Procurement Week 2015

2577.p39Bangor Law School is home to the Institute for Competition and Procurement Studies (ICPS). Each year they organise a National Procurement Conference in partnership with the Welsh Government. In 2015 the event will take place at the St David’s Hotel in Cardiff, Wales.


This event is attended by delegates from no fewer than 25 different countries. The attendees come from the world of business, the public sector, legal practice and academia.  As part of next year’s events, on Tuesday 17th March 2015, it will be organised a ‘Game Changing Exhibition’. Innovation will be at the heart of the discussions.


PREFORMA project will be represented at the Conference through the Greek Film Centre and Riksarkivet and a poster of PREFORMA will be displayed during the whole Procurement Week.


Download here the Procurement Week 2015 programme brochure.

Download here the ‘Game Changing Exhibition and Innovation’ event brochure.

More information on the event can be found at the official website.

DAVID – Final User-Test-Workshop

davidPREFORMA project has been invited to the final evaluation and user-test-workshop organised by the sister R&D-project DAVID (Digital AV Media Damage Prevention and Repair) in Vienna at the ORF-Centre on 28-29 April 2015.


The Workshop

During this event, the results from the DAVID project will be presented and it will be given the chance to test and evaluate those directly, discuss the test-results and the experience during the workshop with the developers and learn about the latest research-results and developments in the domain.

Both days of the workshop will start at 10:00 with general presentations and the introduction of the test-candidates; in the afternoon the evaluation-tests, discussions and further demonstrations will take place.

More information on the following “test-candidates” and the DAVID-project can be found on the DAVID project-website (



The attendance to the workshop is free and also “open” in terms of timing; but since the main presentations will take place on each day in the morning-session (see above), it would be reasonable to attend at least one whole day.

To take part in the workshop, please send a short notice including name, profession,  company and the preferred day(s) of attendance to or

Please register as soon as possible, as the number of participants is limited!


Need more information? Visit or send an email to!

PREFORMA @ the Nordic Archival Conference



On 6-8 May 2015, Magnus Geber from Riksarkivet – Coordinator of the PREFORMA project – will attend the Nordic Archival Conference in Copenhagen.


PREFORMA will be presented on the first day during a pre-meeting with e-archivists and a poster will be showcased during the conference.


For more information visit the Conference website (Swedish language).

pHealth 2015 Conference

932af1f4da-mdh1The 12th International Conference on Wearable Micro and Nano Technologies for Personalized Healht, pHealth 2015, will be arranged in Västerås, Sweden, on 2-4 June 2015.

PREFORMA will be represented by Peter Pharow from Fraunhofer IDMT, who will present the aspect of digital preservation and PREFORMA project during a session on archiving of medical and health data.


325df7f200-pHealthLogo14Starting in 2004, pHealth has evolved to a truly interdisciplinary event by covering technological and biomedical facilities, legal, ethical, social, and organizational requirements and impacts as well as necessary basic research for enabling advanced and future proof care paradigms. Thereby, it increasingly combines medical services with public health, prevention, social and elderly care, wellness and personal fitness to establish participatory, predictive, personalized, preventive, and effective care settings. Therefore, it has attracted scientists, developers, and practitioners from various technologies, medicine, legal affairs, politics, and administration from all over the world. It brought together health services vendor and provider institutions, payer organizations, governmental departments, academic institutions, professional bodies, but also patient and citizens representatives.


Download here the call for paper.

For further information visit the Conference website.

PDF Days Europe 2015

event-pic-1PDF technology has now become a global standard – and one more stable and reliable than ever. Over the course of more than twenty years of committed development, this application-independent file format has become a real miracle worker. Protected by international standards, PDF is now an indispensable part of the modern business world.

Not all PDFs are created equal. Several specialized subset standards use the core PDF technology as a starting point. PDF Days Europe 2015 aims to acquaint you with both the technology behind PDF and the range of outstanding solutions that use it:

  • PDF/A: Archiving solutions
  • ZUGFeRD: E-invoicing solutions based on PDF/A
  • PDF/UA: Solutions for accessible documents
  • PDF/VT: Solutions for personalised printing
  • PDF/X: Pre-press solutions

The rise and rise of PDF technology has not been confined to the business world alone. PDF is playing an increasingly critical role for digital document exchange in public and scientific institutions.

Did you know that a PDF file…

… can be digitally signed?
… can include additional comments?
… can contain other files, such as Excel spreadsheets?
… can be attached to another PDF file?
… can also be accessed on your smartphone?
… now meets legal regulations?

PDF Days Europe 2015 will offer answers to IT managers, decision-makers,
ECM strategists, developers and PDF experts, and provide suggestions for optimal PDF usage.


