RURITAGE Summer School dedicated to heritage-based regeneration at regional level

RURITAGE is an EU H2020 project which aims to regenerate rural areas through heritage.
Starting from the assumption that the cultural and natural heritage of European rural areas needs not only to be safeguarded, but also promoted and sustainably enhanced for regional and community development, RURITAGE intends to regenerate rural areas with the help of 5 Systemic Innovation Areas (SIAs) framework which identifies unique heritage potential within rural communities: Pilgrimage, Resilience, Sustainable Local Food Production, Integrated Landscape Management, Migration and Art and Festivals.

The project organized its next Summer School on May 9-13, 2022.
The event, titled “Heritage-based regeneration at regional level: learning from practice”, is arranged within the RURITAGE project by Savonia University of Applied Science.

It will be delivered in presence at the Savonia University, Kuopio Finland and include both lectures, study visits and interactive workshops with the participants.

The course will introduce to the RURITAGE methodology supporting rural areas to co-develop through their local heritage.
Savonia will give lectures based on their expertise on local development, especially as the Region of Gastronomy 2020-21.

The objectives of the Summer School are:

  • To learn from other regional development projects throughout Europe through a landscape, pilgrimage, local food, and art & festival perspective as a driver
  • To take part and learn from practical experiences and reflect on how they could be further adapted to your own local context
  • To exchange knowledge, experiences, and further network for future opportunities.

More information and the programme are available at

Fundraising 101 for *Global Majority dance practitioners

image courtesy of Rosa Cisneros, C-DARE Coventry University.

The EU-Funded WEAVE Team has been hosting several Capacity Building events over the  last few weeks.  On April 22nd we held our final LabDay in the series but we continue to challenge issues in the dance and cultural heritage sector by creating spaces and events where under represented communities can come together, network, build solidarity and  share best practices.

Rosa Cisneros from C-DaRE  and a member of the WEAVE consortium, is also part of One Dance UK’s HOTFOOT Magazine editorial group and regularly contributes to the magazine. The  focus of the publication is to highlight work and events from Dance of the African Diaspora and build synergies. For this event the WEAVE  team have partnered up with One Dance UK to run Fundraising 101 – Operating as a *Global Majority Fundraiser in 2022. 

More info HERE: LINK

Register Here: LINK

Date and time: Thu, 5 May 2022 15:00 – 17:00 BST

About this event:

  • Are you a Global Majority Dance practitioner?
  • Would you like to gain knowledge to fund your work/company/project?
  • Want to know about the different types of funding available to you?
  • Need to know about the changes to Arts Council England project grants, or hear about Arts Council funding for the first time?

One Dance UK, in partnership with WEAVE is thrilled to host a webinar covering the current fundraising landscape for Global Majority dance practitioners.

Discover how to navigate your own narrative of being a Global Majority practitioner when creating your case for support.


Gain an overview from the Arts Council England (ACE) on Project Grant pathways and hear from the Chartered Institute of Fundraising (CiOF) about their RAISE programme.


With guest speaker, inclusive fundraising expert and co-founder of The Women of Colour Global Network; Haseena Farid.

Build confidence and knowledge and, most importantly, join the conversation on how to weave the vital experiences, identities, and expertise of our Global Majority communities into potentially successful funding bids.


The event is live BSL translated and a captioned version can be sent post-show.


The event is free – but registration is necessary




* Global Majority is a collective term that refers to people who identify as Black, Asian, Brown, dual-heritage, indigenous to the global south, and or have been racialised as ‘ethnic minorities’.


More information about the project or the event contact Rosa Cisneros E:



RURITAGE Summer School dedicated to heritage-based regeneration at regional level

The 3-days Summer School, arranged within RURITAGE project by Savonia University of Applied Science, will be delivered in presence at the Savonia University (UAS), Kuopio Finland on 9-13 May 2022. It will include both lectures, study visits and interactive workshops with the participants.

It is targeted at professionals (such as Practitioners, regional development institutions, representatives of project pilots), and will focus on the RURITAGE methodology supporting rural areas to co-develop through their local heritage, as well as on practices within the opportunity-driven innovation areas: landscape, local food, art & festival, and pilgrimage. Based on these areas, we will have lectures from pilots in our project that have successfully regenerated their area through these innovation areas. Savonia will give lectures based on their expertise on local development, especially as the Region of Gastronomy 2020-21. The idea is that you will be able to apply lessons in your own areas and surroundings back home.

