Keynote talk about PREFORMA @ DiPP2015



Antonella Fresa, PREFORMA Technical Coordinator, has been invited by the organisers of the Fifth International Conference on Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage (DiPP2015) to present a keynote talk on the experience in the PREFORMA project.

The speech “DCH-RP and PREFORMA: two case studies on the digital preservation of cultural heritage”, focuses on the work carried out by two projects: DCH-RP (Digital Cultural Heritage Roadmap for Preservation, recently concluded) and PREFORMA (PREservation FORMAts for culture information/e-archives).


Download here the full presentation.


DCH-RP, mostly centred on planning and organisational aspects, defined a roadmap for implementation of a federated infrastructure for digital preservation of DCH and more in general devoted itself to support the realisation of an open science in the arts and humanities. PREFORMA is devoted instead to a technological challenge: the implementation of an open source conformance checker that verifies whether the file to be ingested in digital archives has been produced according to the specifications of a standard file format and ensures this process is under the direct control of memory institutions.


DiPP2015 aims at presenting innovative results, research projects and applications in the field of digitisation, documentation, archiving, representation and preservation of global and national tangible and intangible cultural and scientific heritage. The main focus is to provide open access to digitised cultural heritage and to set up sustainable policies for its continuous digital preservation and conservation. The priority area is the digital presentation and preservation of cultural and historical objects under conditions of risk, including those from the Veliko Tarnovo region. The forum will demonstrate innovative technologies and prototypes, including digital repositories, digital archives, virtual museums and digital libraries, which result from established practices and achievements in the field. Representatives of public and specialised libraries, museums, galleries, archives, centres, both national and foreign research institutions and universities are invited to participate and exchange experiences, ideas, knowledge and best practices of the field.

There will also Workshop on Open Access to Scientific Publications and Data, which will primarily focus on the following activities:

  • Open Access indicators;
  • Disseminate partners’ best practices;
  • Discuss research problems in the field;
  • Discuss the possibilities of establishing a network of open-access repositories;
  • Contribute to the problems of the harmonization of national legislation and practices; and
  • Discuss the possibilities of developing training courses for creators and managers of scientific digital repositories to ensure interoperability.


Date of the Event: September 28–30, 2015


Location of the Event: Regional Museum of History and P.R. Slaveykov Regional Public Library  in Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria


Working language of the conference: English


Read the article published on to announce this event

Conference website:

PREFORMA @ Digital Heritage 2015

dh2015The amount of digitized cultural heritage in Europe is impressive and has a great potential of impact on the society, by making the cultural heritage more accessible for the citizens, students, researchers and by generating benefits to the content owners. Even if already amounting to several tens of millions of digital items, only a tiny percentage of European cultural heritage is digitized, and nowadays more and more attention is paid to those collections, hitherto unknown or not fully acknowledged, that are preserved in those European States that relatively recently joined the Union. Furthermore, certain kinds of cultural heritage, such as early photography, are not preserved by memory institutions but are in the hands of private citizens, who should be invited to share their holdings with the whole community. For these reasons it is necessary that digitization activities go ahead in the coming years, and acquire a more participative approach: smaller archives, private collectors, individuals should have the possibility to access digitization facilities and to get support, training and services.

Once these data are in digital format, the next challenge is how to ensure their long-term preservation. In order to do that, memory institutions have to make conformance tests before ingesting the files in their archives, to verify that they have been produced according to the specifications of a standard file format, and hence that they match the acceptance criteria for long-term preservation established by the memory institution.

Further, digital cultural data need then to be re-used at best, to unlock their business potential in terms of fostering economic growth. The creative industry is certainly the key stakeholder to leverage on the digital cultural data for creating new tools and services to be placed in the real market, thus generating new employment and economic rewards; but, to achieve this goal, a bigger dialogue should be fostered with the cultural institutions, in the light of developing public-private partnerships for the benefit of both.

