Turning a new page for heritage: ILUCIDARE Final Playground

ILUCIDARE is a three-year project, started in 2019, supported by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union. The purpose of the project is to promote heritage as a resource for innovation and international cooperation.
ILUCIDARE’s activities aim to provide interactive learning opportunities to exchange knowledge, and to establish an international network with stakeholders and practitioners through face-to-face activities and international awards.

Next 22th April, the ILUCIDARE Playground will be held in Brussels, with a full programme of speeches and panel discussions, to share reflections and practical experiences from the three-year ILUCIDARE activities.

The event, which can also be followed online, will focus on the ILUCIDARE tools to support heritage-led innovation and international relations in future policy actions and cooperation projects.

Participants will be able to discover the Innovation Handbook and the International Relations Display, play with the Inspirational kits and the Capacity Building roadmap.
Besides this, they will have the chance to engage with the ILUCIDARE community to debate policy recommendations.

During the event, the winner of the ILUCIDARE Challenge (the international competition focused on interdisciplinary and international collaborations, to reward creative ideas and changemakers worldwide working on heritage, innovation and international cooperation) will be declared.

Find out more about the event at https://ilucidare.eu/index.php/news/ilucidare-final-playground-brussels-online

Building the common European data space for cultural heritage together: The role of Europeana, content aggregation and strategic frameworks

In collaboration with Mobilier National and the French Ministry of Culture and under the auspices of the French Presidency of the Council, Europeana is organising an online conference on 1 March 2022 (09:00-16:30 CET), entitled ‘Building the common European data space for cultural heritage together: The role of Europeana, content aggregation and strategic frameworks

The conference explores the creation of the Data Space for Cultural Heritage. It takes place in the context of the European Commission’s Recommendation 2021/1970 of 10 November 2021.

The audience will include the members of  the European Commission’s Expert Group on a common European Data Space for Cultural Heritage, delegates from the French Ministry and French cultural heritage institutions, aggregators and other professionals.

The high-level goal of the conference is to gain a shared understanding of some of the aspects of the creation of the Data Space for Cultural Heritage. Through a series of speeches, presentations, panel discussions and moderated Q&A sessions, we will explore what it actually means to and for the different players in that space and how we can work collectively and collaboratively to develop the Data Space for Cultural Heritage. Here is the draft programme.

Registration via this link

Decision support tools and methodologies to improve the resilience of historic areas

The EU-funded project ARCH-Advancing Resilience of historic areas against Climate-related and other Hazards– is a research project aims to deliver decision support tools and methodologies to improve the resilience of historic areas to climate change-related and other hazards.

Last December 2021 ARCH published the “Knowledge Information Management System for Decision Support” deliverable that summarizes methods, data and results obtained by the project to generate relevant information and knowledge to support decision making process.

The report highlights that:

  • to improve awareness and capacity building on disaster resilience at the historical area level: the implementation of ontology-based and semantic-based spatiotemporal assessment has great potential
  • to support decision-making processes of preventive conservation and restoration of cultural heritage buildings: automated approaches for 3D modelling and automatic crack / damage detection based on deep learning have proven to be extremely valuable tools

Forther information:
About ARCH project.
About “Knowledge Information Management System for Decision Support” deliverable.

INCULTUM presented as Experience of Participation at Information Day – Horizon Europe

Project coordinator José María Martín Civantos will present the INCULTUM experience at an Information Day – Horizon Europe Cluster 2: Culture, creativity and inclusive society, within the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation 2021-2027.

The presentation is entitled Experience of Participation in H2020: INCULTUM Project and is at 11:15 am on 24th February.

The Information Day is organized by Agencia Andaluza del Conocimiento (AAC), Universidad de Granada and Universidad de Huelva, In collaboration with Red OTRI Andalucía

The programme of the day (Spanish language) can be read HERE.




Open call: the Festival of the New European Bauhaus

From science to art, from design to politics, from architecture to technology, the Festival of New European Bauhaus will be a great opportunity to network, debate and shape a sustainable, inclusive and beautiful future.

The 2022 edition will be an hybrid event: the core activities will take place in Brussels with side events across the EU and beyond. It will propose live performances, exhibitions, participatory activities and a forum to discussion and exchange of ideas. The event aims to involve communities and the regions in putting the Green Deal into action as well as to build connections between different activities and individuals, bridging the fields of research, science and technology, to those of education and civil engagement, and of art, culture and architecture.

Beauty, sustainability and inclusiveness will be the main themes of the Festival.

The three pillars of the Festival:

The Fest: a cultural programme with a range of performances, art pieces, creative participatory activities, and festivities in associated pop-up spaces in Brussels.

The Fair: exhibitions spread across the city to display projects and products that support the values of the New European Bauhaus, with networking opportunities for visitors and exhibitors.

