No Time to Wait! 2

The PREFORMA project and MediaArea are pleased to announce initial details for a 2nd No Time to Wait! symposium, hosted by the Österreichisches Filmmuseum – Austrian Film Museum. Members of audiovisual archiving, digital preservation, open media development, and open format standardization communities as well as curious onlookers are welcome to attend, discuss, and present on subjects pertaining to the intersection of open media, standardization, and audiovisual preservation.



A FREE two day symposium focused on open media, open standards, and digital audiovisual preservation hosted by Österreichisches Filmmuseum – Austrian Film Museum and The event will feature presentations and discussion on topics such as:

  • active open media standardization projects
  • examination of open media use in film and video digitization
  • validation and conformance checking of audiovisual formats
  • integration of open source tools into archival workflow
  • examples of cross-community collaboration and skill-sharing
  • and more

The event will also present on the current state of the IETF’s CELLAR working group’s progress to develop specifications for Matroska and FFV1 as well as efforts to design and extend software in support of these formats. This event provides an opportunity for format inventors, developers, specification authors, and archivists to collaborate and advance audiovisual preservation formats.



Thursday, November 9 and Friday, November 10, 2017



Österreichisches Filmmuseum – Austrian Film Museum


Photo Credit: Austrian Film Museum




Call for Proposals




The schedule of the event is under development, if you have an idea for the agenda item or presentation, please feel welcome to contact

The schedule for the 2016 No Time to Wait may be viewed here.



Event title inspiration from

The MediaConch project and this symposium has received funding from PREFORMA, co-funded by the European Commission under its FP7-ICT Programme.


Where Can I Find Out More?

Please watch the website for No Time to Wait 2 for updates. The source code of the website is available at GitHub.

Feel welcome to send any questions to MediaArea.


What Happened Last time?

Information regarding the 1st No Time to Wait symposium may be found at: the symposium’s webpage, a GitHub repository of resulting materials, a blog post here, another blog post here, and a Storify of our tweets.

New cooperation agreement between DCH-RP and CHAIN REDS

dchrp-chainredsAfter the successful workshops and networking sessions jointly organised bt DCH-RP and CHAIN-REDS (in Manchester at the EGI Community Forum, in Rome during the EUDAT Conference and at ICT 2013 in Vilnius), the two projects decides to formalise their cooperation by signing a Memorandum of Understanding.

Aim of this agreement is to promote and support technological and scientific collaboration across different e-Infrastructures established and operated in various continents, in order to define a path towards a global e-Infrastructure ecosystem that will allow Virtual Research Communities (VRCs), research groups and even single researchers to access and efficiently use worldwide distributed resources.

The main focus is to highlight the usefulness of e-Infrastructures and federated identity services to store, access and preserve digital cultural content.

In particular, in the framework of this MoU, the following joint actions have been planned:

  • DCH-RP will encourage integration of Open Access repositories in DCH-RP partner countries into the CHAIN-REDS Knowledge Base, using the OAI-PMH standard and the Dublin Core metadata schema.
  • DCH-RP will check the repositories already included in the CHAIN-REDS Knowledge Base and send CHAIN-REDS the URLs and the OAI-PMH endpoints of any other repositories which do not appear in the map.
  • DCH-RP will contact digital libraries within its community not-supporting OAI-PMH access and promote the adoption of this standard, in order to include those libraries in the CHAIN-REDS Knowledge Base.
  • DCH-RP will make use of the CHAIN-REDS Semantic Search Engine.
  • CHAIN-REDS will integrate the Open Access repositories provided by DCH-RP into its Knowledge Base.

CULTURA improves manuscripts identification, annotation and normalization

ipsaManuscripts identification

In the IPSA website it was difficult to identify all the manuscripts made in the same place: in fact, by inserting a place name in the search engine, e.g. Veneto, the user was shown all the illuminations belonging to manuscripts made in this area, in this case more than 1000 images, a huge amount of resources to handle. Furthermore when the user was shown all the results he was not able to know to what metadata category the word Veneto referred to (e.g. provenance, call number etc.). In CULTURA, thanks to the wheel visualization, it is possible to see at a glance the provenance of each manuscript. For example, if a researcher is interested in the iconographic development of botanical subjects in Northern Italian illumination, and he is browsing the images of the Pseudo-Apuleio’s De herbarum virtutibus of the Botanical Garden Library of Padua (ms. Ar. 26 n. 123), he can visualize the entity network of each image and find out whether the same plant is represented in other manuscripts made in Northern Italy (“Italia settentrionale”).

