iPRES 2014 Conference

ipres2014The 11th annual iPRES conference on digital preservation will be held from 6 to 10 October 2014 at the State Library of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia.

The iPRES 2014 Coordinating Committee invites contributions of papers, posters, demonstrations, tutorials and workshops related to the increasingly broad topic of digital preservation.

The 2014 conference is canvassing contributions along two primary axes – Research and Innovative Practice.
Contributions should address at least one of the following topics:


  • intelligent and secure storage
  • scalability
  • complex formats
  • large web data sets
  • software and hardware dependencies
  • system architectures and requirements
  • distributed and cloud-based implementations


  • institutional contexts for preservation
  • personal archiving
  • collaboration
  • collection content profiling

Strategic environment

  • legislative, strategy and policy enablers (eg preservation intent, pre-conditioning)
  • standards
  • local, regional and national approaches

Preservation strategies and workflows

  • migration
  • emulation
  • metadata
  • risk measurement and management
  • preservation planning and actions
  • acquisition and ingest
  • access provision

Specialist content types

  • web
  • GIS
  • digital art
  • primary, scientific, sensor data
  • governmental and medical records
  • technical and scientific processes
  • engineering models and simulation
  • corporate processes and recordkeeping

A digital preservation marketplace

  • products
  • tools
  • services
  • registries
  • understanding authenticity and integrity
  • exploitation of computationally aware data from our digital repositories
  • business models
  • added value
  • benefits
  • exploitation
  • long tail

Theory of digital preservation

  • models
  • empirical testing
  • measuring semantic shift

Case studies and best practice

  • implementations
  • repositories
  • issues and wins

Training and education

  • educational needs
  • curricula
  • innovative offerings


For more information visit the conference website: http://ipres2014.org/

Info and Networking day on the new PCP and PPI funding opportunities in H2020

EC_beaulieu25The European Commission organises an Info and Networking day on the new PCP and PPI funding opportunities in Horizon 2020 which will take place on 23 January 2014 in Brussels.


Horizon 2020 offers in 2014-2015 around 140 Million EURO of EU support for PCP and PPI for procurers across various domains such as European Research Infrastructures, ICT, Health, Food / Bioeconomy, Energy, Transport and Climate Change / Environment.


EC presentations at the Info day will focus on:

  • Funding modalities of PCP and PPI support in Horizon 2020 (including also the differences between support for PCP/PPI in Horizon 2020 compared to before in FP7 / CIP).
  • New possible synergies between Horizon 2020 and ESIF (Structural Funds) funding for PCP and PPI projects.
  • How to prepare/submit a proposal for a call for CSAs for networking procurers or for a PCP/PPI Cofund action (new submission system, proposal template, evaluation criteria, etc).
  • And of course there will be also in particular additional info about the open PCP/PPI related calls in the ICT domain (ICT-35(f) and ICT-36 under the ICT LEIT work program)…


Link to the agenda and registration form for the Info day: http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ict/pcp/events_en.html

RICHES General Presentation

OpenForum Academy Event


On 31 January 2014, during an event organised by OpenForum Academy network in Brussels, the University of Skovde will present an overview of the EU FP7 PREFORMA project to raise an awareness of the project amongst participants.

Specifically, opportunities for small and large companies to become involved in the tender will be highlighted and discussed.


Openforum Academy (OFA, http://www.openforumacademy.org/) is a think tank with a broad aim to examine the paradigm shift towards openness in computing that is currently underway, and to explore how this trend is changing the role of computing in society.

OpenForum Academy is an independent programme established by OpenForum Europe. It has created a link with academia in order to provide new input and insight into the key issues which impact the openness of the IT market.

Manuscript Studies in the Digital Age 2014


The first DiXiT camp took place in Cambridge/London from Sunday, 27 April 2014 – Friday, 2 May 2014. Its programme included the fifth MMSDA course, short for Medieval and Modern Manuscript Studies in the Digital Age.

DiXiT Camp 1 was a great success thanks to local organizers (esp. Peter Stokes and Elena Pierazzo), to excellent teachers and librarians and not least thanks to a splendid and enthusiastic group of participants comprising 13 DiXiT fellows and 18 additional PhD students. 9 participants have been generously supported by NeDiMAH.
Reports on both strands (medieval & modern manuscripts) will soon be published on the DiXiT blog website: http://dixit.hypotheses.org/
On the same blog DiXiT fellows will soon start to post reports on their individual research projects.

As for the upcoming DiXiT camps (Graz 14-20 Sept, Borås 8-13 Feb) and conventions (The Hague Sept/Oct 2015, Cologne Mar/Apr 2016, Antwerp Sept/Oct 2016) we would like to include and involve more and more associated network partners as well as scholars and institutions from outside the network.


For the first time, the course run in two parallel strands: one on medieval and the other on modern manuscripts.

The course is an intensive training programme on the analysis, description and editing of manuscripts to be held jointly in Cambridge and London. It stresses the practical application of theoretical principles and gives participants both a solid theoretical foundation and also ‘hands-on’ experience in the cataloguing and editing of original medieval and modern manuscripts in both print and digital formats.



Download the Flyer here

More information on DiXiT here

DiXiT official website here

PREFORMA @ FOSDEM Conference 2014



Representatives from the EU FP7 PREFORMA project will participate at FOSDEM 2014 in Brussels, which is the main European conference where open source communities meet, share ideas and collaborate.

