Search Results for: "Alamire Digital Lab"

E-Space @ Digital infrastructure and Value Production in Culture

The two-day conference PS Value Talks Digital Sustainability – New prospects for museums and cultural organizations called on 22nd and 23 of May 2015 dleading representatives of European Union institutions to talk about six themes and present the newest trends … Continue reading

Special Webinar on Digital Cultural Heritage

To commemorate this year’s Europe Day organised on the 9th of May a webinar dedicated to Digital Cultural Heritage is being organised. This webinar brings together two of the smallest island nations of the EU – Malta and Cyprus. These are the only EU members in the Mediterranean sea, … Continue reading

Web-EuroMed2020 on Digital Cultural Heritage

The newly established UNESCO and European Research Area (ERA) Chairs on Digital Heritage are announcing the International Web-Conference EuroMed 2020 dedicated to Digital Cultural Heritage Documentation, Preservation and Protection This unique conference is in cooperation with the European Parliament, the … Continue reading

MuDA is the Museum of Digital Art…stay tuned!

MuDA stands for Museum of Digital Art. The Museum of Digital Art is dedicated to the art of code and the questions raised by the interactions between data, algorithms and society. It will have a virtual presence, on pretty much every screen connected to the internet. And a physical presence in the ground floor of the first high rise building of Zurich, Switzerland. The MuDA is initiated by the non-profit Digital Arts Association and bound to open its doors, with your help, in January 2016. Continue reading

Digital Museums: Hype or Future?

Research project of MA students in the Museums in Context course at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, MA Cultural Economics led by professor Trilce Navarrete. Authors: Tessa de Boer, Emmy Hermans, Julia Rokos During the first lockdowns of the Covid-19 pandemic … Continue reading

Digital Cultural Heritage as a lab for fostering win-win collaboration between the public and the private sector

PHOTOCONSORTIUM, the international consortium for photographic heritage, organized its annual event 2018 in Barcelona, hosted by Generalitat de Catalunia – GENCAT in the beautiful locations of the Department of Culture. While the Association’s general assembly took place on 11th June, a public … Continue reading

International Workshop: Digital History and Public History

The meeting, held last 29th October at the University of Alicante, represented a good occasion for All those involved in the promotion an preservation of Cultural Heritage in order to introduce the projects they are currently carry on and debate … Continue reading

CIDOC 2020 – Digital Transformation in Cultural Heritage Institutions

The CIDOC Conference 2020 in will address an important societal theme that cannot be ignored nowadays: digital transformation in cultural heritage institutions. The use of digital technology, though marginal at first, has gradually reshaped documentation practices and transformed almost all aspects … Continue reading

Riga Summit 2015 on the Multilingual Digital Single Market

The Riga Summit, being held in Riga from 27 to 29 April, will gather government officials, business leaders, technology developers and language researchers, who will forge a unified vision for the multilingual digital single market. At the event, stakeholders will work together to develop a combined strategy, identify goals, establish partnerships and initiate concrete actions to bring about the vision of a digital single market without language barriers. Continue reading