Next to this, it is also important to assess the sociological impact of digital cultural heritage and technologies: how do they participate in the community building processes and social cohesion of the “new” European society, that is living a moment of great change? How can digital cultural heritage help the cultural institutions to renew and re-invent their role in the society? How can cultural heritage become closer to its audiences of innovators, skilled makers, curators, artists, economic actors? Finally, how can the EU citizens, alone or as part of a community, play a vital co-creative role and how can citizens participate in the research on cultural heritage and digital humanities?

The panel “From digitization to preservation, creative re-use of digital cultural content, and citizen participation“, which will take place on October 1st at 2:30 pm, will offer an overview of initiatives and EU projects that try to provide answers: Europeana Space, RICHES, Civic Epistemologies, PREFORMA and Photoconsortium. Relevant speakers, from the key institutions in Europe which are involved in the scenario of digital cultural heritage, will foster a debate to understand the path towards a more advanced society, that makes use of the full potential of digital technologies to foster cultural and societal progress. The panel is also an unmissable occasion for sharing knowledge and best practices: cultural managers, ICT experts, researchers, service providers and other EU projects are warmly invited to attend, for cross-dissemination and networking.



  • Mauro Fazio – Italian Ministry Of Economic Development
  • Neil Forbes – Coventry University
  • Antonella Fresa – Promoter srl
  • Peter Pharow – Fraunhofer IDMT
  • Frederik Truyen – KU Leuven
  • Sarah Whatley – Coventry University


For further information about Digital Heritage 2015 visit the Conference website.

IASA 2015 Annual Conference

paris-skyline-eiffel-tower-photo-by-taylor-miles-500pxThe International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives (IASA) announces its 2015 annual conference to be hosted 27 September through 1 October at the Bibliothèque nationale de France, in “La Ville-Lumière”, Paris, France. IASA welcomes all who manage and care for the world’s sound and audiovisual heritage to come together in Paris, the enchanting city of light, where we will explore innovative and tested solutions to contemporary issues that face us all.

In reference to Dumas’s Three Musketeers, and in honour of hosting a conference in this centre for knowledge and national heritage, the 2015 Annual IASA Conference will boast the theme:

All for One – One for All: Common Concerns – Shared Solutions.

We invite one and all to the Bibliothèque nationale de France on 27 September through 1 October 2015 to discuss these sub-themes:

  • Archives without walls — semantic networks and born digital information
  • Organizing knowledge
  • Legal deposit
  • Archive workflows
  • Selection — acquisition, preservation, and access
  • Collaborative description
  • Obsolescence

The programme will include Papers, Tutorials and Practical Workshops.


The paper “MediaConch: An open source audiovisual file conformance checker” has been accepted and will be presented by Hermann Lewetz of Austria Mediathek on behalf of MediaArea’s team at IASA in Paris.


For further information visit the Conference website.

FIAT/IFTA conference



“Audiovisual Culture, a bridge to the future”


The 2015 FIAT/IFTA World Conference will take place in Vienna from October 7 until October 10.

Tessa Fallon will present FFV1 as a representative of the PREFORMA / MediaArea team.


Audiovisual Culture is in all places and activities and our society uses and generates an increasing number of content. The more audiovisual archives interact with society and internet, the more questions arise on how to advance, which decisions to take and how to maintain the spirit of archiving in an ever-changing environment.

This year’s conference will provide a unique occasion in which archives can discuss & learn about the many challenges and innovations for archives in their quest towards the future.

Different aspects of the archives life, use and potential value will be presented permitting participants to grasp what has been done and what we will be able to do in the future.


For more information visit the official website.

12th International Conference on Digital Preservation

CN7iQ-qUAAAB90giPRES is held on a rotating basis between Asia/Oceania, North America and Europe.

In November 2015, the School of Information and Library Science and the Odum Institute for Research in Social Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill will co-present the 12th International Conference on Digital Preservation. This premier event brings together key theorists, researchers and practitioners to explore the latest trends, innovations, policies and practices in digital preservation.

iPRES2015 draws participants from around the world and from leading institutions, projects and initiatives currently working in this domain. The last time this meeting was held in the United States was in October of 2009 in San Francisco. With so many years since the last US venue we expect approximately 300 participants to this conference.

