ARCH project final event

The European funded project ARCH – Saving Cultural Heritage, has launched its final event which will take place in Hamburg, Germany, on July 20, 2022.

The event marks the closure of this project, which started in 2019 with the aim to better preserve areas of cultural heritage from hazards and risks. The ARCH team with the cities of Bratislava, Camerino, Hamburg and Valencia co-created tools that will help cities save cultural heritage from the effects of climate change.

The main objectives of the meeting are:

  • Show the results of the project
  • Increase the visibility of the theme of resilience and cultural heritage
  • Cite publication to “set the scene” with the state of play
  • Incorporate / involve and highlight the EU Task Force
  • Provide networking opportunities

The event will be hosted in the International Maritime Museum.

Find out more information on the dedicated page at

INCULTUM Pilot: water route in Cogollos de la Vega (Granada)

text and images courtesy of Elena Correa Jiménez (University of Granada).

On Saturday 25th June 2022, another participative activity was organised in the framework of INCULTUM Pilot by the Biocultural Archaeology Laboratory (MEMOLab), coordinated by Professor Dr. José María Martín Civantos, from the Department of Medieval History and CCTTHH of the University of Granada.

We made a water route through the different historical irrigation systems of the municipality of Cogollos de la Vega: the Fardes irrigation ditch, the Moroz irrigation ditch and the Canal irrigation ditch.

During the tour, the 50 visitors who attended the route were able to understand the importance of the historical irrigation systems in shaping the cultural landscapes and settlements, as well as their environmental values. They also learned about water management by the irrigation communities.

Learn more about INCULTUM Pilot 1 – Altiplano de Granada


Presenting INCULTUM in the biannual conference of IAHR International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research

The International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR), founded in 1935, is a worldwide independent organisation of engineers and water specialists working in fields related to the hydro-environmental sciences and their practical application. Activities range from river and maritime hydraulics to water resources development and eco-hydraulics, through to ice engineering, hydro-informatics and continuing education and training. IAHR stimulates and promotes both research and its application and by doing so it strives to contribute to sustainable development, the optimisation of world water resources management and industrial flow processes. Following the last IAHR Congress held in 2019 in Panama City, Panama under the theme “Water – Connecting the World”, the main theme of the 39th IAHR World Congress was “From Snow to Sea” focusing attention on the importance of considering the integral water cycle to address present and future challenges.

The INCULTUM coordinator prof. José María Civantos moderated a round table on human water relationship, and also and made one of the field visits to the historical irrigation systems of the Sierra Nevada.



Conference website:


Cycle of conferences and stakeholders meetings in Sicily organized by the INCULTUM Pilot

The INCULTUM Pilot set in Sicily is coordinated by the GAL Elimos, and is organizing a cycle of meetings dedicated to discuss the development of itineraries that aim to enhance the islamic heritage in the territory of Mounts of Trapani.                     

Provisional program of the cycle of planned animation meetings:

1)   On July 13, 2022, 3.30 pm at the Sicilian Regional Assembly: conference entitled “Siqilliyyah ğannat al-ˀarḍ- La Sicilia è il Giardino Paradiso in Terra”, itinerary of enhancement of cultural heritage of Islamic tradition in Sicily. The meeting will be held at the Sicilian Regional Assembly – Piazza del Parlamento 1- Palermo – Sala Gialla- at 3.30 pm, at the presence of institutions of Security and Public Order, Competent regional departments, Local territorial bodies of the area; Interested spiritual institutions, Civic activism and the third sector affected by the thematic nature of the pilot,  ASP, ARNAS, U. O. health, RSA, private clinics, nursing homes; State Property, Parks, Reserves, Districts of the territory, Private owners of goods / sites affected by the creation of the itinerary; Mobility operators: Carriers, ANAS, urban and extra-urban mobility operators; Unioncamere and Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts, Trade associations, Trade union organizations, Credit Institutions, Insurance.

2)   On 13 September 2022 11.00 am at the Ettore Majorana Foundation and Center for Scientific Culture – EMFCSC, Erice: meeting organized for cultural entities of the area and their networks, and local cultural operators; Local communication and media, Audio / video production / post-production companies.

3) On 28 September 2022 at 11.00 am at the University of Trapani: meeting organized on the topic of education and vocational training, including students, policy makers, private operators and professional associations.

The events will be distributed in live streaming on the Gal Elimos official Facebook page and on the GAL ELIMOS institutional website.

