Graphiae: a new art installation by Gianluca Cingolani

Graphiae Installation at Milan Malpensa International Airport


Graphiae, the digital artist Gianluca Cingolani’s new project, was unveiled at Porta di Milano, Terminal 1 of Milan Malpensa International Airport.

Graphiae takes us back to thousands of years ago, when one of the greatest inventions was made. It was when human beings began to shape their imagination, inventing symbols, words, ideas and creating writing. In Graphiae, digital art explores the gesture of an original writing, the Chinese one, that still maintains a very strong connection with images.


The installation is part of an artistic project that Gianluca Cingolani has developed in recent years together with the G_B collective, aiming at exploring the processes of invention and the role that imagination plays in these processes. The artist investigates this invention through the artistic technique of digital compositing, staging a multimedia polyptych that animates the signs of an ancient Chinese writing.


Graphiae Installation


Symbols are isolated within boxes that go to form an ever-changing graphemic matrix, where the focus goes to the unexpected relationships of meaning suggested by their morphologies: the artist explores their ideographic structure to reflect on the reversibility of the symbol into icon, to remind us that writing is a purely conventional system ready to become an image or to return to physical trace.

“Cingolani’s animated writing takes the form of a renewed game of surrealist ascendancy based on the free relations of meaning that arise from the complicit and sinuous tensions dictated by these threadlike entities, these signs so foreign and familiar that they seem to have belonged to us forever.”

(Pasquale Fameli, curator of the Graphiae installation)


Graphiae will remain on display in the Milan Gate space until June 26, 2024.


Spanish Presidency Europeana Conference report available

EUreka3D project was presented at the Spanish Presidency Europeana Conference back in October the 17th 2023, by project coordinator Antonella Fresa. The conference  fostered  a multidisciplinary dialogue on 3D capacity building for the cultural heritage sector, in order to promote collaboration and networking among key memebers and stakeholders.

The event highlighted some of the best practices for utilising 3D technologies to advance preservation, access and reuse of cultural heritage, and provided a forum for exchanging knowledge, experiences, and opportunities.

The report from the event has been published, sharing insights, learnings and resources around 3D and digital cultural heritage. It includes an overview of tools and services available to the Member States for 3D processes, a step-by-step process to digitise a cultural heritage asset in 3D, an overview of rights issues surrounding 3D digitisation and more.

Read the Executive Summary and download the full report on Europeana Pro.

eu emblemEUreka3D project is co-financed by the Digital Europe Programme of the European Union.

18th Image and Research Conference

Image and Research Conference 2024


The new edition of the Image and Research Conference (18th Antoni Varés Conference) will be held in Girona from November 20th to 23rd, 2024. The event is organized by one of the founding members of PHOTOCONSORTIUM, Ajuntament de Girona, which has been dedicated to protecting, promoting, and disseminating Girona’s photographic heritage since 1997.

The Conference is a biennial event to reflect on and share knowledge about the management of photographic and audiovisual heritage. The presentations will take place at the Palau de Congressos on November 21 and 22 and the workshops will be held at the Municipal Archive of Girona on the 20 and 23.

You can now register for the presentations sessions and workshops.

This year the Conference presents a format change: it will be distributed in four thematic blocks through the morning and afternoon time slots, with the purpose of providing a broad response to the following questions:

  • How do we use technology?
  • How do we engage people?
  • What are the business strategies?
  • What is the state of the issue regarding conservation and historical research?

Each block includes two keynote speakers and various communications on related topics. Block 3 offers a round table related to the topic of the presentation.

Call for papers

Papers will be included in each of the thematic blocks: for each block, there will be two keynote speeches and 10-minute papers on related topics.

The form and submission conditions are now available.


Submission of a proposal of 140 words: 30th June 2024
Submission of the final text: 31st July 2024


Block 1: TECHNOLOGY. November 21 (from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.)
Emanuele Frontoni. A Picture of the Future: Generative AI’s impact on photography, archives and authenticity.
Hrvoje Stancic. Incorporating AI in the Digitization Process.
Communications linked to the topics: artificial intelligence, semantic web, management software, speech recognition and transcription, digital preservation, metadata, 3D technology, etc.