The conference features key notes, conference sessions, workshops, tutorials, poster sessions and a series of ancillary social activities.


For further information visit the Conference website.




Workshop: Using Open-Source Tools to Fulfill Digital Preservation Requirements


ArchivesSpace, University of Michigan, University of North Carolina, Educopia Institute and Internet Archive are running a workshop called “Using Open-Source Tools to Fulfill Digital Preservation Requirements” to be held in the framework of iPRES2015 on Friday, November 6.

Bengt Neiss from the National Library of Sweden will participate to present the PREFORMA project and to co-create a banchmarking template for the PDF use case.


The workshop offers a space to talk about open-source software for digital preservation, and the particular challenges of developing systems and integrating them into local environments and workflows. Topics will include current efforts and grant-funded initiatives to integrate different open source archival software tools; the development of workflows involving multiple open source tools for digital preservation, forensics, discovery and access; and the identification of gaps which may need filled by these or other tools.


Interested parties should submit a short summary (one page maximum) of a demonstration or case study they would like to present.  These contributions will serve as the basis for the tool demonstration and case study portions of the day.  The workshop organizers will serve as panelists during the third portion of the day and facilitators for break-out group discussions.

Please send your submissions to: by Friday, October 9.

Submission will be reviewed to ensure relevant to the themes of the event.  If you would like to be considered for the workshop in time to register for iPRES at the early bird rate (before October 1), please make your submission as soon as possible, and we will do our best to review it quickly.

AMIA 2015 Conference



AMIA is a nonprofit international association dedicated to the preservation and use of moving image media. AMIA supports public and professional education and fosters cooperation and communication among the individuals and organizations concerned with the acquisition, preservation, description, exhibition, and use of moving image materials.

The annual AMIA Conference is the largest gathering of motion picture and recorded sound archivists and interested professionals.  More than 550 annual attendees include members and colleagues from the world’s major media, library, university, military and other institutions.

The AMIA annual conference provides an opportunity for colleagues and those interested in the field to meet, share information and work together. For newcomers to this vibrant, dynamic and committed community, networking with other AMIA members and industry professionals is invaluable for professional development. AMIA conference registration includes participation in all regular sessions and screenings  and some special events.


The paper “Validate Your Digital Assets: PREFORMA, MediaConch and File Compliance” has been accepted and will be presented by Dave Rice (MediaArea) and Erwin Verbruggen (Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision).


For more information about the conference, go to

For more information about AMIA, events and membership, go to

eChallenges e-2015 Conference & Exhibition

echallenges_8855_0PREFORMA project has been invited to disseminate its results and papers via the eChallenges e-2015 Conference & Exhibition.


A 3777Supported by the European Commission, the 25th annual eChallenges e-2015 Conference takes place in Vilnius, Lithuania from 25 – 27 November. Focused on Applied ICT addressing major Societal Challenges, and showcasing strategic keynote presentations, technical and policy papers, case studies and workshops, eChallenges brings together senior representatives from leading commercial, government and research organisations around the world to share knowledge and experience, lessons learnt, good practice and innovation.


The core Thematic Priorities for eChallenges e-2015 are:

Applied ICT addressing Societal Challenges

  • ICT-related Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • eHealth and mHealth
  • eGovernment, eParticipation & eDemocracy
  • ICT4D
  • eInclusion
  • Digital Libraries and Cultural Heritage
  • Technology Enhanced Learning and ICT Skills
  • Intelligent Content and Semantics
  • Societal Implications of Technology

 Emerging Technologies & Infrastructures

  • Future Internet & Smart Cities including FIWARE applications
  • eInfrastructures & Smart Grid
  • Collaborative Open Innovation and Living Labs
  • Cloud Computing
  • Mobile Applications
  • Security and Identity Management


Important Deadlines

Submission deadline for Extended Abstracts: 30 April 2015

Acceptance decision: 31 May

Submission of full paper: 30 June


For more information visit the Conference website at

EUscreenXL Final International Conference

EUscreenXL announces its second and final international conference to be hosted on the 3 and 4 December 2015 at the National Audiovisual Institute in Warsaw, Poland.