Learn more about INCULTUM Pilot in Sicily

All photohgraphs in this post courtesy of Promoter s.r.l



Siqilliyyah ğannat al-ˀarḍ- La Sicilia è il Giardino Paradiso in Terra

All images in this post courtesy of Promoter s.r.l

The INCULTUM Pilot set in Sicily organizes a high-level conference in Palermo, the Regional County Seat, to describe the work done so far in the area of Trapani, and to discuss with university experts and policy makers about strategies and actions for sustainable development of the Region.

The conference, in Italian language, was streamed live on the GAL Elimos online channels.

“Siqilliyyah ğannat al-ˀarḍ- La Sicilia è il Giardino Paradiso in Terra”

13th July 2022, h.15:30

Assemblea Regionale Siciliana – Sala gialla “Piersanti Mattarella”, P.zza del Parlamento, 1- Palermo

  • On.le Gianfranco Miccichè – Presidente Assemblea Regionale Siciliana: Saluti istituzionali
  • On.le Toni Scilla – Assessore Agricoltura, Sviluppo Rurale e Pesca: Il ruolo dei GAL come leva di sviluppo territoriale;
  • Dott. Liborio Furco – Presidente GAL Elimos: La programmazione strategica del GAL Elimos per lo sviluppo locale, dal Next Generation EU al Green Deal;
  • Dott.ssa Antonella Fresa – Network Coordinator, Promoter Srl, Pisa: “INCULTUM Visiting the margins: INnovative CULtural ToUrisM in European peripheries” – Programma HORIZON 2020 e la cooperazione tra pilot per una rinascita delle comunità rurali;
  • Prof. Patrizia Spallino – Officina di Studi Medievali: L’unicum inestimabile della Sicilia islamica;
  • Avv. Giada Lupo – Responsabile valorizzazione turistica e pubbliche relazioni INCULTUM- pilot GAL Elimos: L’itinerario “Siqilliyyah ğannat al-ˀarḍ- La Sicilia è il Giardino Paradiso in Terra”;
  • Prof. Giuseppe Barbera – Ordinario Colture Arboree UNIPA, alberi, sistemi e paesaggi rurali del Mediterraneo: Il Giardino Paradiso islamico in Sicilia;
  • Prof. Gioacchino Fazio – Associato Economia Applicata- Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Aziendali e Statistiche UNIPA; Resp. Terza Missione Public Engagement DSEAS; Coordinatore Osservatorio sulla Pesca, CEO- Founder “VISION”: Sviluppo blu, dalla prima palma all’ultimo ulivo;
  • Dr. Toti Amato – Presidente OMCEO Palermo e Coordinatore Ordini dei Medici, Chirurghi e Odontoiatri di Sicilia; Consigliere FNOMCEO con delega rapporti esteri: Lo Stile di Vita mediterraneo- Patrimonio dell’Umanità e Faro di Futuro Sostenibile;
  • Avv. Angelo Argento – Presidente Cultura Italiae: Reti di Cultura “mundi” e buoni SEMI;
  • Conclusioni

Modera: Piero Messina (Digitrend).

Learn more about INCULTUM Pilot in Sicily




Meeting in Lisbon for projects on sustainable cultural tourism

Organized by IMPACTOUR project coordinator prof. João Martins from the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the NOVA School of Science and Technology in Lisbon, a friendly meeting took place on 5th July in hybrid format, attended by the representatives of six EU-funded projects all involved with sustainable tourism: next to IMPACTOUR there were INCULTUM, SPOT, TEXTOUR, BE.CULTOUR, and SMARTCULTOUR.

Agenda of the meeting: PDF

Scope of the meeting that follows a similar one held in March 2022 is to progress on the path of collaboration and synergies especially in two areas: policy recommendations for supporting decision makers in cultural, rural and touristic development in Europe; and a coomon line of action to grant sustainability of project’s outcomes and web resources beyond the end of the funding period.

The first part of the meeting was also attended by the project officer Rodrigo Martín Galán, who is aiming to realize a policy roundtable under the aegis of the European Commission, expected to take place in Brussels in Autumn 2022.

About the sister project:

Heritage-led rural regeneration: best practices & participatory processes.

The webinar presents the result of the analysis of the data gathered from 20 Role Models (RM) case studies regarding their successful heritage-led rural regeneration models. For the study and comparison of the narratives of these Role Models two tools were used: the Community Capitals Framework, which studied the transference of capitals in each process and the identification of six Systemic Innovation Areas that allow this capital transference. A multilevel repository of best practices has been developed allowing the identification of common features, mechanisms for mobilisation of capitals and required resources that will facilitate the replication in other rural areas. The results of this work support the acknowledgement of the contribution of culture, together with cultural and natural heritage, to economic growth, social inclusion and environmental sustainability in rural areas reinforcing the role of culture as the fourth pillar of sustainable development.

Monday, 11 July 2022, h.11:00 CEST