You can find more information and apply here:

Read more about RURITAGE on the website:


Survey on museums and climate change

On Earth Day 22 April 2022, NEMO, the Network of European Museum Organisations, member of UNCHARTED community, launched a survey to evaluate the status quo of European museums’ transition towards sustainability in a time of climate emergency.

With a comprehensive overview, NEMO will develop recommendations for policy makers that will help steer the museum and heritage sector towards a green and sustainable future.

The survey is open until 3 June 2022.

Our planet is transforming drastically and the museum sector needs to do its part to mitigate the damaging effects of climate change, lower carbon emissions and transition to sustainable solutions. To help museums take on this task, NEMO is asking museum professionals in Europe to participate in a survey that allows them to be part of pro-actively shaping climate policy for the sector, by the sector.

The survey seeks to investigate the role of climate change and sustainability in the following themes:

  • Strategic Relevance
  • Infrastructure and Building
  • Funding
  • Risk Assessment, Adaptation and Agility
  • Expertise, Skills and Training
  • Work Methods and Guiding Principles
  • Public Actions
  • Networking and Advocacy

Access the survey via

Meet WEAVE Team: Europeana Foundation

Europeana is Europe’s platform for digital cultural heritage, empowering cultural heritage institutions to share their collections with the world.  Through the Europeana website, millions of cultural heritage items from around 4,000 institutions across Europe are available online. We work to share and promote this heritage so that it can be used and enjoyed by people across the world.  Our work contributes to an open, knowledgeable and creative society. 

The Europeana Foundation is the organisation tasked by the European Commission with developing a digital cultural heritage platform for Europe. It is an independent, non-profit organisation that operates the Europeana platform and contributes to other digital initiatives that put cultural heritage to good use in the world.

Europeana DSI is co-financed by the European Union’s Connecting Europe Facility.

Photo: Gina van der Linden, 2018, CC0

Within WEAVE, Europeana Foundation has several roles. First, to support new content aggregation and offer technical expertise, leading a task on toolkit validation, integration and compliance with the Europeana Core Service Platform. Europeana Foundation is also supports the project’s capacity building activities. It worked with COVUNI and KU Leuven on a series of capacity-building events for cultural heritage professionals on diversity and inclusion,  helping them gain a better understanding on how cultural institutions can support a more diverse and inclusive sector ( Finally, within WEAVE, Europeana Foundation is working on communication, dissemination and community engagement activities through new Europeana blogs, editorials and a new virtual exhibition developing from the project.

The team involved in the WEAVE project include a number of team members. Michelle Lewis is the Project & Business Development Coordinator in the Programme and Business Development team. She oversees the coordination of Europeana’s generic services projects. Sebastiaan ter Burg, Gina van der Linden and Tamara van Hulst are from the Community & Partner Engagement team. Sebastiaan works on Digital Capacity building for the Cultural Heritage sector.  Gina van der Linden manages and coordinates the many events Europeana organises. Tamara van Hulst hosts Europeana’s online meetings and supports the Community & Partner Engagement team activities.





The role of photographic heritage in empowering communities’ participation in cultural heritage

image: Piazza dei Miracoli a Pisa, photo offred by Lucia Tomasi Tongiorgi in Promoter Digital Gallery CC-BY-NC-ND.

Organized by Photoconsortium in cooperation with the Museo della Grafica and University of Pisa and hosted at the Palazzo Lanfranchi, in the very city center on the banks of the river Arno, this 1-day conference invited leading speakers from the Citizen Heritage consortium partners and other experts in digital cultural heritage, in Social Sciences and Humanities research and in the use of participatory approaches in a cultural and/or educational context.

The main outcome of the event was to offer insights about successful stories of citizen participation in Cultural Heritage Institutions and Higher Education Institutions. An panel discussion complemented the conference programme.

All the presentations by the speakers are available in the conference’s webpage:

In addition to the conference, a citizen collection and digitization action wasorganized to digitize family album photos from the participants, and offer them for publication in Europeana, the European digital library. Finally, a preview visit to the exhibition about golf in the Museo della Grafica happily concluded the day.