For more information visit

1st International Conference on Advanced Imaging



We are pleased to announce that “The 1st International Conference on Advanced Imaging” will be held in June, 2015. Now the imaging technology sees a more complicated technological landscape than before: the combination of digitization and network expansion makes technology fusion a necessity. Accordingly, we need to think about how the images should be in a variety of scenes. What are the best image displaying devices in a particular scene? How do we want to share information by using images? How do we recognize images?

The imaging technology is to explore the new horizons. Its use will not be limited to conventional business scenes. The imaging technology can now provide tools to inform you in countless situations. While you are in the traffic, what image information do you get? You can also choose different information devices whether you get information personally or share it in a group of people. You can see different modes of price tags or signs in a supermarket. You can display images in different modes in your living room. The imaging technology has huge potentials, e.g., highlighting the affected part in the Region of Interest in medical imaging, and using the technology for security purposes. By studying these possible scenes, we can further improve the technology to reach a new level of sophistication, when you may be able to choose the optimal image information efficiently wherever you will be.

Your active participation in this conference is more than welcome. We hope that fruitful discussions in this conference will lead to the incubation of new imaging technologies for the future.


For more information visit

Preserving Documents Forever: when is a PDF not a PDF

opf-site-logoThe Open Preservation Foundation and Digital Preservation Coalition, with support from the European Commission and the PREFORMA project, invite members to a briefing day on preserving PDF at Oxford University on Wednesday 15th July 2015.

PDF is a ubiquitous format for publishing and sharing digital documents. It provides a useful tool for dissemination and because it is designed to ensure that the look and feel of documents does not change from one environment to the next it seems like a promising basis for the preservation of documents. But it also introduces a variety of preservation challenges for those working to preserve digital information for the long term. For example there are numerous tools to help create PDFs means many of which introduce their own subtle variations to the standard. Browsers have become increasingly tolerant of these eccentricities. That helps users in the short term but makes validation harder in the long run. How are organisations beginning to address these and other issues? What makes a PDF a PDF and how can repository managers tell the difference? And what can we do as a community to solve the PDF preservation problem? These are just some of the questions this briefing day will seek to answer.

verapdfThis briefing day will include an introduction to a new initiative that aims to tackle the complexities of PDF Preservation head on. The veraPDF Consortium has been funded by the PREFORMA Project to develop a comprehensive PDF/A validation tool and policy checker.  This will ultimately provide a definitive take on PDF/A compliance whilst also acting as a method of identifying PDF characteristics that pose a risk to long term preservation. Participants at the briefing day will have a chance to find out what veraPDF plans to deliver. More importantly they will also have an opportunity to contribute to its design.

dpcThe full programme is yet to be finalised but speakers will include Betsy Fanning, author of the DPC’s forthcoming 2nd edition Technology Watch Report ‘Preserving with PDF/a’,  Johan van der Knijff from the National Library of the Netherlands, Carl Wilson from the Open Preservation Foundation and Ange Albertini from Google.

Priority registration is available for DPC and OPF members until the 1st July, at which point non-members will be able to register for remaining places.

Who should come?

This briefing day will interest:

  • Collections managers, librarians, curators, archivists in memory institutions
  • Repository managers in higher education and research institutions
  • CIOs and CTOs in organisations with commercial intellectual property
  • Records managers and business analysts with requirements for long-lived data or legacy systems
  • Vendors and developers with digital preservation and EDRMS solutions
  • Researchers with interests e-infrastructure and digital preservation
  • Developers with expertise in PDF and related document formats

How to register?

Places are strictly limited and should be booked in advance. Registration will close before the event and early booking is recommended as we expect this event will be popular.  This event is sponsored by the veraPDF project so is free to attend however DPC and OPF members will have priority access to registration. To register see:

OPF members should select the ‘associate member’ category when registering.

PREFORMA @ SOIMA 2015: Unlocking Sound and Image Heritage

SOIMA-2015-ConferencePREFORMA partners KIK-IRPA (the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage in Belgium), BEELD EN GELUID (the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision) and PACKED, are partners for the International Conference “SOIMA 2015: Unlocking Sound and Image Heritage” which takes places on 3& 4 September in Brussels.


This is an international conference on ensuring a safe and creative future for sound and image heritage. Twelve national and international institutions are supporting the event.


Recorded sound and images have captured our world, our lives and our imagination. Thanks to rapid advancements in social media and information technologies, it has become much easier to share and use sound and image content. Yet contrary to common perception, not all content is readily usable. Today’s knowledge on preservation and access is fragmented, often trapped in separate areas of expertise, presenting a challenge to content collectors and users.