cultura2Image annotation

In IPSA it was impossible to annotate a single image: the user could annotate the link established between two images, but he had not the possibility to register his thoughts and reflections about a single illumination. In CULTURA researchers can both annotate the whole image and make annotations on a single detail of an illumination. In particular this tool is very useful for art-historians, as often slight differences in the pictorial technique and iconography help to recognize the work of an artist, or to connect an illumination to its right art-historical background. E.g. if a researcher wants to highlight the extraordinary realism of the Erbario carrarese illuminations, in CULTURA he can do this by making an annotation for each of the details that characterize the Erbario Carrarese style as realistic: the leaves, that are painted in different shadows of green to suggest the presence of real light, the different measures of leaves, branches and fruits, and so on.

cultura4Normalization of the plant names

IPSA is a collection of medieval manuscripts and it is a matter of fact that in ancient times botanical names did not have a standard form, moreover the manuscripts held within the archive are written in different languages (Latin, Italian, Venetian dialect etc.); for these reasons it is pretty common to find the same plant called in different ways and it represents a problem since such a variety entails difficulties in making consistent queries.

In particular there are two major problems: 1) spelling issues, i.e. what we call today “wormwood” in English is found in IPSA as “absinthium“, “absenço“, “abscinthium“, and there is no explicit link between all those variants, even if they look similar to a human eye; 2) lexical issues, i.e. the plant that today is called “cucumber” in English, within the IPSA archive, this plant is called “citrollo” in one manuscript and “cogombaro” in another one.

Using CULTURA, thanks to the normalization of plant names, many links can be now established between plants that did not seem to have anything in common before. For example, if now a user wants to research the word wormwood within the archive, he is shown all the images containing a representation of this particular plant, despite of the several ways the plant is called within the different texts.

This improvement allow researchers to study the iconographic and stylistic development of the same subject in different geographical areas and historical periods.

Feature Stories – Adaptive, personalised ICT to make new sense of the past

cultura4Text, illustrations, paintings and – more recently – photographs, video and audio recordings, much of them now digitised, recount many aspects of European history, from major international events to personal stories. Now, new technology is being brought to bear on these treasure troves of historical information, thanks to EU-funded researchers whose work promises to shed new light on the past.

The ‘1641 Depositions’, held in Trinity College Dublin’s library, are just one example of the many significant collections of cultural and historical heritage stored in universities, museums, archives and private collections across Europe. A rebellion by Irish Catholics in 1641 changed the course of Irish history, and also led to the creation of one of Europe’s richest historical and cultural records: the 1641 Depositions, comprising 8000 witness testimonies spanning almost 20,000 pages. For decades, or in many cases centuries, researchers, students and members of the general public have scoured such collections for details about the past – a laborious and time-consuming process, fraught with pitfalls and dead-ends. Incomplete and inconsistent texts, missing words, misprints and misspellings, changes in language over time, and the sheer volume of material are just some of the challenges that need to be overcome.


One solution, being developed by a team of researchers from Austria, Bulgaria, Ireland, Israel and Italy, uses cutting-edge ICT to do much of the hard work. Supported by more than EUR 2.8 million in research funding from the European Commission, their work in the ‘Cultivating understanding and research through adaptivity’ (CULTURA) project is helping to quickly make sense of digitised archives, clean up inconsistencies in the language, draw links between historical events, people and objects, and make Europe’s rich cultural and historical heritage more accessible to all.

‘When looking at historical material a lot of information is not immediately obvious, there can be many ambiguities and inconsistencies, so what are needed are processes that can dig out that information and find those non-obvious references,’ explains Dr Owen Conlan, an assistant professor in the Knowledge and Data Engineering Group at Trinity College’s School of Computer Science and Statistics. ‘We can then use that information to lay a path and draw connections between references that may not have been evident before.’