NEMO webinar on using cultural heritage to foster social cohesion: the MEMEX project

On April 27, NEMO (the Network of European Museum Organizations) organized a webinar focusing on the use of cultural heritage to promote social cohesion by strengthening historically under-represented communities.

For the occasion, the experts of the MEMEX project will be present to provide a strong example of how cultural heritage and its reinterpretation and reuse through digital storytelling are a key means to shape a more inclusive society.

MEMEX (MEMories and EXperiences for inclusive digital storytelling) is a three-year project H2020 (2019-2022) that promotes social cohesion through collaborative tools that provide inclusive access to cultural heritage and, at the same time, facilitate encounters and interactions between communities at risk of social exclusion.
The project provides tools that allow the communities to tell their stories and promote their cultural diversity, as well as claim their rights and equal participation in the European society.

Through the MEMEX app installed on a smartphone, the users can create and visualise stories related to their personal memories and experiences digitally linked to the geographical locations of either intangible (e.g. an event) or a tangible cultural places/object.

Participation in the NEMO webinar is free, but registration is mandatory and is open until April 25. Find out more about the webinar and how to register at the link

Visit the MEMEX project website for more information:

Meet WEAVE Team: ThinkCode

ThinkCode is a start-up company which designs and develops custom intelligent solutions and high-end software products by adopting and applying cutting-edge technology in the area of Artificial Intelligence into real- word applications. Consisting of people with strong research and industrial background, ThinkCode provides AI-enabled services that span a great range of applications such as Image Annotation, Sentiment Analysis, and Metadata Enrichment. In addition, by implementing the groundbreaking, yet challenging, human-in-the-loop model, the company manages to combine the best of human and machine intelligence in order to build real working solutions.

The company focuses on the Computer Vision field, as image analysis and manipulation has been the main area of expertise of its people, from the theoretical as well as the practical point of view. State-of the-art deep learning technologies have been applied to images and videos for a variety of applications, including object detection, image segmentation, and photo aesthetics extraction and evaluation. Furthermore, our know-how has been transferred to the audio data analysis field as well, with deep neural networks developed for song classification and instrument recognition in recordings from modern and historical sound archives. ThinkCode does not limit itself to developing and applying AI algorithms to images, text and sound, but produces high quality visualization tools for any from the above services.

Creative Commons CC0

This is achieved through intuitive graphical user interfaces, conforming to strict design principles in order to improve the user experience, thus resulting in a complete end-to-end AI software service. Synapsis (Smart coNtent AnalySIs Service) is a core company service which puts into practice the latest Artificial Intelligence techniques and offers a variety of utilities concerning the image and sound analysis field, accompanied by a user friendly UI and an application programming interface (API) for third party applications.

For WEAVE, ThinkCode is involved in technical expertise, leading the developments on the metadata enrichment tools, and also part of the technical support for the aggregation of content to Europeana.


Orfeas Menis – Mastromichalakis (he/him) is an Artificial Intelligence Engineer in ThinkCode since June 2021. He is also a Research Associate in the Artificial Intelligence and Learning Systems Laboratory of the National Τechnical University of Athens, where he holds the position of Ph.D. student since October 2020. He has published papers in various scientific conferences and journals and has been involved in numerous European projects regarding the digitization, management, and enrichment of Cultural Heritage. Since June 2021 he is also a member of the Expert group οn AI literacy of the Council of Europe.

Anna Christaki (she/her) is a senior software engineer and founder of Thinkcode, specialising in software solutions. She graduated from the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and received her MSc in Advanced Computing from the Computer Science Department, University of Bristol, UK. She has many years of experience as a Full Stack Web Developer and has worked with different web technologies. She has a deep understanding of how a web application gets done from concept to design to completion and can communicate effectively with product owners, UX teams, frontend and backend developers throughout the analysis, design and product implementation. She has participated as a developer in several European projects such as EUscreen, EUscreenXL, Europeana Fashion, Europeana Sounds, Photography and E-Space crafting solutions for the management, aggregation and creative reuse of digital cultural heritage.