Block 2: CITIZENSHIP. November 21 (from 3 to 6 p.m.)
John Balean. Story-seeing: methods of creating Visual Impact when promoting Photographic Collections.
Bernardo Riego. A new look at the History of Photography in times of Artificial Intelligence and postmodern culture.
Communications linked to the topics: creation of narratives, dissemination of funds and collections, archives and creativity, exhibitions, citizen participation, image ethics, etc.

Block 3: HERITAGE AND BUSINESS MODELS. November 22 (from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.).
Rita Scartoni. Enhancing the Alinari Archives: a business strategy for accessible and sustainable public heritage management.
Round table: Photographic archives as a business source. Rita Scartoni (Alinari Foundation), John Balean (TopFoto), Sergi Griñó (Album). Moderator: Fina Navarrete (CRDI).
Communications linked to the topics: business models, image banks, intellectual property, image rights, economic sustainability in management, collecting, etc.

Block 4: CONSERVATION – ÁNGEL FUENTES MEMORIAL. November 22 (from 3 to 6 p.m.)
Claudio Ogass. Towards sustainable preservation. Changes in the approach and criteria for preventive conservation.
Communications linked to the topics: climate change, sustainable conservation, state of the art in conservation, preventive conservation criteria, restoration of photographs and films, history of photography, digitization, etc.
Closing conference: Valentín Vallhonrat: The role of photography in the construction of our visual culture.

WORKSHOP 1. November 20 (from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 3 to 5 p.m.)
Automating Description of Image Collections Using AI.
Trainers: Hrvoje Stancic
Language: English.

WORKSHOP 2. November 23 (from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.)
The description of the photographic and audiovisual image.
Trainers: Fina Navarrete, Cristina Feixas, Pau Saavedra.
Language: Catalan.

part II – Paradata, Metadata & Data in 2D/3D Digital Heritage Documentation

This webinar in two parts brought together professionals from the spectrum of Digital Cultural Heritage practice to share their experiences of using and working with paradata seeking to lay down a common understanding of paradata as a first step towards a community-built set of standards and expectations for its application to 3D documentation and the creation of knowledge.

Organized by UNESCO Chair on Digital Cultural Heritage at Cyprus University of Technology in collaboration with EUreka3D, this webinar discussed the most advanced requirements and cases of the use of Paradata and Metadata in the digital documentation of the Past in 3D, for enriching 3D assets, creating knowledge and promoting reusability.

The webinar was addressed to the Digital Cultural Heritage community to establish a definitive description and differentiation of what paradata and metadata are, and the benefits they are bringing to the stakeholders, owners, multidisciplinary community and digital scholarship, as well as to the European Commission.