Dr Conlan, who is coordinating the CULTURA project, points to the example of the ‘1641 Depositions’. Among the many other people mentioned in the testimonies, there are repeated references to Phelim O’Neil, an Irish Catholic nobleman and rebel leader during the uprising. But in the texts, and elsewhere, he is also known as Sir Felim O’Neill of Kinard, Phelim MacShane O’Neill or Féilim Ó Néill, or referred to simply as ‘the rebel’, for example:

“And he saith, that during the time he, this deponent, was so restrained and stayed amongst the rebels, he observed and well knew that the greatest part of the rebels in the county of Armagh went to besiege the Castle of Augher, where they were repulsed, and divers of the rebel O’Neils slain; in revenge whereof, the grand rebel, Sir Phelim O’Neil, knt., gave direction and warrant to one Maolmurry McDonnell, a most cruel and merciless rebel, to kill all the English and Scottish men…”

Historical social networking

To make sense of such ‘noisy’ historical text and begin linking references, the CULTURA team used state-of-the-art natural language processing software to ‘normalise’ the language and give it semantic meaning that can be understood by computers as well as humans.

‘We are not altering the document and we have ensured we maintain close fidelity to the original, but our system builds another layer of information from which meaning can be extracted,’ Dr Conlan says.

Powerful algorithms are employed to automatically extract entities and their relationships from the content in order to highlight the key individuals, events, dates and other entities and relationships. From there, the tools developed by the team analyse the connections between entities and relationships within the content – developing a kind of historical social network that helps place historical events and figures in context and makes them much easier to visualise and comprehend.

The approach works not only with text-based content, such as the ‘1641 Depositions’, but also with images. In this case, metadata associated with the images, and annotated during digitisation, is used to provide semantic meaning – a process being used by the CULTURA team to analyse the Imaginum Patavinae Scientiae Archivum (IPSA) collection now held at the University of Padua in Italy. This is a digital archive of herbalists’ manuscripts and illustrations, with Latin language commentaries, dating from the 14th century.


‘The IPSA collection is primarily image based, with substantive metadata available. This metadata not only provides descriptive passages, but is also historically valuable as it captures the processes which were prevalent during the creation of the original collection,’ Dr Conlan notes. ‘Using our social-network analysis, we can see, for example, who drew which illustrations, who financed them and what other illustrations they were influenced by.’

Significantly, the CULTURA system provides not just content-aware adaptivity depending on the materials being studied, but it also adapts to the needs of each user and user community. For example, a university researcher who has in-depth knowledge of a certain subject or collection of materials might use the system to look for a very specific reference. Alternatively, a member of the general public curious about a particular period of history may be looking for a much broader view.

‘What we’ve noticed, for example, is that apprentice researchers who have used the system are going much deeper and faster with their research,’ Dr Conlan notes.

Making cultural and historical heritage more accessible

The CULTURA platform can meet the needs of these and many other types of users through an innovative personalisation process that takes into account user profiles and the context in which they are searching for or accessing information. ‘Widgets’, integrated into the platform, make recommendations about related content that might be of interest, based in part on what was of interest to similar users. The system offers potential new paths of inquiry to follow, but ultimately leaves it up to the user to decide.

‘Good personalisation is like a good storyteller. A good storyteller will arouse their audience, gauge their reactions and adjust the story as they go. But in the case of personalisation we’re talking about a storyteller for just one person,’ Dr Conlan says.

The system can even provide dynamic storylines around certain events, dates, places or people, generating an easy to follow narrative for any user, which adapts dynamically to the user’s profile and usage history.

‘Historical resources should not only be accessible to university professors and researchers, but to many different types of people, from school and university students to historical societies and interest groups and members of the general public,’ Dr Conlan emphasises. ‘One of the biggest challenges digital collections face is accessibility and awareness – CULTURA goes a long way towards addressing these issues.’

In addition to the ‘1641 Depositions’ and the IPSA collection, the team has started using the CULTURA platform with a collection of historical materials related to the 1916Easter Uprising and its aftermath, another pivotal time in Irish history when Irish republicans rose up against British rule.

‘The centenary of those events is coming up, so it’s a very important time for Ireland. We’re planning to do a lot of work with schools, especially as this material is more contemporary and more accessible,’ the CULTURA coordinator says. ‘In particular, we want to connect stories to real people in the documents because they’re the most compelling entities, it’s a way to draw users’ interest into otherwise abstract events and put them into a much clearer frame of context.’

Several of the partners plan to continue supporting the platform after the end of the project with a view to expanding its use to other collections, while individual partners are looking to commercialise different parts of the technology that make up the system.

