Investigating the innovation potential of CCIs in non-urban areas

The IN SITU project that participates in the INCULTUM network of common interest launched a survey investigating the innovation potential of cultural and creative industries (CCI) in non-urban areas.

Focusing on IN SITU’s six Lab regions, the survey aims to discover CCI sub-sectors with high innovation potential, capable of acting as catalysts for economic development and significantly contributing to socioeconomic growth and sustainability in the EU.

Who should participate? The survey is seeking insights from organisations, enterprises and individual professionals who are legally registered in one of the IN SITU Lab locations (Azores, Portugal; Western coastal region, Ireland; Western region, Iceland; Rauma and Eurajoki municipalities, Finland; Valmiera County, Latvia; Šibenik-Knin County, Croatia) and are active in cultural or creative fields.

Deadline for responses: Friday, March 15, 2024. 23h59 CET

For more information about this survey, contact:

arebyte’s new exhibition “Homage To Quan Âm” by Maria Than

Winner of the 23/24 hotel generation development programme, Maria Than soon will open her exhibition at arebyte, Homage To Quan Âm.

Step into the immersive world of Homage To Quan Âm, an exhibition that delves deep into the intricate layers of personal identity, cultural assimilation, and the evolution of self-discovery.

img. courtesy: arebyte Gallery

Drawing inspiration from Maria’s own experiences as Viet-British-French, this exhibition serves as a visual and emotional exploration of the complex journey towards acceptance and understanding.

Book your free ticket for the opening party on 28 March here
Book your free ticket for the curated tour on 30 March here

Digital Art Week London 2024

Digital Art Week London


Digital Art Week is a week-long city-wide takeover of the world’s leading cultural capitals for digital artists, tech innovators, and digital fashion pioneers to collaborate and push the boundaries of what’s possible in the fusion of art and technology.

With the next edition scheduled for April 22-28, 2024, Digital Art Week centres on bringing digital experiences to life in exciting spaces and iconic locations. Powered by NextGen technologies, the event brings brand storytelling to life through experiential digital arts.

Take a look at the artists

The aim of the event is to immerse you in art and tech through citywide activations, reimagining some of London’s most recognised locations to let you experience your favourite artists and brands in ways you have never before.

The call for speakers is now open and it will run until March 30, 2024 at 11:59 PM.

Submit your session here


OFFF festival returns to Barcelona


OFFF visual campaign by ManvsMachine


The OFFF festival in creativity, digital art and emerging talent, returns to Disseny Hub in Barcelona 4-6th April.

With the aim of promoting creative talent in the fields of design and digital arts, OFFF offers three full days of inspiring talks, workshops, masterclasses, a design market, networking, and other exhibition activities.

Now in it’s 24th year, OFFF will present a carefully curated program, full of surprises and innovative proposals. More than 70 internationally renowned speakers in the fields of creativity, design, visual art, and digital culture will be part of the lineup.

Explore the OFF programme

Buy your ticket

About OFFF 24 visual campaign

The OFFF 2024 creative campaign is titled LIFFFE/FFFORMS.

The concept reveals an abstract family of living forms derived from the feelings and emotions we share in our daily lives as creative individuals. The concept and its creative execution were developed by ManvsMachine, and sound design is by Resonate.

Take a look at the campaign teaser:

Mining Treasures of Central Slovakia

The Mining Treasures of Central Slovakia conference will take place on April 25, 2024 at the Radnica – Town Hall in Banská Bystrica.

This is event is organised by Matej Bell University in the frame of the pilot of the INCULTUM project.

The main objective of the conference are:

  • to present mining heritage of Central Slovakia with a special focus on the Barborská cesta
  • to exchange knowledge and experience of developing mining cultural routes in Europe with the members of the Mines B. – European Mining Routes of Santa Barbara Federation and beyond
  • to strengthen networking among various stakeholders
  • to promote the usage of participatory platform Mining Treasures.