Agenda – Please note times are in CET

  • 13:30-14:00 Join the session using your MS Teams Link
  • 14:00-14:10 Robert Davies Chairman, Europeana Network Association, NL Opening remarks
  • 14:10-14:20 Marinos Ioannides, et al UNESCO Chair on DCH, CUT, CY Paradata, Metadata & Data for a Digital #MemoryTwin
  • 14:20-14:35 Marc Grellert, et al TU Darmstadt, DE The DFG-Project IDOVIR – Infrastructure To Document Paradata Of Virtual Reconstructions
  • 14:35-14:50 Elisabetta C. Giovannini, et al POLITO, IT Extending the Extended Matrix With CIDOC-CRM. Paradata for Virtual Reconstruction Processes & Beyond
  • 14:50-15:05 Chiara Parisi , et al UNIFE, IT Paradata as a Strategy for a Systematic Digitization of Museum Objects
  • 15:05-15:20 Matthieu Quantin, et al University of Nantes, FR Publishing & Long-Term Archiving 3D Data in Humanities – French 3D Consortium Proposal
  • 15:20-15:35 Marion Depraetere Museum für Naturkunde – Leibniz Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity Science, DE Virtual Access to Fossil & Archival Material From the German Tendaguru Expedition (1909-1913)
  • 15.35-15:50 Yashaswini Jayadevaiah Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, IN ‘Translation’ as a Practice-Ontology to Script All Data: A Case Discussion
  • 15:50-16:05 Morris Murphy TU Dublin, IE A Paradata Framework for HBIM
  • 16:20-16:35 Sonia Giovinazzi National Agency for New Technologies, Energy R Sustainable Economic Development, IT Integrated Paradata-Metadata-3D Models for Enhancing the Resilience of Cultural Heritage Buildings to Climate Changes & Other Natural Hazards
  • 16:35-16:50 Wanda Listiani Institut Seni Budaya Indonesia Bandung, ID Photogrammetry Paradata in the Three-Dimensional Documentation of Pawon Ancient Humans in Indonesia
  • 16:50-17:05 Carlos H. Marcondes Federal University of Minas Gerais, BR Heritage Objects & Patrimonialization: Documentation of a Curatorial Process
  • 17:05-17:20 Pedro Luengo et al Universidad de Sevilla, ES Toward a Trustable Digitisation of Built Heritage: The Role of Paradata
  • 17:20-17:35 Antonio Suazo Navia Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, CL Virtual Urban Reconstruction Based on Photographic Sources: Knowledge Management and Paradata as a “Chain of Visual Evidence”
  • 17:35-18:00 Igor Bajena Hochschule Mainz University of Applied Sciences, DE European CoVHer Project in the Context of Developed Methods for the Documentation of Hypothetical Digital Reconstructions of Lost Architectural Heritage in Higher Education
  • 17.50 – 18.20 Discussion Session & Closing Remarks

>>> AGENDA IN PDF (300 KB)



New heritages, new feudalisms: the servitudes of digital documentation

The Conference, which is structured around three lines of debate, aims to reflect on the future of digital heritage and the dependencies and cooperations that germinate in the liquid age from a scientific, social and humanistic perspective, while transiting between theoretical reflection and analysis of practice: 

  • [DIGITAL ASSETS] What do we guard? This line reflects on the object itself (concept of digital heritage) and the archival challenges we face. (axis 1) 
  • [PROCESSES, TECHNOLOGY] How and where do we guard it? This line aims to reflect on the different technological models and the custody of digital heritage, as well as the technological challenges that arise from them. (axis 2) 
  • [PEOPLE] Who guards? This line revolves around the aspects linked to the Catalan digital heritage strategy, such as the organizational structure, competences and the democratization of access. (axis 3)  

The Conference wants to echo the theoretical concerns, and practical and political concerns, and give answers – or at least reflect – on the questions raised, and it is conceived as a space for debate between areas of knowledge as diverse as archival and document management, economics, communication or law. Only a multidisciplinary conversation and reflection can help us understand the transformations and the social and political dynamics that are generated and the effects that these dynamics can have on the future of digital heritage.  

The conference is organized by the Professional Association of Archives and Document Management of Catalonia.



  • Josep-Maria Arauzo-Carod
  • Rocío Campaña Mora
  • Pilar Campos Martínez
  • Rubén Cortés Domingo
  • Jordi Ferrer Guillén
  • Antonella Fresa
  • Olga Giralt
  • Oscar González Aguilar
  • Jaume Sardà Font
  • Sonia Torreblanca Valverde
  • Jordi Vilamala Salvans

The European INCULTUM project and the Portuguese pilot. Challenges and opportunities for the sustainable development of Campina de Faro

Thinking Faro Forum is organised by the municipality of Faro in Algarve, and is attended by various stakeholders, university students and citizens.

The representative of the INCULTUM pilot on the Campina de Faro will present the results of the activity and the challenges and opportunities emerged during the 3 years of work.

The full programme of the event is available for download (PDF).