Locked in obsolete formats and threatened by degradation and decay, nearly all of sound and image collections held by museums, archives, libraries, universities and other cultural or research repositories face the imminent threat of extinction. As a result, the world stands to lose a wealth of knowledge and information – a wealth that is crucial for conserving our cultural and natural diversity.

Is it possible to prevent this loss?


The conference will bring together professionals and policy makers with an interest in sound and image preservation by focusing on four themes:

  • Memory, Intangible Heritage and Creative Expressions
  • Sustaining Sound and Image Heritage
  • Creative Use and Access
  • Education and Training: Current Needs and Future Possibilities


Download here the programme of the Conference


More information:


IBC 2015 – EBU Open Source meetup



Just like last year, the EBU Open Source Meetup at IBC features a series of 5 minutes lightning talks on open source projects and use cases from the broadcast domain, covering topics on production, contribution and distribution, such as: graphics and video play-out, audio & video encoding, ttranscoding in the cloud, DAB+ radio broadcasting, etc.



The list of presentations are currently under preparation. There are still lighting talk slots left.

Contact EBU team if you want to present a project/use case.



We recommend you to register if you plan to come to this event.


Further Information

For further information visit




Exhibit at IBC2015

IBC provides you with an unparalleled platform to meet, address and learn from 55,000+ of the most engaged power brokers, press and prospects in international electronic media and entertainment. The fourteen exhibition halls, themed by creation, management and delivery are complimented by a host of Feature Areas specially designed to enhance your experience. Deepen your understanding by taking in the IBC Conference and maximise networking at events including the industry established IBC Awards.

IBC2015 Exhibition  11 – 15 September 2015


About the IBC Conference

IBC2015 Conference: The Future of Media in an Age of Disruption

The IBC Conference ( is an unrivalled global destination for discussion and debate about the many different challenges facing the electronic media and entertainment industry, both in its sessions and in the range of networking opportunities it affords. Featuring some of the foremost thought-leaders, innovators and policy makers in their fields and covering a wide breadth of topics, it is the place to explore new strategies, understand business disruptors, chart future technological progress and uncover the future roadmap of the industry.

IBC2015 Conference  10-14 September 2015

OSSCOM 2015: International Conference on Open Source Software Computing

textsliderrThe International Conference on Open Source Software Computing (OSSCOM 2015) is meant to be an international forum for experts, professionals, researchers, and students to promote, share, and discuss Open-Source Software (OSS) services, resources, applications, products, and tools. Researchers and professionals from all over the world are invited to submit proposals for tutorials and workshops as well as papers in areas related to open-source software.


Speakers and delegates will represent many different categories and stakeholders from the private and public organizations, universities, and enterprises. OSSCOM 2015 will focus on the perspective of open source software adoption as alternative solutions to proprietary software and will point out how specialized OSS enterprises can be developed from within universities to integrate creativity, entrepreneurship, and competitiveness and build sustainable OSS industry.


Register for the conference at:





International Conference on Open Source Software Computing (OSSCOM 2015) is part of the Open Source Software Communities and Rejuvenation of Technical Education and Innovation Project, funded by the EU under Tempus project.

The Open Source Software Communities and Rejuvenation of Technical Education and Innovation Project (OSSCOM) is an international project that aims to setup linkage between academic institutions and enterprises to support transformative technical education and rejuvenation, build Open-Source Software (OSS) hubs and communities, enhance technology access to societies at large, and boost economic development. OSSCOM enables the achievement of these objectives by establishing technology centers to provide coordinated support and resources for developing and enabling an environment for large-scale OSS technology outreach and its use in academic institutions and enterprises. By attracting higher education (HE) institutions and industrial partners from the Middle East and Europe, OSSCOM will be a large OSS capacity building, entrepreneurship, and technology support project in the region. OSSCOM road map is to establish links with enterprises for relevance of ICT education; setup OSS technology hubs to provide support to communities and promote innovation and business acceleration; develop OSS technology resources; facilitate the adoption of OSS as feasible alternatives to proprietary software; and create entrepreneurship incubators and business start-up facilities. OSSCOM approach is comprehensive and wide-ranging in geographical coverage in the Pan-Arab region and Europe. Activities will span the whole cycle of integration, from setting up links with enterprises and establishing specialized OSS technology centers to the integration of OSS into education and learning systems and transformation of innovation and business startups. OSSCOM will play an important role in disseminating OSS resources, providing technical support, and creating awareness at the policy level in the region towards a national move to adopting OSS technologies and making available affordable technologies to citizens.