Training workshop on 3D Printing at INCULTUM Pilot in Greece

On Friday September 9th 2022, in the context of INCULTUM Pilot 7 Aoos the shared river, the High Mountains Social Cooperative Enterprise, the P2P Lab, the Tzoumakers communal workspace and the Public Library of Konitsa, organised a training workshop on 3D Printing that was addressed to the local community, stakeholders of the area, employees of the Public library of Konitsa and visitors of Konitsa.

The entire session was recorded and published on the youtube:

The training workshop is opened by Vassilis Niaros, member of the P2P Lab, with the presentation of the Waterjet, an open technology tool designed in New Zealand. He described the printing procedure, the waterjet’s assembly and the sensors that will be adapted on it.

The waterjet will be used for data collection in Epirus rivers, lakes and “dragon lakes” (alpine lakes). Digital representations of the lakebeds and riverbeds, monitoring of temperature, acidity and other properties of the water, are just a part of the data that will be extracted and lead to useful information aiming to the understanding and protection of those unique ecosystems’ biodiversity.

Right after the introduction the training workshop on 3D printing starts, and is about materials we use for 3D printing, sites that you can use to find files for the printer, parameters that may affect the printing, useful tips deriving from experimenting with the printers, printing applications and others.

A retrospection on the different uses of 3D printing followed the training workshop, with examples of 3D printed objects that helped in various ways and were used to enhance accessibility and participation, create innovative objects and tools, but also promote cooperations and synergies.

The P2P lab team closed the presentation with a 3D printing demonstration, where the attendants got to see and experience the whole procedure, from loading the printing material, to actually print the first part of the Waterjet, its propeller.

WEAVE Case Study: 3D digitization of daguerreotypes

Triple camera setup in the digitisation booth – courtesy of CRDI and La Tempesta

The Centre for Image Research & Diffusion (CRDI) in Girona owns a large and diverse photography archive that reflects daily life in the region of Girona over the past two centuries. In 2022, CRDI digitised 99 items from its collection of daguerreotypes, the first form of photography created in France in 1839, in 3D and aggregated them to Europeana in the context of WEAVE project: an important achievement not only for the project, but for professionals in the field of photography at large.

Collating captures to form a 3D view – courtesy of CRDI and La Tempesta

3D digitization in photogrammetry is a stable and widely used technique, however, due to the specific characteristics of the daguerreotypes, the process posed challenges in order to get the best visual results. Handling these challenges required experiments and technical solutions to be deployed.

Following the work done, a case study was recently developed for WEAVE project to share the lessons learnt and the knowledge generated by this activity. Digitizing daguerreotypes has required specific research and a series of iterations through a pre-testing process. Photogrammetry was applied putting to best use its advantages while trying to subvert its limitations.

As for aggregating this content to Europeana, the process was quite straightforward via the Photoconsortium aggregation route, and not that much different from providing 2D-collections. The results can be viewed in Europeana, where each item is described in detail and linked to WEAVE 3D assets manager developed in the project.

Download the WEAVE Case Study (PDF, 700 Kb)

In addition to the case study,  a presentation of the major 3D digitization task performed by WEAVE partner CRDI was delivered by Marc Hernandez of La Tempesta, the specialized technology partner of CRDI in the important I&R conference in Girona in November 2022.

This blog is part of WEAVE – Widen European Access to cultural communities Via Europeana: a project funded by the European Commission under the Connecting Europe Facilities (CEF) aimed at developing a framework to link the tangible and intangible dheritage of cultural communities.

The public deliverables of WP3 are available for download

The figure represents a map of the network of the cases compared along the research carried out in the “Measuring and Imagining” work package 3 of UNCHARTED. Each bullet/node represents a case, and lines connect cases if these are object of across-topic comparison. This graph aims to illustrate how complex is the scenarios of cases that have been explored in the studies.

UNCHARTED released the first results of the case studies carried out in the frame of the activities of work package 3.

Following the Report on WP3 case studies, delivered in December 2021, a wide range of case studies were implemented during 2022. We are glad to announce that four important deliverables have been published recently to report on the results of the research, to be shared with the research community:

All these deliverables are available for consultation and download on the UNCHARTED website in the section dedicated to WP3

The concluding documents, namely the Report on the conflicting dynamic of valuation in the cultural sphere and the complementary Synthetic summary of the debates at the UNCHARTED Central Event will be released in the coming months.

Stay tuned!

SPOT H2020 project Final Conference

The final event of project  SPOT ( is organized in Vienna inviting all professionals and scholars of Cultural Tourism in Europe. This project was implemented in 2020-2022 in 13 EU countries (Austria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italia, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain), as well as in the UK (Scotland) and Israel, and funded through the Horizon 2020 program of the European Commission.

View programme (PDF, 2 Mb)

If you are committed to the organisation and promotion of Cultural Tourism, studies of cultural landscapes and heritage, political and social implications and related business issues, such as local and regional development – you should not miss the public presentation of the outcomes and the discussion of practical recommendations of the SPOT project!