INCULTUM International Conference: everything is ready

Everything is ready for the final conference of the INCULTUM project.

The international event will take place in Guadix on 12 April 2024 with a program of very interesting speeches from the project’s partners and invited scholars and researchers.

The full programme is available online, on the project’s website.

The event will host also gallery of posters that are accessible also in digital format.


CIDOC Conference 2024: Sustainable Connections: Building Knowledge Networks

The Call for Papers is now available for the CIDOC 2024 annual conference, hosted in Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam: this years conference will explore efforts to facilitate the (re)use of collections information – ranging in scope, content, geography and theme – and embrace the lessons learned from developing social, analogue or digital knowledge networks, in order to inspire, expand and connect this work.

Call for contribution will close on the 10th of May.

Read more and discover about the Call for Contribution here.

1st Workshop on Serious Games in Well-being, Environment, Digital Heritage and Other Applications


The 1st Workshop on Serious Games in Well-being, Environment, Digital Heritage and Other Applications will be held in conjunction with SYNASC 2024 on September 16-19 2024, in Timisoara, Romania.

Serious games address practical problems by using games as a backbone for reaching a wider audience and enabling immersive experiences. The workshop includes a call for papers for novel research on serious games addressing cross-stack aspects ranging from theory and design to immersive devices, ethical implications, and (interdisciplinary) applications.

Call for papers

The submissions end term is June 10, 2024.

Submissions can be made from both academia and industry, and focussing on the following topics:

  • serious games theory, design, and methodology;
  • extended reality in serious games;
  • immersive experience through integrated haptic and XR devices;
  • legal and ethical implications of serious games;
  • applications of serious games in environment, well-being, digital heritage, etc.

Format: up to 8 pages double column format.

Accepted papers will be published as IEEE Proceedings.

Submit your work by the deadline on EasyChair by selecting the Workshop on Serious Games in Well-being, Environment, Digital Heritage and Other Applications.

Important Dates:

10 June 2024 (AoE): Paper submission
15 July 2024: Notification of acceptance
5 September 2024: Registration
5 September 2024: Revised papers according to reviews
16-19 September 2024: Symposium


Marc Frincu – West University of Timisoara

Programme Committee:

David Brown, Nottingham Trent University, UK
Dragos Coste, 3Deva, Romania
Manuela Incerti, University of Ferrara, Italy
Georg Zotti, Vienna Institute for Archaeological Science, Austria
A. Cesar Gonzalez-Garcia, Instituto de Ciencias del Patrimonio, Incipit – CSIC, Spain

EUreka3D at the Spring edition of Europeana Aggregators Forum 2024

The Europeana ecosystem and network of Aggregators and partners gathered together in the Europeana Aggregators Forum online, on 25-26 March 2024.

In this occasion, updates on EUreka3D development were presented to colleague institutions, partners and Europeana aggregators by the Project Coordinator Antonella Fresa, vice president of Photoconsortium, and Valentina Bachi, project manager.

During the event, a variety of topics were presented and discussed in the group. The activities currently ongoing to deploy the data space for cultural heritage played a big role on the agenda as the work of Europeana aggregators is essential to the data space‘s success, also considering different types of data to be published and of aggregation scenarios that may develop in the future. Another important topic on the table was the discussion and collection of requirements for the provision of persistent and unique identifiers (PIDs) for the datasets to be aggregated in the data space, which will support efforts to grant sustainability and availability of online cultural content in the long term.

slide from the presentation by Hugo Manguinhas & Maša Škrinjar, Europeana Foundation.

In this light, EUreka3D project offers to the users of the EUreka3D Data Hub, publicly presented in a demo event in December 2023, the possibility of creating and embedding PIDs for the 3D objects managed and shared in the Data Hub. This is an innovative feature that the EUreka3D project is developing to support CHIs in all the phases and steps for the publication of their datasets in the data space for cultural heritage.


eu emblemEUreka3D project is co-financed by the Digital Europe Programme of the European Union.