R&D projects and initiatives focusing on e-Infrastructures and digital preservation.

Workshop on Managing, Computing and Preserving Big Data for Research

EGI_LogoFollowing the December 2013 workshop “EGI towards Horizon 2020”, and APARSEN (the Alliance Permanent Access to the Records of Science in Europe Network) organised an EGI Community Workshop focusing on “Managing, computing and preserving big data for research”.

The workshop, which was held in Amsterdam from 4th until 6th of March 2014, brought together all scientific domains within the EGI community to discuss and develop requirements on e-infrastructures to foster and support the generation, analyse and usage of the research data.

during the workshop...

during the workshop…

The workshop focused in particular on these essential questions:

  • How can publicly-funded institutions provide sustainable infrastructures to manage, preserve, analyze and give access to large research data?
  • How can generic services be developed on heterogeneous and complex datasets and diverse formats cutting across a wide-range of scientific communities?
  • Which business models can be developed and deployed to provide sustainable preservation and re-use?
  • What are the challenges and needs being faced for managing open data?


The outcomes will help EGI in evolving its technical services to support new requirements.

APARSEN provideed technical support and consultancy during the workshop.

DCH-RP logoAntonella Fresa from Promoter Srl and Rosette Vandenbroucke from BELSPO represented the DCH-RP project and more in general the Digital Cultural Heritage community and use cases. Click here to download the presentation which was delivered.

Here are some photos from the workshop in Amsterdam


For more information:


ICT-PCP Newsletter – January 2014




First Horizon 2020 funding for innovation procurement available now


December 2013 the European Commission adopted the 2014-2020 research and innovation funding program Horizon 2020 that makes available €140 Million in 2014-2015 to support procurers from around Europe to cooperate on innovation procurement in areas such as Health, Food, Energy, Transport, Climate Change, ICT & Research Infrastructures.

Innovation procurement in Horizon 2020 encompasses Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) and Public Procurement of Innovative solutions (PPI) that focus on development respectively deployment of innovative solutions. Calls are open for:

  • Coordination and support actions: 100% EU funding for the coordination and networking costs to cooperate on identifying opportunities and preparing for future PCPs / PPIs
  • PCP or PPI Cofund actions: 70% respectively 20% EU funding for the costs – including the PCP or PPI procurement cost itself – to prepare and undertake a PCP or PPI procurement

23 January 2014 info and networking day in Brussels: following presentations and participants list are uploaded here:

More info in following sections of the ICT Work Program:

  • ICT-35(f): €1M call for CSAs for procurers interested to prepare future PCPs/PPIs (call deadline: 23 April 2014)
  • ICT-36: €4M call for PCP Cofund actions for procurers interested to do a PCP (call deadline: 14 April 2015)

PCP or PPI cofund actions can be preceded by CSA actions.

For people that were unable to attend the info day, the videotape of the entire day will be posted here as well shortly.

All official Horizon 2020 documents are published here, including the work programs detailing all the calls and the Horizon 2020 work program Annex detailing the funding modalities (in particular D & E for PCP and PPI).

Go to the Horizon 2020 Participant Portal to get all info about the calls and start drafting and submitting your proposal.


Upcoming Events – Finding partners for PCP and PPI calls


Upcoming workshop with Smart Specialisation Platform – Thessaloniki (end March – beginning April 2014)

Online networking with other procurers

Interested to have a look at / get touch with on-going EU funded PCP projects

Info about PCP projects in the ICT domain funded by DG CONNECT can be found on the EU funded projects page of the PCP website. Overview presentation of all ongoing PCP and PPI related projects funded by DG CONNECT here.


News from EU funded PCP and PPI projects


New projects started (more info on the EU funded projects page of the PCP website):

  • UNWIRED HEALTH started 1 January 2014 that plans to undertake a PCP to establish a mobile care path for patient centric care for vaccination and heart failure cases.
  • NYMPHA-MD started 1 January 2014 that plans to undertake a PCP on mental care for bipolar disorders.
  • PREFORMA started 1 January 2014 that plans to undertake a PCP on long term digital preservation.
  • P4ITS started 1 December 2013. P4ITS is a coordination and support action that networks public procurers that plan to shortly embark on PPI of ITS solutions (Intelligent Transport Systems).

Interested suppliers are invited to participate in the online market consultation (closes 28 Feb 2014) for the THALEA PCP that focuses on a highly interoperable telemedicine-platform for detection of Intensive Care Unit-patients at increased risk.

On 4 April 2014, PREFORMA organizes a market consultation with potentially interested suppliers in preparation of the PREFORMA PCP on long term digital preservation.

SCAPE Consultation: Digital preservation – what to monitor and how?

SCAPE_logo_thumbThe SCAPE Project has launched a new web based consultation and is seeking participants to help understand preservation events, threats and opportunities.


The consultation on preservation monitoring has 30 short questions which should take about 10 minutes to complete:


“Anyone willing to preserve digital content will be aware of events that might constitute a relevant risk. In SCAPE we are developing tools that will allow you to detect risks before they cause any irreversible damage,” explains Luis Faria who is leading the consultation.


“We are looking for digital content owners to participate in our online consultation and help us develop tools that would help you to automatically detect problems with your own content, and events that might put it at risk.”


The SCAPE project is developing scalable services for planning and execution of institutional preservation strategies on an open source platform that orchestrates semi-automated workflows for large-scale, heterogeneous collections of complex digital objects. SCAPE will enhance the state of the art of digital preservation in three ways: by developing infrastructure and tools for scalable preservation actions; by providing a framework for automated, quality-assured preservation workflows and by integrating these components with a policy-based preservation planning and watch system. These concrete project results will be validated within three large-scale Test beds from diverse application areas.


Be part of the project and participate now!