Meeting with local tour guides, Vjosa valley, Albania

text and images by Egla Serjani, CeRPHAAL

At the core of the INCULTUM project are local communities and stakeholders, as the main protagonist, able to improve cultural tourism in the chosen Pilot areas. In the Upper Vjosa valley, amongst the identified stakeholder groups engaged in the project are the local tour guides. Therefore, during early April, CeRPHAAL organized a joint meeting with some of the local tour guides operating in the Pilot. The intention of the encounter was to understand challenges and difficulties they are faced to during their work, and develop future policies that aims to mitigate their concerns. The guides were introduced with some new touristic attraction points and itineraries that may be of interest to be added to their domestic tour package. Also, the meeting brough up significant insights about tourism management in the area, which will be further discussed, developed and tested during the implementation of the INCULTUM project in the Pilot.


Discover more about INCULTUM Pilot 8:



Meet WEAVE Team: TopFoto

all images courtesy of

Topham Partners LLP (TopFoto) – UK

Founded in London in 1927, TopFoto is a rich resource for the world’s political and social history of the 20th century, illustrating the events, cultures and public figures that have shaped tomorrow’s world. TopFoto is an independent, family owned and operated, picture archive and agency, for many years now based just 45 minutes south of London by train, but in the rural heart of Kent, garden of England.

The TopFoto archive contains some 5 million image objects from engraved illustrations, glass plate and acetate negatives, vintage prints, and transparencies to today’s digital files being accessed, enjoyed and published by users all over the world via and from partnerships, including Europeana.

With over 20 years of experience in digitisation, TopFoto’s analogue collection has been digitally saved by TopFoto’s onsite production studio, with more coming onstream daily. Accessible for image licensing, research and general interest.

Today, hope is high in the Welsh villages where the 1949 rush for coal is something just as precious as the gold sought in the Klondike. – Mr James Thomas prefers to take his daily bath in the old-fashioned way in front of the fire. Pit baths are expected in Windsor in the next twelve months. Mrs Nelly Thomas, as she had done for over forty years, pours cold water over her husband’s back. Watching him is his son, Sylvester Thomas in Senghenydd and Aber Valley

With partner-archive relationships, TopFoto offers over 3 million digital images. These images are discoverable via an online asset management system, approved users can download in high resolution. TopFoto’s primary revenue is generated by licensing and IP, which helps conserve and protect the collections. TopFoto work extensively worldwide with museums, galleries, cultural infrastructure developers, educational and general book publishers and designers, advertising & PR companies, hotel groups. Ongoing projects are as varied as the vintage photo packaging for Tyrrells Crisps to Chartwell, the home of Winston and Clementine Churchill.

The team includes:
Flora Smith, FRSA, Managing Partner of TopFoto, who graduated from Manchester University in 1993 in Politics and Modern History. After three years of living in St Petersburg, Russia which included working as International Relations Adviser to the Director of the State Russian Museum, she returned to the UK and ran a successful opera and theatre company for 6 years as the Executive Producer in the top team of three, rescuing the then-derelict Wilton’s Music Hall in the East End and operating the 55-strong music theatre/opera company out of London and Cape Town, before being headhunted by the Victoria and Albert Museum Development Director as a fundraiser. She moved to join her family business (at the bottom rung) in 2007 – originally lured in for just a few months to help organise the outstanding Ken Russell 1950s negative archive. Flora Smith took over as TopFoto’s Managing Partner in December 2016. He is a Fellow of the British-American Project (and former Executive Committee member) as well as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.

John Balean is Operations Manager of TopFoto. He graduated from the University of Newcastle, Australia in 1996 with a Bachelor of Arts in the Visual Arts and a major in Photography. After a brief period as a freelance photographer and visual artist he joined TopFoto where he is a highly experienced Operations Manager and his role includes coordinating EU / Europeana projects as well as negotiating for new photographer collections. John has given lectures and written about the picture industry with a specific interest in Press Photographic History. He is currently Chair of PICSEL and previously served 10 years as a board member of both BAPLA and CEPIC.

Within the project Balean and Smith are responsible for providing content. The content being sourced has ranged from dance to Gypsy/Roma/Traveller photographs. The team was also part of initiating and organising the Rommi Smith and Cristella Listra October 2021 LabDay, as Dr Rommi Smith was commissioned by Flora as TopFoto’s inaugural Writer in Residence as way of increasing public engagement with the treasures of the archive. The idea of the initial artist post was suggested by Rommi Smith and funded from a small section of a grant from the UK’s Lottery Fund for Heritage of £85,500, awarded to TopFoto in 2020 by the DCMS (Department for Media, Culture and Sport) in recognition of the national and international heritage importance of the TopFoto archive.