CULTURA received research funding under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7).


Source: CORDIS website

Interacting with Digital Cultural Heritage Collections via Annotations: The CULTURA Approach

cultura2The CULTURA project aims to create an innovative information and communications technology (ICT) environment in which users with a range of different backgrounds and expertise can collaboratively explore, interrogate and interpret complex and diverse digital cultural heritage collections. At the conclusion of the project, the resulting environment will be a system which has pushed forward the frontiers of technology in the creation of community and content aware interfaces to digital humanities collections.

This paper introduces the main characteristics of the digital cultural collections that constitute the use cases presently in use in the CULTURA environment.

A section on related work follows giving an account on efforts on the management of digital annotations that are pertinent and that have been considered.

cultura3Afterwards the innovative annotation features of the CULTURA portal for digital humanities are described; those features are aimed at improving the interaction of non-specialist users and general public with digital cultural heritage content. The annotation functions consist of two modules: the FAST annotation service as back-end and the CAT Web front-end integrated in the CULTURA portal. The annotation features have been, and are being, tested with different types of users and useful feedback is being collated, with the overall aim of generalising the approach to diverse document collections and not only the area of cultural heritage.


Download the full article here.

DCH-RP and EUDAT: a joint bet!

dchrp-eudatAfter the successful workshops and networking sessions jointly organised by DCH-RP and EUDAT (in Manchester at the EGI Community Forum, in Rome during the EUDAT Conference and at ICT 2013 in Vilnius), the two projects decides to formalise their cooperation by signing a Memorandum of Understanding.

Aim of the agreement is to set up a common plan for the establishment of a Virtual Research Community for the Digital Preservation dedicated to the Digital Cultural Heritage (DCH) and Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) sectors, to be acknowledged at European level by the world of e-infrastructure.

As a first step in this direction, the two projects dediced to join their efforts and put together the results achieved so far to set up a Proof-of-Concept targeted at demonstrating how e-Infrastructures can be of benefit for the DCH community, in particular for the preservation of digital cultural content. In this pilot the prototypes and the services developed in EUDAT, in particular B2Share and B2Safe services, will be tested by the memory institutions participating to the DCH-RP Proof of Concepts, who will try to use them to safely store, access and preserve their digital cultural data.

The need for novel e-Infrastructure services is increasing in the Cultural Heritage, Social Science and Humanities, involving also the private sector, since they allow for cost reduction by avoiding parallel activities in investing for higher volume/throughput and substituting expensive human workforce by cheap machine processes.

In this context, Virtual Research Environments (VRE) and Virtual Research Communities (VRC) are key new paradigms and practical opportunities for doing research and for handling and preserving huge amount of digital data.

RICHES was kicked-off in Brussels

brussels_palazzo_realeOn 9-10 December, at the EBN (European Business & Innovation Centre Network) in Brussels, 10 partners from 6 EU countries and Turkey kicked-off RICHES, a new EC funded research project in the field of Socio-Economic Sciences and Humanities.

RICHES (Renewal, Innovation & Change: Heritage and European Society) is a project about change: about the change digital technologies are bringing to our society, decentring culture and cultural heritage away from institutional structures towards the individual and so offering to the EU citizens a great opportunity to use their heritage as a drive for social and economic development.

Digital technologies now permeate all of society, compelling us to rethink how we do everything and to ask questions: how can CH institutions renew and remake themselves? How should an increasingly diverse society use our CH? How may the move from analogue to digital represent a shift from traditional hierarchies of CH to more fluid, decentred practices? How, then, can the EU citizen, alone or as part of a community, play a vital co-creative role? What are the limitations of new technologies in representing and promoting CH? How can CH become closer to its audiences of innovators, skilled makers, curators, artists, economic actors? How can CH be a force in the new EU economy?

RICHES will research answers to these questions through the work of the ten partners, ten groups composed of experts from cultural institutions, public and national administrations, SMEs, humanities and social science academies. This interdisciplinary team will research the context of change in which European CH is transmitted, its implications for future CH practices and the frameworks – cultural, legal, financial, educational, technical – to be put in place for the benefit of all audiences and communities, in the digital age.

RICHES will employ traditional and innovative research methods and tools and a rich dissemination programme including two major international conferences will insure the project has maximum outreach and impact.

