Digital Humanities 2017

Co-organised by McGill University and the Université de Montréal, DH2017 will take place August 8-11, 2017 in downtown Montréal, Canada on the campus of McGill University. This is the premiere annual conference of the international Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO). The theme of DH2017 is “Access/Accès”.




About ADHO

adho_logo_largeThe Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) is an umbrella organisation whose goals are to promote and support digital research and teaching across arts and humanities disciplines, drawing together humanists engaged in digital and computer-assisted research, teaching, creation, dissemination, and beyond, in all areas reflected by its diverse membership. ADHO supports initiatives for publication, presentation, collaboration, and training; recognises and supports excellence in these endeavours; and acts as an community-based consultative and advisory force. In doing so, ADHO embraces and coordinates activity across its constituent organisations: the European Association for Digital Humanities (EADH, founded in 1973 as the Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing), the Association for Computers and the Humanities (ACH, founded in 1978), the Canadian Society for Digital Humanities / Société canadienne des humanités numériques (CSDH/SCHN, founded in 1986 as the Consortium for Computers in the Humanities / Consortium pour ordinateurs en sciences humaines), centerNet, the Australasian Association for Digital Humanities  (aaDH), and the Japanese Association for Digital Humanites (JADH).

dh2017Members in ADHO societies are those at the forefront of areas such as textual analysis, electronic publication, document encoding, textual studies and theory, new media studies and multimedia, digital libraries, applied augmented reality, interactive gaming, and beyond. We are researchers and lecturers in humanities computing and in academic departments such as English, History, French, Modern Languages, Philosophy, Theatre, Music, Computer Science, and Visual Arts. We are resource specialists working in libraries, archival centres, and with humanities computing groups. We are academic administrators, and members of the private and public sectors. We are independent scholars, students, graduate students, and research assistants. We are from countries in every hemisphere.

WLIC 2017 IFLA World Library and Information Congress

The IFLA World Library and Information Congress is the international flagship professional and trade event for the library and information services sector.

It brings together over 3,500 participants from more than 120 countries, sets the international agenda for the profession and offers opportunities for networking and professional development to all delegates.




The 83rd World Library and Information Congress will take place in Wrocław, Poland, from 19-25 August 2017.

“Libraries. Solidarity. Society.“  A straightforward yet powerful message that resonates with a singular truth in a country where the most powerful union movement of the past century was born and went on to change the face of history. A message from a robust library community that managed not only to survive the challenges of the transformation, but excelled and flourished in the new social and political reality. And now the network of our country‘s information providers is ready to bring you the most exciting and exceptional congress experience.


Special attention will be posed to the long-term preservation of digitised and born digital materials, which poses many challenges for heritage professionals globally, spanning from policy requirements to constantly changing technology infrastructures. Considering both, digitised and born digital materials, IFLA 2017 will explore practical examples of how institutions respond to these challenges. The Conference will highlight challenges and critical aspects, and identify case studies which provide solutions to ensure our digital heritage will survive for future generations and we avoid digital amnesia.


For further information visit the Conference website.

DCH-RP features in SCAPE Newsletter

dchrp-scapeThe SCAPE project – Scalable Preservation Environments – just released the December 2013 edition of their newsletter.

DCH-RP features in this newsletter with an article presenting the project, its main objectives and the first outcomes.

The other topics included in the newsletter are:

  • The results of the last SCAPE Training Events
  • The description of some of the tools under development: Scout and ToMaR
  • An interview with Zeynep PEHLIVAN from University Pierre and Marie Curie (UPMC)
  • The programme of the next SCAPE Demonstrations
  • The outcomes of the SCAPE Developers Workshop
  • The upcoming events


Click here to view the newsletter online.

Digital Cultural Heritage 2017

DCH2017-logoThe DCH2017 International Conference will take place in Berlin, at the National Library, on August 30 – September 01, 2017.

The conference is organized by CODATA-Germany, the German National Committee for CODATA, Committee on Data for Science and Technology of the International Council for Science (ICSU), in cooperation with:

  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kartographie
  • Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Map Department
  • DHN, Digital Heritage in the Nordic Countries
  • UNGEGN, United Nations Group of Experts on Geographic Names
  • Associazione per L’Informatica Umanistica e La Cultura Digitale
  • Forschungszentrum Deutscher Sprachatlas
  • UiO, Universitetet i Oslo
  • VUGTK, Czech Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography
  • Digital meets Culture, Portal on Digital Cultural heritage
  • TOPOI, Excellence Cluster on the Formation and Transformation of Space and Knowledge in Ancient Civilizations

Erik Buelinckx from the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage (KIK-IRPA), one of the memory institutions participating as procurers in the PREFORMA project, will deliver a presentation on Friday 1 September entitled “A small archive with a big collection! Now what? PREFORMA’s open source digital preservation tools on the rescue”.