The event takes place on Thursday 01 December 2022 at the premises of the Conference Centre of the EUROPAHAUS (Linzer Straße 429, Vienna 1140) starting at 9:00 am – see the program details HERE, alongside with summaries of major project outcomes (Policy Briefs, Analytical reports, 15 Case Studies poster presentations, etc.)

We expect the participation of 100 to 120 guests, including the members of the international SPOT Project Consortium and external stakeholders coming from the tourism business, research organisations and universities, professional and social media, as well as administrative and policy-making bodies.

Participation in the event is free of charge

Preliminary registration is required >> REGISTRATION

Eventual co-sponsors are welcome – please contact the organizers to discuss the options by e-mail: and/or .

Journalists and representatives of media are especially encouraged to attend. A press release and background information will be available at request.  Besides, there will be a special time slot devoted to a press conference for journalists and representatives of social media; interviews with the project and team leaders from 15 countries, as well with as other renowned experts in various fields of studies of cultural tourism of can be arranged on-site or as a matter of conference follow-ups.

In addition, the SPOT final event on-site exhibition offers:

  • Project posters and selected handouts of project outcomes (Policy Briefs, recommendations, leaflets, etc.)
  • Graphic and multimedia presentations of
    • Project case-studies
    • SPOT-IT innovative tool (a GIS-based platform to support the tourism development per location)
  • Presentations and handouts of sponsors, stakeholders and further external partners

SPOT team is looking forward to welcoming you at our final project event!

Read more on SPOT website:



INCULTUM presented at Creative Tourism, Regenerative Development and Destination Resilience

This international conference was developed with an intent not only to address but also to progressively contribute to the context of change for cultural and sustainable tourism, understanding the contexts and dynamics. Researchers/academics, artists, tourism practitioners, and students presented their research, projects, and reflections in an array of related topic areas. The rich variety of papers presented in the plenary and concurrent sessions attests to the importance of bringing interdisciplinary, diverse perspectives together to think about and address the issues of this particular point in time. Furthermore, they reinforce the importance of recognizing the specificities
of individual places and the well-being of communities.

Book of Abstracts (PDF, 1,47 Mb)

Network Coordinator Antonella Fresa delivered a presentation about INCULTUM and its Pilots in the panel session entitled “Entangling the margins: Communities, collaboration, and co-creation“, chaired by Parikshat S. Manhas, University of Jammu, India, and Universidad de La Laguna, Spain.

Download the presentation (PDF, 1.7 Mb)


Among the most-promising trends in the tourism sector, culture-based creative tourism has garnered increasing support and enthusiasm as a pathway to regenerative development and destination resilience, two essential components of sustainable tourism and development. Inherently personalized and participative in practice, creative tourism is based on the personal contact of one-on-one and small-group experiences based on the culture of a place and its people. Focused in its dimension and emphasis, creative tourism offers visitors the opportunity to hone their creative instincts and tendencies, as they learn about the local culture through direct contact with artists, artisans, and cultural agents of the destination community. The result is a dynamic, interactive exchange that both incorporates and promotes regenerative, sustainable local development and destination resilience.

Conference website:


CREATOUR Azores – Turning the Azores into a Creative Tourism Destination is an integrated research-and-application project that aims to advance research focused on creative tourism in island regions, diversify tourism offers in the Azores, and strengthen links with other regions of Portugal where this model has already been implemented through the CREATOUR project as well as with other islands where the approach could be replicated. The main objective of CREATOUR Azores is to empower various agents located in the Azores archipelago to develop, implement, and promote creative tourism experiences through which tourists can actively participate in creative activities, providing opportunities for learning, creative self-expression, and interaction with local communities. A creative tourism approach allows both visitors and communities to benefit from tourism exchanges, promotes cultural vitality and sustainability, and allows artistic and creative activities to play a driving role in socio-economic development.

In addition, the CREATOUR Azores project intends not only to strengthen knowledge about specific market segments that may have greater interest in the products of creative tourism available in the region (matching profile characteristics and offers of specific destinations) but also to identify the most appropriate channels to communicate with these differentiated segments. Given the unique location and intrinsic characteristics of the Azores – a nine-island archipelago located in the North Atlantic – there is a very high potential for the development of internationally attractive and unique creative tourism offers in this island region.

The CREATOUR Azores project is coordinated by the Observatory of Sustainable Tourism of the Azores (OTA) and the University of the Azores/Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation, in partnership with the Centre for Social Studies (CES) of the University of Coimbra, Portugal.

Volterra presents Design Alabastro 2022


The “Design Alabastro 2022” project was presented today in Volterra as part of Volterra 2022 First Tuscan City of Culture, studied by UNCHARTED as a main case of WP5 experimental and demonstrations 

With this project 11 national designers and 11 Volterra’s alabasters will confront each other for the creation of a  new artistic collection mixing skills of style and craftsmanship to  give life to a regeneration of the practice of alabaster, in a dialogue between tradition and contemporaneity.

The project, conceived by the architect and designer Luisa Bocchietto, WDO’s senator (World Design Organization), was created in collaboration with the Volterra Alabaster Community and in partnership with the North-West Tuscany Chamber of Commerce.  Among the objectives of “Design Alabastro 2022” is to enhance the entire alabaster production process  from design to processing, to get to the realization of the finished object.