RICHES Consortium

The RICHES Consortium

In Brussels, the partners met to start the actualisation of their workplan, exchanging ideas and new cues for the next future. Particular aim of the project is making CH lively, living and most of all lived by the EU citizens; during the meeting it was stressed the importance of involving the citizens, through the support of digital technologies, to co-create CH together with the public and private cultural institutions; of inviting people to play with CH and to feel part of it. For this purpose, three experimental co-creation sessions will be run by the partners next year in the Netherlands. The “participatory CH”, put in place with this kind of experiments, is expected to have a strong societal impact.

Other important point among RICHES goals, highlighted during the meeting, is improving the value of traditional craft skills by inserting them, through the help of digital technologies, in new (industrial) contexts, in order to exploit their high potential for economic development. Through the innovation of digital technologies, traditional CH will be moreover revamped and made more and more captivating. This is expected to bring a great benefit to the heritage institutions and to incentivize cultural tourism, representing another big opportunity for Europe.

Each partner presented to the others his company and his role within the project; during the two working days, there was also occasion for a pleasant visit of Brussels city and for convivial exchanges.

RICHES partners are:

the University of Coventry, UK – PROJECT COORDINATOR;
I2Cat (‘Internet & digital Innovation in Catalonia’), Spain;
Hansestadt Rostock (representing the municipality of the city of Rostock; in particular the Department of Culture and Monument Preservation Rostock and the Museum of Cultural History Rostock will be involved in RICHES), Germany;
WAAG Society (Institute for art, science and technology) of Amsterdam, The Netherlands;
the University of Southern Denmark (SDU), Denmark;
Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz (SPK), Germany. It is a network of German cultural institutions, including the National Museum in Berlin, the State Library, the Secret State Archive, the Ibero-American Institute, the Institute for Music Research;
the University of Exeter, UK;
Promoter Srl , Italy – Project’s Dissemination Manager;
the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism (KYGM), participating in RICHES in particular with the contribution of its General Directorate of Libraries and Publications, Turkey;
Stichting Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde (NME, the National Museum of Ethnology of Leiden), The Netherlands.

Beyond the RICHES  partners, three important guests from the EC took part in the meeting:

  • Zoltan Krasnai, EC Project Officer, presenting “EU Research and Innovation on Cultural Heritage in Horizon 2020
  • Thomas Jaeger, DG Communication Networks, Content & Technology, presenting “Research and Innovation Actions for Creative and Cultural Industries”
  • Claire-Lyse Chambron, DG-EAC Unit E.1 – Culture Policy and Intercultural Dialogue

and from the MeLa FP7 Project:

  • Gennaro Postiglione, presenting “MeLa, European Museums in an age of migrations”

Download the Agenda of the meeting (PDF, 250 Kb)

RICHES-LOGO1RICHES on Twitter: #richesEU

Europeana Annual General Meeting 2013

europeanaThe Europeana Network Annual General Meeting (AGM) is a key event for Europeana and its Network. It provides all partners with the opportunity to share experiences and discuss and develop ideas around specific areas of mutual relevance and interest.

It was recently held on 2 December 2013 in Rotterdam, and beside a strong focus on the Europeana Business Plan 2014 and Horizon2020, it was as usual the perfect occasion for meeting other projects’ representatives, sharing achievements and expertise, discussing possible future strategies and developing new partnerships.


EuropeanaPhotography was of course present in this important event: it was attended by the Technical Coordinator Antonella Fresa, who was also taking part as full member in the Public-Private Partnership task force session, Sofie Taes of KU Leuven and Nacha Van Steen of KMKG.

In the framework of the event, the interesting workshop organized by Europeana Creative “Bridging the gap with Creative Industries” and the DISH conference were also attended by the EuropeanaPhotography team.

Beside these networking and dissemination activities, a poster of EuropeanaPhotography was also displayed at the poster session.


DH Awards recognizes excellence in Digital Humanities

DH2Digital Humanities Awards are a new set of annual awards given in recognition of talent and expertise in the digital humanities community and are nominated and voted for entirely by the public. These awards are intended to help put interesting DH resources in the spotlight and engage DH users (and general public) in the work of the community. Awards are not specific to geography, language, conference, organization or field of humanities that they benefit and there is no financial prize associated with these community awards, just the honour of having won and an icon for your website.