The conference is open for contributions that cover technical challenges as well as strategic guidance. Key messages relating to the impact of new technologies and processes on cultural heritage are especially welcome.

Special aims of this 2017 edition are:

  • raise awareness in Society, Science, and Technology fields about importance of the cultural dimensions and the growing potential of Digital Cultural Heritage
  • promote innovative content analysis from cross-organizational interoperability of digital humanities databases and XML methods, techniques, and approaches
  • indicate on the central role of spatial concepts enabling synergy for knowledge generation from massive granular digital cultural heritage content
  • create innovative cross-disciplines / cross sectors partnerships facilitate intercultural and interdisciplinary dialogue
  • elaborate roles and interest of information society

IASA 2017 Annual Conference

The International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives (IASA) was established in 1969 in Amsterdam to function as a medium for international co-operation between archives that preserve recorded sound and audiovisual documents.

IASA has members from 70 countries representing a broad palette of audiovisual archives and personal interests which are distinguished by their focus on particular subjects and areas, eg archives for all sorts of musical recordings, historic, literary, folkloric and ethnological sound documents, theatre productions and oral history interviews, bio-acoustics, environmental and medical sounds, linguistic and dialect recordings, as well as recordings for forensic purposes.

The International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives (IASA) 48th Annual Conference will be hosted on 17-22 September 2017 by the Ethnological Museum in Berlin.

IASA invites everyone engaged in or curious about the discovery, care, preservation and dissemination of our sound and audiovisual heritage, to explore the intersection of workflows and archival formats as manifest in new ways of thinking about, new ways of preserving and new ways of presenting our objects in the digital era.

IASA 2017 Conference theme is “Integration and Innovation: Bringing Workflows and Formats Together in the Digital Era”.

Jérôme Martinez, President of MediaArea, and David Rice will provide a workshop on that covers the basics of audiovisual formats specifications, discusses the challenges in the design of an audiovisual conformance checker, and demonstrates several of MediaConch’s key features.




For further information about the MediaConch workshop visit

For further details about the Conference visit the Conference website.

For more information about IASA visit

DiXiT presentation at AIUCD annual conference on digital humanities


The AIUCD (Associazione Italiana per l’Informatica Umanistica e la Cultura Digitale) annual conference, devoted to any aspect of the digital humanities, was held in Padua on 11-12 December 2013. It particularly focused on interdisciplinary work and new developments in the field and related to some specific themes:

  • Interdisciplinarity and multidisciplinarity
  • Legal and economyc issues
  • Tools and collaborative methodologies
  • Measurement and impact of collaborative methodologies
  • Sharing and collaboration methods and approaches
  • Cultural institutions and collaborative facilities
  • Infrastructures and digital libraries as collaborative environments
  • Data, resources, and technologies sharing.

The programme of the conference is available here in the official website.

In the framework of the conference, Dr Domenico Fiormonte from Università di Roma ‘La Sapienza’ – DigiLab has attended the meeting as DiXiT representative and took an introduction to the project.

AIUCD is sponsored by the Department of Information Engineering of University of Padua and by CULTURA, EU Project for the development of next generation adaptive systems aimed at increasing and enhancing the use of digital humanities collections.

What’s on the agenda for EUDAT in 2014?

Eudat 2014As the calendar year comes to a close, EUDAT is embarking on its third year with an even stronger focus on communities, services (both existing and new), training and collaboration. As part of its continuous drive to extend its network on both the community and geographical levels, EUDAT welcomes three new Associated Partners on board: the Greek Research and Technology Network (GRNET), the Distributed Research Infrastructure for Hydro-Meteorology (DRIHM) and the Data Infrastructure for Chemical Safety (diXa).

Listening to the requirements of research communities and scientists is the foundation upon which EUDAT is built, and agile interaction has always been part of its core activity. EUDAT has adopted different ways to listen to communities and users, and to involve domain experts in defining its new building blocks and services.