During the conference the researchers will network with open source developers and projects in order to promote opportunities for open source development in the context of the PREFORMA project.


FOSDEM is a free and non-commercial event organised by the community for the community. The goal is to provide open source software developers and communities a place to meet to:

  • get in touch with other developers and projects;
  • be informed about the latest developments in the open source world;
  • attend interesting talks and presentations on various topics by open source project leaders and committers;
  • to promote the development and the benefits of open source solutions.


For further details visti the Conference website.

PREFORMA invited to the EC Concertation Meeting on PCP

EC_beaulieu25On February 10th, 2014 the Innovation Unit of the European Commission is organising a concertation meeting for ongoing Pre-Commercial Procurement projects. This represents a good opportunity to collect information about good practices and to bring up problems or questions.


PREFORMA has been invited to the meeting and three representatives will participate and present the project: the Coordinator Borje Justrell from the Swedish National Archives (Riksarkivet), the Communication Manager Antonella Fresa from Promoter Srl and Peter Pharow from Fraunhofer-Institut for Digital Media Technologie IDMT.


Download here the agenda of the meeting.


PREFORMA Requirements Workshop

semanticcubeOn March 5th, 2014 PREFORMA project will organise a workshop in Brussels targeted to memory institutions to agree on the joint user model for tendering the PREFORMA conformance checker.

In other words: to agree on the expected behavior and functionality of the tools to be developed in the coming years by the software suppliers that will be selected out of the procurement that will be launched by the project.


These requirements will be further developed in the susequent design and prototype phases. But the set of requirements to be defined now will be used for selecting the software suppliers.




March 5th, 2014

FARO, cultural interface centre for cultural heritage, Priemstraat 51, 1000 Brussels (Belgium).




9.00-9.15 Introduction (objective of the workshop)

9.15-09.45 joint user model (15′ overall presentation of the use cases and requirements + 15′ general questions)

09.45-10.00 coffee break

10.00-11.30 checking audiovisual files (30′ presentation + 60′ discussion)

11.30-12.30 lunch (sandwiches)

12.30-14.00 checking text files (30′ presentation + 60′ discussion)

14.00-14.15 coffee break

14.15-15.45 checking image files (30′ presentation + 60′ discussion)

15.45-16.00 coffee break

16.00-17.30 conclusions (list amendments and settle agreement)


For more information on PREFORMA activities and to join PREFORMA community please visit the official website www.preforma-project.eu.


Mobile Apps and Augmented Reality Workshop

RICHES’ partner I2CAT (Internet and Digital Innovation in Catalonia, research organisation promoting research and innovation in advanced internet technology) organised a workshop in Barcelona, on “Mobile Apps and Augmented Reality”. The workshop was held at the School of Industrial Engineering of Barcelona in the framework of I AM project (International Augmented Med).

i2cat-logoI AM is an international cooperation project involving fourteen partner organisations in seven countries around the Mediterranean Sea. It is funded by the 2007-2013 ENPI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme. The 14 partners work to develop joint activities to provide innovative services to the tourism sector in each of their countries, with the aim of assisting economic development in the Mediterranean region. The innovative services consist in the application to a number of heritage sites of a variety of multimedia and interactive techniques in the field of Augmented Reality.

Mobile applications and Augmented Reality technologies offer new opportunities for heritage and tourism. A new market is under development and specific skills are required to offer innovative products adapted to the market needs.

IAMAs mobile devices become more powerful in terms of interactivity, data gathering and Internet access, Augmented Reality apps are increasing. They have the opportunity to augment, enhance and transform user’s experience.

Barcelona 3-7 February’s workshop explored the design, development and user studies associated to mobile Augmented Reality. In particular, discussion topics were focused on:

  • Design of mobile Augmented Reality Apps
  • Augmented Reality for Heritage and Tourism
  • Augmented Reality for Marketing
  • Augmented Reality Games, Entertainment and Education
  • Exploration currently standards, available tools and devices

 The workshop was conceived as a 5-days training, covering the global development chain, from understanding the business approach when working with mobile apps to the programing training.

Within this workshop the participants were provided with the knowledge and skills required to develop Augmented Reality experiences. It was discussed theoretical design approaches and practical frameworks, which will help developers to make Augmented Reality interfaces in mobile contexts.

Target audience: developers, SME’s, entrepreneurs and students willing to develop apps for heritage and tourism.

For more information:



RICHES-LOGO1RICHES on Twitter: #richesEU

EUDAT Call for Collaboration Projects

EUDAT_calls_for_projectsEUDAT is offering free resources and expertise to pilot collaboration projects as part of its Collaborative Data Infrastructure where users, community centres and large data centres collaboratively tackle data challenges. Research communities, research projects and individual researchers are invited to make use of its data services that are available at a European scale.

EUDAT services target a broad range of disciplines and projects, in particular those looking for simple solutions to store and/or perform computations with research data, or for a robust data infrastructure to manage, access use, re-use and preserve their data. Interested parties are invited to submit their proposals by 26th February 2014.
For complete details and on-line submission visit http://www.eudat.eu/news/eudat-calls-collaboration-projects.

Twitter (suggestion): take advantage @Eudat_eu data services – free resources & expertise to pilot EU collaboration projects full details http://goo.gl/LMldWg.