The “Design Alabastro 2022” project is a concrete example of creating the value of alabaster culture, an expression of identity of the territory strongly acclaimed all over the world, as a result of the strategic planning of cultural policies.

Visit to find out more about the initiatives organized in the coming months to enhance the great cultural, artistic and historical heritage of Volterra.

INCULTUM Pilot at CITCEM conference “Cultures of Water”

The Transdisciplinary Research Centre “Culture, Space and Memory” of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the University of Porto (CITCEM) invited the academic community to its 10th Conference, centred on the theme of “Cultures of Water: Heritage, Environment and Society”, and organized at the the Casa dos Livros (Palacete Burmester), Porto, Portugal, from 16 to 19 November 2022.

The Conference aims to reflect on Cultures of Water, a theme that has been a focal point of the research developed at CITCEM since its foundation, placing the debate under a plural analysis that reflects the research directions and forms of intervention developed by academics and research centres from all over the world. The aim is to observe Cultures of Water in their diversity, from a multi-scalar perspective, considering chronological and spatial variations, preferably from an inter- and transdisciplinary perspective.

At the 10th edition of this important sectorial event, Prof. Desidério Batista of University of Algarve presented the INCULTUM Pilot focused on Campina del Faro and its water heritage in the Panel 6.2 “Water, Production and Environment”.

Title of presentation: A paisagem e o património da água da Campina de Faro (Litoral do Centro Algarvio) – do passado para o futuro: Entre a produção hortofrutícola e o turismo cultural
Desidério Batista (U. Algarve; CHAIA/U. Évora)

Conference website:

Conference programme (booklet, PDF 2Mb)

Erasmus+ Project “From Intangible Expression to Digital Cultural Heritage” enables collaborations among the schools in Italy, Turkey and Bulgaria

text and all images courtesy of the project From Intangible Expression to Digital Cultural Heritage

The aim in this Project is to boost introduction of national as well as European intangible cultural heritage subjects with innovative technological methods. Also we intend to maintain the intangible cultural heritage alive with the help of new educational Technologies. It is significant to make the intangible cultural heritage visible for all the students,their families,stakeholders and the society. With the help of the activities of the Project the students will be able to recognise, explore and understand their own cultural assumptions. It will increase good practices among teachers and partnerships with stakeholders. Also it will help in promoting intercultural dialogue among participants.

The fist Virtual meeting was organised by the Primary School named Instituto Comprensivo “B.Croce” in Paglieta, Italy from 23rd to 29th of October 2022. It was attended by 6 students and 2 teachers from each partner schools.During these 5 days activities all the participants recognised the art of storytelling as an Italian Intangible Cultural Heritage element. We learned about the transition of the Italian Intangible cultural heritage through innovative new Technologies and various learning and teaching methods. We were shown the benefits of the platform as a teaching tool. The students had a very enjoyable experience with the use of digital Technologies like Kahoot. Especially the students were inspired by this app and they got in very close touch with the other countries’ students. All the learning-teaching activities gave us the opportunity to practice by combining skills and knowledge. We started to share innovative teaching methods, best practices and information and this helped and will continue to help us to grow our pedagogical skills and knowledge.

We prepared stands and displayed our cultural materials. We had a cultural trip to Procida. It is the Italian Capital Culture. We celebrated the European Cultural Heritage Day. We also had some more cultural trips and had some workshops.

INCULTUM calls for master thesis in Denmark

Before summer 2022, partner CBS Copenhagen Business School published an advertisement for the project and the possibility of writing the Master thesis in collaboration with INCULTUM on two sites of CBS, which reach far beyond the university itself: and

The posting was very successful with many international students applying or asking for information as they consider writing their thesis in the project. In particular, contacts came from 15-20 Master students, nearly all studying careers with a tourism component, and they come from many different countries and study at various different universities.

Such impact of the call for master thesis testimonies the importance of the topics addressed by INCULTUM for the students who are the cultural tourism professionals of tomorrow.

Currently, CBS team has supervised one Master thesis student in Spring 2022 and one in autumn 2022, while between 5 and 10 students are considering to deliver their thesis in Spring 2023.

Students work for place branding of INCULTUM Pilots

img. sourced from Copenhagen Business School website

In the context of the Place Branding elective BA course by Prof. Carsten Humlebæk at Copenhagen Business School, a case study session on 7th November 2022 was fully dedicated to INCULTUM.

The project and the 10 Pilots were presented to the class, composed of 35 students (half of them from Denmark, and the other half are exchange students from all over the world – Australia, USA, UK, Spain, Mexico, Italy, Japan, Indonesia, Netherlands, Belgium…), and the assignment and scope was to help the Pilots brand the chosen product/innovation.

Students were split them into groups and each group had to focus on one Pilot, so to come with recommendations. Students provided good interaction and came with many good ideas as to how to market the product that each of them had chosen to focus on, to whom (target groups), how these visitors were supposed to get to the pilot site/area and how there were supposed to move around the area.

Results of the session were then transferred to the respective INCULTUM Pilots, which showed great interest in the students’ recommendation and thoughts.