To intensify this interaction in specific areas of interest, EUDAT has adopted the concept of Working Groups from the DataONE project as a method to bring domain experts, EUDAT community representatives and EUDAT technologists together to discuss identified fields of interest, where the exact setup of a concrete service is not yet fully clear. Currently four service areas are being taken forward – Semantics, Dynamic Data, Workflows and Data Access and Reuse Policies. These four areas were the focus of dedicated working group meetings in September 2013 and a specific track at EUDAT’s 2nd Conference in October 2013. Detailed reports on the discussions and conclusions are available on the working groups section of EUDAT website.

During the last quarter of 2013, EUDAT invited the user community to provide input to the next set of services to be designed. We are grateful to the 123 people from over 17 countries who completed the survey, providing interesting and useful insight into community needs and requirements – see the preliminary results on the website.

EUDAT next appointments: where can you meet us next year?

In January you’ll find us with CLARIN at 7th Conference on Global WordNet, February takes us to Edinburgh with PRACE for the Data Staging and Data Movement Training, while in March we’ll be running training in Dublin at the RDA Third Plenary Meeting, then we go south to Greece in April for ICRI2014 and in May we’ll be organising a workshop at the EGI Community Forum 2014 in Helsinki.

14th International Conference on Digital Preservation



iPRES is the major international conference on the preservation and long-term management of digital materials.

The iPRES 2017 hosted by Kyoto University will contribute to promotion of researches and development of technologies and services of digital preservation. Following the success of the previous conferences, the iPRES 2017 will serve as an international forum for the global community of digital preservation.

The main objectives at iPRES 2017 will be cultural resources in various domains and from various viewpoints. Academic societies in the areas of digital humanities and information resource management are the main communities to support this conference in Japan. This conference will be organized in collaboration with major memory institutions in Japan.

The theme of the coming conference is:  Keeping Cultural Diversity for the Future in the Digital Space — From Pop Culture to Scholarly Information.


Bengt Kneiss from the National Library of Sweden, one of the memory institutions participating as a partner in the PREFORMA PCP project, will present the results of PREFORMA and the conformance checkers developed in the project.


For further information please visit the Conference website.

PREFORMA International Conference: Shaping our future memory standards

Following the successful workshops organised in Stockholm, Berlin and Padua, the PREFORMA project invites all the members of the digital preservation community to attend the PREFORMA International Conference – Shaping our future memory standards, which will be held in Tallinn on 11-12 October 2017.

The aim of the event is to highlight the importance of standardisation and file format validation for the long-term preservation of digital cultural content, present the open source conformance checkers developed in PREFORMA and look at future challenges and opportunities.

Hosted by the National Library of Estonia, the conference will include: keynote speeches by international experts in digital preservation; live demonstrations of the software; examples and good practices of memory institutions that are integrating the PREFORMA tools in their environments; and panel discussions to reflect on how to sustain and further develop the results of the project.

The event is intended for anyone dealing with digital preservation of images, documents and audiovisual files. This conference is a great opportunity to ask questions of, and exchange ideas with, international experts, fellow archivists and even Open Source developers about file format issues and challenges we are facing today.


A Call for Posters is currently open: PREFORMA invites researchers, developers, SMEs, projects, and anyone working in the field of digital cultural heritage, digital preservation and file formats standardisation to present their innovative products, services, technologies and R&D interests as a poster in the framework of the PREFORMA International Conference. Posters will be displayed for free throughout all the duration of the Conference in the Exhibition Area and a short presentation by each poster’s author will be included in the programme of the Conference.


Programme (PDF, 66Kb)

More info:

FIAT/IFTA World Conference 2017

FIAT/IFTA’ s main objectives are to provide a forum for exchange of knowledge and experience between its members, to promote the study of any topic relevant to the development and valorisation of audiovisual archives and to establish international standards on key issues regarding all aspects of audiovisual media management. Four thematic commissions permit to address all the issues related to audiovisual content and to promote the study of specific topics.

To achieve this, FIAT/IFTA encourages and organises an annual conference in different locations in the world, as well as international seminars and local and regional meetings. The annual conference is a unique opportunity to discover the future of the audiovisual domain and its new tendencies and uses.

FIAT/IFTA develops a specific action through the “Save your Archive” program; addressed to those collections or archives who need urgent assistance or financing.

Every year the FIAT/IFTA Archive Achievement Award is assigned in three categories to projects involving the best use of audiovisual archive material, the most innovative use of an archive, and the best archive preservation project.

The 2017 edition of the FIAT/IFTA World Conference will be organised in October 2017 in Mexico City.




For further details about the Conference, visit the Conference website.

For more information about FIAT/IFTA, visit