The conference takes place in close collaboration with the City of Banská Bystrica, Banská Bystrica Self-Governing Region, Banský región – Terra Montanae Civic Association, Regional Office of Tourism (Oblastná organizácia cestovného ruchu) in Banská Bystrica.

Full programme of the event, registration and further information are available on the conference website.

The INCULTUM project is on CORDIS

CORDIS is the service of the European Commission to discover the results of the research and innovation initiatives in Europe. It provides information on projects, topics, and publications funded by the EU’s research programs, in multiple languages.

A new ‘Results Pack’ has been published online by CORDIS about the results of the projects funded in Horizon 2020 on the theme of cultural tourism. The title of new publication is “Conserving culture and cultural heritage through inclusive and sustainable development”.

The publication states that “Sustainable cultural tourism puts cultural heritage and local communities at the centre of the decision-making process. This will drive good conservation practices and provide an authentic experience for visitors while supporting the local economy.

In the frame of the Results Pack, together with its sister projects, INCULTUM is presented with a dedicated article titled “Local communities and stakeholders give cultural tourism a boost in Europe’s periphery”. Here you can read about the results of INCULTUM with regard to: Participatory models and collaborative practices for cultural tourism, Exploiting heritage resources as a common good, Capacity building and knowledge transfer for sustainable tourism.


Areas Of Effect: Planar Systems, Critical Roles, and Gaming Imaginaries

Curated by artist David Blandy and writer Jamie Sutcliffe in association with Strange Attractor Press, Areas Of Effect: Planar Systems, Critical Roles, and Gaming Imaginaries is a one-day symposium on Tabletop Role Playing Games (TTRPGs) with live game sessions.

The symposium examines how TTRPGs serve as a physical interface between the body and the imaginary, offering immersive experiences, problem-solving, moral dilemmas, and, most importantly, communal storytelling.

The day culminates in live TTRPG play sessions of the games Eco Mofos by artist David Blandy and SUPERZEROES by TTRPG game designer Samuel Mui, amongst others, inviting the audience to play with a deck of uniquely designed TTRPG playing cards.

You can find the full programme at this link. Register and purchase your tickets here.

INCULTUM and geotourism

Associate Professor Carsten Humlebæk of Copenhagen Business School, partner of the INCULTUM project, recently participated in the first ordinary meeting of the Scientific Council of Geopark The South Fyn Archipelago of which he became a member at the inception of the Council in the summer of 2023. The Council’s role is to be a partner for the Geopark’s board and secretariat and provide input for new potential activities and business areas. The council seats biologists, historians, archaeologists, and geologists with responsibility for the six areas of action: Geology and nature, Teaching, Active outdoors living, Culture, and Research.

A collaboration between four municipalities, Geopark The South Fyn Archipelago aims to ‘create a strong common identity as a basis for local development, respecting landscapes, cultural heritage and wild nature’ in the south of Fyn and the adjacent islands and marine area. The Geopark aspires to become a UNESCO Global Geopark and received a visit by the UNESCO evaluators in June 2023 (in which the Scientific Council also participated). The final decision on the application is expected in late March.

Carsten Humlebæk is tasked with special responsibilities in the sixth field of action, focusing on geotourism – not least due to his involvement in the EU research project INCULTUM. Several of the tools and methods that INCULTUM has resulted in can be adapted to and implemented in Geopark contexts.

Find more information about Geopark the South Fyn Archipelago here and about UNESCO Global Geoparks here. Contact Carsten Humlebæk for more information about his work at


part I – Paradata, Metadata and Data for 3D acquisition in cultural heritage

This webinar in two parts brought together professionals from the spectrum of Digital Cultural Heritage practice to share their experiences of using and working with paradata seeking to lay down a common understanding of paradata as a first step towards a community-built set of standards and expectations for its application to 3D documentation and the creation of knowledge.

