Succeed technical workshop on interoperability of digitisation platforms

succeedSucceed project is organizing an Interoperability Workshop to discuss best practices and possibilities for cooperation on a technical level between European Centres of Competence and Digital infrastructures. The workshop will take place on Thursday 2 October 2014 at the National Library of the Netherlands in The Hague.

The aim of the workshop is to discuss best practices and possibilities for alignment and cooperation on a technical level between European Centres of Competence and Digital infrastructures.

The programme consists of the following elements:

  • Presentation with a technical focus by each participating project/ infrastructure on their aims, current status, and issues.
  • Demos of technical facilitiesvirtual research environments, and workbenches.
  • Discussion and brainstorming sessions on questions related to interoperability.

Representatives of some of the most active projects and infrastructures will participate to the workshop, among which DCH-RP and PREFORMA.

Attendance at the workshop is by invitation only.

RICHES Factsheet

PREFORMA @ Girona 2014: Archives and Cultural Industries

Girona City Council, through its Municipal Archive, is hosting and organizing the 2nd Annual Conference of the International Council on Archives, which will be held in October 2014, as approved by the General Assembly of the International Council on Archives, which met on the 24th of August 2012 in the Australian city of Brisbane.
This event will coincide with the celebration of the 9th European Conference on Archives (ECA), organized every four years by the European Branch of the International Council on Archives (EURBICA).

Also taking place at the same time is the 13th Image and Research Seminar, organized biennially by the Centre for Image Research and Diffusion (CRDI) of Girona City Council in conjunction with the Archivists Association of Catalonia (AAC), which will mainly focus on photographic and audiovisual documents.

All three events are grouped under a common title: Archives and Cultural Industries, in order to foster debate on a key issue for archives: the potential for the documentation that has been conserved in them to be a resource provider for the creation and consumption of culture among the population.



PREFORMA has been invited to give a talk by the Girona City Council, which is one of the memory institution participating to the project thorugh the the Records Management, Archives and Publications Service (SGDAP).

The presentation is scheduled on Monday 13th of October, in a session lasting from 14:00 until 15:00.



Download here the full programme of the event.



The Registration Form for the Archives and Cultural Industries Conference is now available at



Event page on digitalmeetsculture:

Official website:


Keynote Speakers:

Workshops (free of charge):

DAVID workshop at FIAT/IFTA 2014

davidOur sister project DAVID, with which PREFORMA signed a Memorandum of Understanding, will be present at the FIAT/IFTA 2014 conference with the workshop:


Digital Video Damage in Archives: Understand, Prevent, Detect, and Repair – Results from the DAVID Project

Peter Schallauer, Jean-Hugues Chenot, Jörg Houpert, Christoph Bauer


In this workshop DAVID will look for answers to the following questions:

  • What types of damage are common in digital archive content and workflows and what are its consequences on the re-usability of that content?
  • Which solutions are there to detect and repair MXF errors, e.g. in D10 files and workflows?
  • Which solutions are there to detect and repair video essence damage, e.g. Digital BETACAM dropouts, noise, various field  errors, and for improving the picture quality beyond its original state, e.g. de-blurring and super-resolution?
  • And finally, how to prevent digital damage in the future?


Erwin Verbruggen from the Natherland Institute of Sound and Vision delivered a presentation of PREFORMA project entitled “#DP Innovation & Research”.

Download here the presentation.

Europeana Photography Seminar – Software for managing digital collections

software seminar

Organized by CRDI – Centre de Recerca i Difusió de la Imatge (Ajuntament de Girona) and GenCat – Generalitat de Catalunya (Department de Cultura), a seminar in the framework of EuropeanaPhotography project has take place in Barcelona (29th January 2014), at the premises of Palau Moja, Carrer de la Portaferrissa, 1.

A one day event to explore the best ways to select software for managing a digital
collection, featuring professional speakers and the presentation of different experiences from the Europeana Photography partners.

Database systems have been crucial to transform the practice in managing digital collections. However, digital image represent a new challenge. Creation, management and use of digital assets has become core business for LAM (Libraries, Archives and Museums) sector.

In this seminar we have identified the main functionalities needed for managing an image collection and we have analyzed different systems. It has also took place the presentation of different experiences from Europeana Photography partners related to this subject.

Download the EuropeanaPhotography presentation by Antonella Fresa, EuropeanaPhotography Technical Coordinator (PDF, 3,6 Mb)

More information about the proceedings of the seminar will be available soon.

Download the program (PDF, 164 Kb)

PREFORMA @ Euromed International Conference 2014

The entrance of the ancient city of Amathus in Limassol will host the 5th International Euro-Mediterranean Conference (EuroMed 2014), which is dedicated this year to the protection, preservation and e-documentation of the Cultural Heritage.




From 3rd to 8th of November 2014, policy makers, professionals, students and representatives of the cultural institutions from more than 60 countries of the world will have the opportunity to come together to exchange know-how and experiences in the use of cutting edge technologies for the protection, preservation, conservation, massive digitalisation and visualization/presentation of the Cultural Heritage content, as well as the current and future worldwide developments in this area. At the same time, the event is intended to cover topics of research ready for exploitation, demonstrating the acceptability of new sustainable approaches and new technologies by the user community, SME’s, owners, managers and conservators of cultural patrimony.


pfo_logo_02PREFORMA will participate in the conference with a presentation of its objectives and expected outcomes, focusing in particular on the benefits that the project can bring to the cultural institutions. The presentation is included in the programme of the workshop “The Digitization Age: Mass Culture is Quality Culture. Challenges for Cultural Heritage and Society, organised by Promoter Srl in the afternoon of November 3rd, which will bring together EU projects, organizations and professional to disseminate the latest achievements and to foster collaboration among different initiatives operating in the digital cultural heritage sector. The paper that has been submitted presents PREFORMA as one of the most important projects currently active in the digital cultural heritage domain. Download here the programme of the workshop.


