Search Results for: cultural project

The Jewish Digital Archive project

Text by Caterina Sbrana. In 2011 at the Kaplan Centre at UCT University of Cape Tow, under the auspices of Milton Shain, an emeritus Professor in the Department of Historical Studies and a former director of the Isaac and Jessie … Continue reading

REACH Project at “Museums for all people!”

Museums for all people! This was the title of the international conference held from 2 to 5 April 2019 at Complutense University in Madrid. Keynote lectures, short talks and posters discussed the diverse and multi-layered dimensions of art and cultural … Continue reading

Cultural Participation and Local Resilience: Strategies for the recovery

Webinar in cooperation with the European Commission and part of the European Framework for Action on Cultural Heritage What is the issue? The direct and indirect impacts of culture on local development are largely achieved through cultural participation and access … Continue reading

Join the Europeana Labs Challenge and win up to €25,000 funding for your project

This is a call out to all creative thinkers! From now until 29 February, Europeana Labs is  asking you to submit your designs for fantastic products and services which make the most of Europe’s rich digital cultural heritage. We’ve selected three … Continue reading

DANube Urban Brand + Building Regional and Local Resilience through the Valorization of Danube’s Cultural Heritage

DANUrB is a new EU funded project started on July 2020 and leaded by the Budapest University of Technology and Economics of Budapest. It involves 17 Partners coming from 6 East European Countries: Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Croatia and Serbia. … Continue reading

Cultural Heritage: Reuse, Remake, Reimagine

After the nice success of previous events in Venice and in Tallinn, E-Space Third International Conference took place in November 2016 in Berlin, hosted by partner SPK at the Hamburger Bahnhof Museum of Contemporary Art. The conference themes spread from the … Continue reading

Rethinking Research and Policy Agendas on Cultural Heritage and European Identities – Policy Workshop

The European Union is at yet another crossroad after the Brexit referendum’s results, the overall rise of the Far Right in several EU countries, while another migrant and refugee flows crisis is still looming. Indeed the EU once more needs an … Continue reading

RICHES International Conference

PREFORMA project will participate to the digital poster exhibition at the International Conference organised by the RICHES project on December 4th and 5th in Pisa, entitled Cultural Heritage: Recalibrating Relationships. Continue reading

Discovering Chinese Heritage in Europeana – video recordings

See the full programme here: Recordings of the event are made available on the same page. PAGODE is a Generic Service project granted by the European Commission in the frame of the Connecting Europe Facility Programme, in support to … Continue reading

Discovering Chinese Heritage in Europeana – PAGODE Final Conference

See the full programme here: Recordings of the event are made available on the same page. PAGODE is a Generic Service project granted by the European Commission in the frame of the Connecting Europe Facility Programme, in support to … Continue reading