The Forum: an online platform broadcasting debates in Brussels, as well as side-events across the world, to debate on the key themes of the New European Bauhaus:

  • sustainability, from climate goals, to circularity, zero pollution, and biodiversity
  • aesthetics, quality of experience and style, beyond functionality
  • inclusion, from valuing diversity, to securing accessibility and affordability

The Festival offers many opportunities for involvement for individuals and groups who can propose their own activities, projects, venues or side events to become a spotlight feature of the three pillars of the Festival.
The call is addressed to individual artists and cultural actors, collectives of artists, projects, public organizations, non-governmental organizations and any other non-profit organization, and it will be open until 7 March 2022.

More detailed information are available at https://new-european-bauhaus-festival.eu/

INCULTUM Data Workshop: measuring the impact of cultural tourism

INCULTUM project is pleased to announce its first public event, in the framework of the research conducted based on data analysis. The results of this work are expected to provide insights on how to design effective and sustainable cultural policy and to facilitate the mapping of good practices.

In INCULTUM, different types of data are collected and analysed on various dimensions of cultural tourism, urban and regional development. A wide selection of socio-economic indicators is used for this purpose. The collected data are then analysed in order to convincingly establish the relationship between each of the innovative approaches to urban and regional development and cultural tourism. Econometric approaches are used with a particular focus on identification of causal relationship, as opposed to just a correlation. The project explores also in depth the mechanisms (i.e. the channels) through which an intervention works on development.

The Data Workshop was organized by University of Southern Denmark.

View recordings and presentations: https://incultum.eu/events/data-workshop/

3rd March 2022 h. 9.00 – 12.00 pm CET

The morning session is reserved to project partners only.

During the session data samples sourced from the Pilots will be analysed and discussed with the WP Leader.

3rd March 2022 h. 12.00 – 14.00 pm CET

The afternoon session is open to the public.

Antonella Fresa – INCULTUM Network CoordinatorPromoter S.r.l.

– Introduction to INCULTUM project

Karol Jan Borowiecki – WP Leader, University of Southern Denmark

– Introduction to keynote speakers and chair of the session

Key Note Speakers:

Trilce Navarrete – Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 

– Cultural statistics to evidence societal and economic impact

Enrico Bertacchini – University of Torino

– Challenges of data analytics strategies for tourism in peripheral areas

The European Commission has launched the Horizon Impact Award 2022

The deadline to apply for the third edition of the Horizon Impact Award ends on March 8th.

This European Commission’s initiative intends to celebrate projects that have used their results to provide value for society and show the socio-economic benefits of EU investment in research and innovation. This will also encourage all other beneficiaries to best use and manage their results.

All beneficiaries of closed FP7/H2020 projects can submit their application; they must be able to show proof of effective exploitation and uptake of their research results.


Six winners will be selected by the evaluation jury for their achievements and each of the six winners will receive EUR 25.000.
The Commission will further promote the winners by inviting them to provide testimony at other major events.

Further information on the prize and how to participate are available on the Funding and Tenders Portal.

The UNCHARTED community is expanding: welcome DOORS project!

DOORS, the Digital Incubator for Museums is a H2020 project coordinated by ARS ELECTRONICA with the aim to create an European incubator to support small and medium-sized museums in developing strategies to integrate technology and to enrich the online and on-site cultural offer.

It moves from the assumption that for small museums, the technologies and skills to launch and sustain digital strategies are usually unattainable.
DOORS aims at offering small institutions a program of incubation and development of digital skills so that they can access knowledge, resources, skills.

The project has launched a call to invite small and medium-size museums across Europe to submit proposals for digital pilots that can benefit their institutions and help them initiate a long-term digital transformation. The deadline for submitting applications is February 13 2022.
40 museums will be selected among the participants in the call, to participate in the first phase of the incubation programme focused on shared learning and, among these, 20 will be able to continue in the second phase with the practical implementation of their digital pilot projects.

DOORS has recently joined the UNCHARTED community with the aim of collaborating in mutual support, respectively, of the dissemination and promotion activities of the main progress of the projects as well as mutually participating in the events organized within the two projects. With regard to the latter aspect, UNCHARTED and DOORS have accepted each other’s invitations to participate respectively in the festival organized by ARS Electronica, DOORS coordinator, to be held in September 2022 and in the central UNCHARTED event to be held in London in January 2023.

The Showcase of DOORS on UNCHARTED website is available here.
Learn more about DOORS at https://ars.electronica.art/doors/en/

Creative Tourism, Regenerative Development and Destination Resilience


Many are the hurdles and dilemmas confronting the tourism industry in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, the epicenter of a global upheaval which has exacerbated the already impending threats of the environmental and climate crisis. As never before, this is the time for serious re-evaluation of the tourism sector, and for the redesign of previous models and practices that have proven to be detrimental to destination communities and local ecosystems, and to the revival of the industry in a post-pandemic world.