For further information on the event visit this article and the Conference website.

DLM Forum 2014 – Making the Information Governance Landscape in Europe

DLM2014_mix_VbThe DLM Forum will hold its 7th triennial conference in Lisbon from 12 to 14 November 2014.

Sessions will focus on the latest challenges and innovation in Information Governance.

Speakers from all over Europe and beyond will present their experiences with current and next generation information governance across government, commercial and specialised industry sectors.

The conference programme consists of plenary sessions for all participants and breakout sessions representing different challenges in information governance. The conference also will be preceded by tutorials, providing participants with extra educational opportunities.


About DLM Forum

The DLM Forum is vibrant community of public archives and interested parties from across government, commercial, academic and voluntary sectors who are active in information governance, including archives, records, document and information lifecycle management. It was founded by the European Commission and first met in 1996. Today it is a not-for-profit foundation providing industry specifications, participating in activities and serving members from all over Europe and the rest of the world.


For more details and to register to the event please visit the event website.

Preservathon: Select the best services and tools for your audiovisual digitisation project



PrestoCentre Preservathons are two-day hands-on events developed around main themes and challenges in audiovisual digitisation, preservation and long-term access.

During the first day, attendees will work together in small groups. Activities include workshops, roleplaying, demonstrations, presentations, writing and negotiation exercises (e.g. call for tender, SLA). Each Preservathon includes a competitive element.

The second day is organised as a mini-conference including concise presentations and demonstrations of the results and experiences from the first day, a ceremony to award the winning group, and a short but informative review on the subject, including the state of relevant technology, related research, and open questions.


presto_centreThe Preservathon organised in Brussels on 13-14 November 2014, made possible by the Presto4U project, will provide context, meaningful discussions and insights into opportunities and challenges within the force-field where AV archives need to decide on what to preserve (selections), when to digitise (priorities), how to digitise (formats & technologies) and, above all, who to partner with.

Digitisation is a highly specialised and technical niche. Even though AV archives could consider building skills and competence themselves, it makes far more sense to develop long term business relationships with knowledgeable and reliable commercial partners. The Preservathon caters for this approach. It will provide a challenge to all attendees to learn to understand their own requirements and how these relate to existing vendor services and solutions. The challenge will set the scene for understanding the institutional requirement and needs and how to scale these to the initial thinking about RFI and RFP processes. During the Preservathon, participants will be supported by experts from major AV archives that went through this process over the last decade and they can consult a panel of experts from vendors and learn to understand how their services link to their specific challenge.


For further information and to register to the Preservathon please visit the event website.

High level conference on PCP/PPI

event_pcp_milan_7790_48130M Euro of EU co-funding will be available in 2015 from Horizon 2020 to support the implementation of new Innovation Procurements across Europe. As the majority of the on-going PCPs are in the procurement execution phase it is the perfect time to start planning the deployment of the developed solutions.  The 2015 H2020 PPI calls – that cover many domains of public interest such as education/e-learning, e-health, cloud computing etc – are presenting unique co-funding opportunities to support the deployment of innovative solutions through PPI. Proposals for new PCPs and PPIs that are not follow-ups of on-going projects are of course also welcome.


On 26/27 November the big annual high level EU conference with the title “Modernizing the public sector and boosting economic growth through Innovation Procurement” will take place in Milan Italy at the occasion of the Italian Presidency of the EU. The event is co-organized by the European Commission, the Lombardy Region and Eurocloud Italy.  The aim of the conference is to share experiences about Innovation Procurement as driver for public sector modernization and creation of economic growth in Europe, plus inform and network procurers for the upcoming 2015 calls. The conference will therefore also provide parallel sessions per H2020 Innovation Procurement call/topic.

Do not miss this opportunity to learn more about the 2015 H2020 calls that provide funding for new innovation procurements. Join that conference, present your project ideas and network with other stakeholders that are interested to submit proposals in the framework of those calls.


On line registration is possible through the following link where you can find also the agenda of the event

DCH-RP plenary meeting in Catania

infnOn January 20th and 21st, all the DCH-RP partners met in Catania for the project’s plenary meeting, hosted by INFN at the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Catania.

This plenary meeting was particularly important for the partners because it followed the project’s review and it was the occasion to discuss and implement the review’s follow-up.


Main topics of discussion in this plenary included:

  • the release of the  intermediate version of the roadmap for digital preservation (D3.4);
  • planning the second proof of concepts, whoch will involve other projects such as EUDAT, APARSEN, SCIDIP-ES, SCAPE, ARIADNE and OPEN AIRE;
  • planning the next steps, among which the DCH-RP International Conference and the e-infrastructure Concertation Workshop.

The list of the next appointments that will be attended/organised by DCH-RP is:

  • Amsterdam, 4-6 March, participation to the EGI Workshop on Managing, Computing and Preserving BigData for Research
  • Tallinn, 23-24 April, DCH-RP e-Infrastructures concertation meeting
  • Helsinki, 19-23 May, DCH-RP Workshop at EGI Community Forum (proposal submitted, exact date of the workshop to be confirmed)
  • Stockholm, early June, DCH-RP Workshop in cooperation with EUDAT on trust building (exact date of the workshop to be confirmed)

Finally, the project is currently investigating he possibility to present the final results of the project in two workshops, in September, in the frame of:


For further information visit the DCH-RP showcase or the official website.