DH Awards 2013 is now accepting nominations! You can nominate any Digital Humanities resource you feel deserves to win in any of this year’s categories; nominations will be open until the 31st of December 2013 (midnight GMT) and voting will take place in January 2014. The nominations must be for projects/resources/sites that were launched/finished/created in 2013.

This year’s categories are:

  • Best DH tool or suite of tools
    Nominations for this category should be for a tool or suite of tools created by members of the DH community, used for enabling, encouraging, and/or accomplishing DH work;
  • Best DH contribution not in the English language
    Nominations for this category should be for DH resources or publications that are not in the English language;
  • Best use of DH for fun
    Nominations for this category should be for projects/resources/sites for DH which are designed to be fun or inherently playful;
  • Best DH blog post, article, or short publication
    Nominations for this category should be for a specific short DH publication (peer-reviewed or not) whether article, blog post, or other publication;
  • Best DH visualization or infographic
    Nominations for this category should be for a graphic, infographic, or visualization created for or by the DH community;
  • Best DH project for public audiences
    Nominations for this category should be for a DH project designed to be used by audiences primarily outside of higher education, including educators, students, enthusiasts, genealogists, engaged citizens, etc;

By its work at making available, with the most advanced digital technologies’ support, the vast majority of the surviving inscriptions from the Greco-Roman world, we think EAGLE can be a valid and qualified competitor for 2013’s edition of DH Awards. To nominate EAGLE visit the nominations page at:

EagleProject1-201x128The DH Awards 2013 are overseen by an international Nominations Committee consisting of:

  • James Cummings (Founder/Director) — University of Oxford
  • Craig Bellamy — University of Melbourne
  • Sheila Brennan — Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, George Mason University
  • Marjorie Burghart — EHESS: École des Haute Études en Sciences Sociales (Lyon)
  • Kiyonori Nagasaki – International Institute for Digital Humanities 一般財団法人 人文情報学研究所 (Tokyo)
  • Miriam Peña Pimentel — UNAM: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

DiXiT now open for application


The Digital Scholarly Editions Initial Training Network (DiXiT)* offers 12 fellowships to Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) for a period of 3 years and 5 fellowships to Experienced Researchers (ERs) for a period of 12 to 20 months. Fellowships are now open for applications (except 4 ER fellowships which will start at a later date).

Academic Requirements:
Early‐Stage Researchers must be in the first 4 years of their research careers and not yet have a doctoral degree. This is measured from the date when they obtained the degree which would formally entitle them to embark on a doctorate, irrespective of whether or not a doctorate is envisaged.
Experienced Researchers must be in possession of a doctoral degree or have at least 4 years of full‐time equivalent research experience. At the time of recruitment by the host organisation an experienced researcher must also have less than 5 years of full‐time equivalent research experience.
It should be noted that an individual researcher may not be recruited first as an ESR and subsequently as an ER in the same project.

Marie Curie ITN mobility requirement:
Researchers can be of any nationality. They are required to undertake trans‐national mobility (i.e. move from one country to another) when taking up their appointment. One general rule applies to the appointment of researchers:
At the time of recruitment by the host organisation, researchers must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc) in the country of their host organisation for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the reference date.
Short stays such as holidays and/or compulsory national service are not taken into account.

Application process:
Please note that applications from any qualified applicants, regardless of gender, ethnicity or country of origin are welcome if they meet the eligibility requirements.
Applicants should send their applications directly to the institution hosting the desired fellowship. Applications for more than one post are welcome – however, multiple applications should be indicated via the obligatory DiXiT application form (which has to be submitted separately from the application documents send to the hosting institution).

The deadline for applications is the 10th December 2013.
Please note that the four remaining ER fellowships will start at a later date and the possibility of application will be announced accordingly.

About DiXiT:
* DiXiT (Digital Scholarly Editions Initial Training Network) is an international network of high‐profile institutions from the public and the private sector that are actively involved in the creation and publication of digital scholarly editions.
DiXiT offers a coordinated training and research programme for early stage researchers and experienced researchers in the multi‐disciplinary skills, technologies, theories, and methods of digital scholarly editing.
DiXiT is funded under Marie Curie Actions within the European Commission’s 7th Framework Programme and runs from September 2013 until August 2017.
For more information, visit

Download the call in PDF