Search Results for: cultural project

The first ROCK Roadshow: Technical tests of transmission!

The European ROCK project – Regeneration and Optimization of Cultural Heritage in Creative and Knowledge cities – funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 program and coordinated by the Municipality of Bologna has organized its first Roadshow  that … Continue reading

“Reusing Digital Cultural Heritage: Boosting Education, Audience Engagement, Business Creation”

During Euromed 2016 conference in Nicosia (Cyprus) Monday 31st October 2016 h. 5 pm Digitization has been a major objective for most, if not all, cultural content holders in every European country. Museums, Librarie, Galleries, arts organisations and also private … Continue reading

E-Space Ignite Talk at Europeana AGM 2016 melts snow in Riga

The Europeana Network Association Annual General Meeting (AGM) is an annual key event for Europeana and its network. It provides the opportunity for Europeana and its partners for all to share, discuss and develop specific areas of mutual interest. This … Continue reading

REACH Opening Conference

The opening conference of the REACH project will be organized by ELTE University, Eötvös Loránd Tudomanyegyetem on the 10th and 11th of May 2018 in Budapest, kindly hosted by the Hungarian National Museum. REACH, Re-designing Access to Cultural Heritage for … Continue reading

A Virtual Research Community for the Preservation of Digital Cultural Heritage @ ICT 2013, Vilnius

The session, organised by DCH-RP, SCIDIPES, APARSEN, EUDAT, CHAIN REDS and SCAPE, brought together projects and initiatives working world-wide in the domain of DCH, digital arts, digital performances, digital humanities and digital preservation to find synergies and discuss opportunities for cooperation, in particular around the theme of using e-infrastructures for the preservation of DCH. Continue reading

Castellers in the World: discovering a tradition that is also Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity

In the framework of the WEAVE LabDay series, an online event hosted by CRDI, the Centre for Image Research and Diffusion in Girona, will present the tradition of castellers. CRDI owns a large Image Archive that holds a wealth of … Continue reading

Digital Cultural Heritage as a lab for fostering win-win collaboration between the public and the private sector

PHOTOCONSORTIUM, the international consortium for photographic heritage, organized its annual event 2018 in Barcelona, hosted by Generalitat de Catalunia – GENCAT in the beautiful locations of the Department of Culture. While the Association’s general assembly took place on 11th June, a public … Continue reading

PREFORMA @ Girona 2014: Archives and Cultural Industries

Archives and Cultural Industries will host the 2nd Annual Conference of the International Council on Archives, the 9th European Conference on Archives, and the 13th Image and Research Seminar. PREFORMA has been invited to attend the event by the Girona City Council, which is one of the memory institution participating to the project. Continue reading

European Commission report on Cultural Heritage: Digitisation, Online Accessibility and Digital Preservation

The Consolidated Progress Report reviews and assesses the overall actions and progress made by Member States in the European Union in implementing the Recommendation (2011/711/EU) which is one of the main EU policy instruments on digitisation, online access and digital … Continue reading

Symposium: Roma Cultural Heritage

Representatives of various institutions, researchers, art critics, Roma intellectuals and artists met at this symposium to discuss, together with the audience, the current situation of the Roma cultural heritage. The invited experts faced topics such as the distribution of Roma … Continue reading