Among the most-promising trends in the sector, culture-based creative tourism has garnered increasing support and enthusiasm as a pathway to regenerative development and destination resilience, two essential components of sustainable tourism and development. Inherently personalized and participative in practice, creative tourism is based on the personal contact of one-on-one and small-group experiences based on the culture of a place and its people. Focused in its dimension and emphasis, creative tourism offers visitors the opportunity to hone their creative instincts and tendencies, as they learn about the local culture through direct contact with artists, artisans, and cultural agents of the destination community. The result is a dynamic, interactive exchange that both incorporates and promotes regenerative, sustainable local development and destination resilience.

Creative Tourism, Regenerative Development and Destination Resilience

International conference within the project CREATOUR Azores 

8 to 10 November 2022
Ponta Delgada, São Miguel Island, Azores, Portugal

This is being planned as an in-person conference. 


We are inviting proposals for individual paper/project presentations, thematic panel sessions and workshops.
The primary language of the event will be English, but proposals for presentations in Portuguese are also welcome.

Deadline for proposals: 14 March 2022

Call for Proposals (PDF)


  • Creative and regenerative tourism
  • Linking culture, tourism, and local well-being
  • Cultural trends in sustainable tourism
  • Culture and regenerative tourism
  • Culture and destination resilience
  • Cultural sustainability and tourism
  • Cultural mapping and ‘visibilization’ of resources
  • Culture-based development
  • Art and place identity
  • Linking art and environment in tourism contexts
  • Inclusive tourism development
  • Art-based and creative tourism on islands
  • Innovation and technology in sustainable creative tourism

In these topics, culture includes heritage, art, and other expressions of ‘everyday’ culture.

We invite researchers/academics, artists, tourism practitioners, and students to propose presentations or workshops in these areas, or to suggest other innovative and provocative themes.

The conference website (www.ces.uc.pt/creative-azores) will be hosted by the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra (www.ces.uc.pt). The project website is hosted by the Observatory of Tourism of the Azores (OTA): www.ota.pt.

Information about conference fees will be available on the conference website.

Following the conference, we are planning to organize an international book with selected papers from the conference.


CREATOUR Azores – Turning the Azores into a Creative Tourism Destination is an integrated research-and-application project that aims to advance research focused on creative tourism in island regions, diversify tourism offers in the Azores, and strengthen links with other regions of Portugal where this model has already been implemented through the CREATOUR project as well as with other islands where the approach could be replicated. The main objective of CREATOUR Azores is to empower various agents located in the Azores archipelago to develop, implement, and promote creative tourism experiences through which tourists can actively participate in creative activities, providing opportunities for learning, creative self-expression, and interaction with local communities. A creative tourism approach allows both visitors and communities to benefit from tourism exchanges, promotes cultural vitality and sustainability, and allows artistic and creative activities to play a driving role in socio-economic development.

In addition, the CREATOUR Azores project intends not only to strengthen knowledge about specific market segments that may have greater interest in the products of creative tourism available in the region (matching profile characteristics and offers of specific destinations) but also to identify the most appropriate channels to communicate with these differentiated segments. Given the unique location and intrinsic characteristics of the Azores – a nine-island archipelago located in the North Atlantic – there is a very high potential for the development of internationally attractive and unique creative tourism offers in this island region.

The CREATOUR Azores project is coordinated by the Observatory of Sustainable Tourism of the Azores (OTA) and the University of the Azores/Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation, in partnership with the Centre for Social Studies (CES) of the University of Coimbra, Portugal.


Submit your proposal using the online form on the conference website at: www.ces.uc.pt/creative-azores  (launching shortly)

Information requested:

Personal information:

Name of lead author (key contact)

Names of any co-authors



Email address (for lead/contact author)

Website (optional)

Brief bio note about authors (overall, maximum of 100 words)


Proposal information:

Title of presentation

Abstract (maximum of 200 words)

Key theme(s) addressed



February Conference website launches
Monday, 14 March  CFP deadline
Thursday, 14 April Feedback and decisions communicated
Monday, 12 September Earlybird registration deadline
Thursday, 20 October Registrations close
Monday, 7 November Pre-conference event (TBC)
Tuesday to Thursday, 8-10 November Conference
Friday, 11 November Post-conference event (TBC)



If you have any questions, please email: creatour-azores@ces.uc.pt.

I&R Image and Research conference

I&R Image and Research, the benchmark event for professionals in photography and audiovisual heritage, is organized in the 17th edition in November 2022 by the Centre for Image Research and Diffusion (CRDI) of the Girona City Council and the Association of Archivists of Catalonia, with the support of the Department of Culture of the Generalitat of Catalonia – Archive and Records Management.

The conference includes a mix of activites such as focused workshops, keynotes to discuss the state-of-the-art on working with (digital) audiovisual archives and technologies; presentations and debates.

General Programme and schedule (PDF, 3Mb)

The event is supported by the promotion of the International Council on Archives (ICA) and the collaboration of Photoconsortium, Photographic Studies Institute of Catalonia (IEFC), Sindicat de la Imatge UPIFC and ANABAD.

A call for participation (full papers and Tribune of Experience) was open until 15th June.