Content in Motion: Curating Europe’s Audiovisual Heritage

EUscreen-CMYKDuring two eventful days the EUscreen network will involve archivists, curators, broadcasters and researchers to discuss the benefits and challenges arising from the openness of archives and collections in the digital age. The availability of audiovisual heritage online provides new possibilities of curation, participation, exchange and transnational cooperation that not yet have been fully explored.
We invite you to gather in Warsaw to participate in moderated debates, workshops and face to face discussions — and leave with a richer vision of how to create efficient partnerships aimed at forward-looking curation of audiovisual heritage and at a deeper involvement of users.

Mark your calendar now and stay up to date on the must-attend event for media and audiovisual heritage enthusiasts.


More information about the conference will be available soon on EUScreenXL official blog.

Creative reuse of cultural heritage and contemporary practices



Creative reuse of cultural heritage and contemporary practices – hallenges and opportunities in the digital world is the second international conference of Europeana Space.

The Conference, organized in Tallinn on 10-11 December 2015 by the Estonian Ministry of Culture, will generate new perspectives for the wider re-use of cultural heritage and contemporary practices within a framework of creative experimentation and novel dialogue between multidisciplinary sectors. It will present a critical review of the project’s creative prototypes, focusing on the lessons learnt in their development and move towards sustainable results.


A delegation of PREFORMA partners, some of which are involved also in the Europeana Space project, will attend the Conference to discuss possible cooperation opportunities between the two projects, e.g. how to integrate the results of PREFORMA – namely the conformance checkers – in the Technical Space which is being developed in Europeana Space.


For further information about the Europeana Space Conference please visit the Conference website.

AppHub SQuAT Fest

AppHub_logo_taglineThe aim of the AppHub project is to support the market outreach strategies of EU-supported open source by launching AppHub, the European open source market place. AppHub is a service platform that will help the market to seamlessly identify, position and implement the software outcomes of your projects.

Benjamin Yousefi from Riksarkivet will participate to the discussion group to present the experience of the PREFORMA project.


When and where

Brussels, January 26, 2016

European Commission

Avenue de Beaulieu 25

1160 Brussels, Belgium



Participation is free, but because of security policies of the European commission registration is required.

Register here

Registration deadline: January 8, 2016




The SQuAT Fest will take place the day after the Info Day about Horizon 2020 ICT-LEIT opportunities for research funding grants organized by the European Commission:!Kg36Tr


SQuAT Fest objectives

The main objective of the SQuAT Fest is to assist European open source project to bring their software into the AppHub European Open Source Marketplace. In addition, we like to understand the current state of open source software as developed by EU funded projects, and how we can assist them to improve their quality assurance and governance processes.

Who should participate

Project coordinators who like to understand how to establish proper open source governance as part of the exploitation strategy of their projects
Technical people who like to employ a platform for showcasing their results to make their work known, and are interested to learn about tools for software quality assurance.

Participants contribution

Please do not prepare slides! We like participants to engage in an open dialogue about the challenges, problem, and success stories on open source software development. Please prepare a short statement about:

  • Your project in general, and the software you are developing under an open source license;
  • the group of users that you address with your software;
  • the measures that you employ in order to ensure that you deliver quality software;
  • the way you manage your community of contributors and users;
  • the expectations that you have on our workshop.
  • Remember: No slides!


Bring your own software! If you have executables and an installation procedure ready we can immediately assist to bring your software into the AppHub Open Source Marketplace. We will organize a hands-on session on the AppHub platform and the Quality Assurance tool set of OW2.


You can find a detailed agenda here.