Organized by UNESCO Chair on Digital Cultural Heritage at Cyprus University of Technology in collaboration with EUreka3D, this webinar discusses the most advanced requirements and cases of the use of Paradata and Metadata in the digital documentation of the Past in 3D, for enriching 3D assets, creating knowledge and promoting reusability.

The webinar is addressed to the Digital Cultural Heritage community to establish a definitive description and differentiation of what paradata and metadata are, and the benefits they are bringing to the stakeholders, owners, multidisciplinary community and digital scholarship, as well as to the European Commission.

Agenda – Please note times are in CET

  • 13:30-14:00 Join the session using your MS Teams Link
  • 14:00-14:10 Harry Verwayen, Europeana Foundation. NL – Opening remarks
  • 14:10-14:20 Marinos Ioannides, et al UNESCO Chair on DCH at Cyprus University of Technology. CY – Paradata, Metadata & Data for a digital #MemoryTwin
  • 14:20-14:35 Isto Huvila Invited KEYNOTE Uppsala University. SE – Datafication of archaeological archiving and the preservation of what?
  • 14:35-14:50 Luisa Ammirati, et al UNOSAT/UNITAR. CH, UNESCO WHC, FR – Paradata and metadata in an immersive digital heritage experience
  • 14:50-15:05 Erik Champion University of South Australia. AU  – Usable, Useful, Reviewable and Reusable Metadata
  • 15:05-15:20 Carla Schroer, et al Cultural Heritage Imaging (CHI). US – Building Reliable and Reusable Complex Digital Representations: The Digital Lab Notebook
  • 15:20-15:35 Daniel Pletinckx Visual Dimension bvba. BE – 3D Heritage is Heritage, we should treat it as such
  • 15.35-15:50 Tony Cassar, et al Heritage Malta. MT – Challenges of 3D Digitisation of Cultural Heritage
  • 15:50-16:05 Shuyi Yin, et al Columbia University. US – Blockchain Technology for Enhanced Documentation and Management of Built Heritage in Historic Cities
  • 16:20-16:35 Jean-Baptiste Barreau Archéologie des Amériques (ArchAm), CNRS. FR – Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of an Egyptian Saqiya: A Computational Approach to Preserving Cultural Heritage and Water Management Systems
  • 16:35-16:50 Antoine Isaac, et al Europeana Foundation. NL – Making the Europeana Data Model a better fit for documentation of 3D objects
  • 16:50-17:05 Raffaella Brumana, et al Politecnico di Milano. IT – HBIM quality information model to manage surveying, stratigraphic units and transformations into paradata. The mausoleum of Cecilia Metella and the Castrum Caetani
  • 17:05-17:30 Discussion Session & Closing Remarks

>>> AGENDA IN PDF (196 KB)

Due to overwhelming response at the Call for Papers, with 52 abstracts submitted and over 552 colleagues registered (from 77 countries, highlighted in the chart below), the Organizing Committee has decided to extend this event into a series. Our initial event will still take place on April 8th, 2024, followed by a second event on Friday, May 17th (one day prior to the dedicated ICOM International Museum Day on May 18th, 2024, which is devoted this year to Education and Research to foster Knowledge in Museums).

Paradata, Metadata and Data webinar – registrations, geographic provenance


EUreka3D at INCULTUM International conference

The INCULTUM project is approaching the conclusion of the EU funding period. A final event is planned to take place on 12 April, 2024 in Guadix, Andalusia, organised by the project’s coordinator UGR hosted by ENTURNA Escuela Internacional de Turismo Rural y Naturaleza (Internation School of Rural Tourism). The conference will be an occasion to present results and outcomes of INCULTUM, to prepare for further exploitation by the partners, and to trigger the next implementation and replication phases in new areas across the European Union.

INCULTUM is an associated partner of EUreka3D, with a stake in exploring how digitization, and particularly digitization in 3D of monuments and sites, can support territory promotion and heritage diffusion. EUreka3D will be represented in the conference with participation of the project coordinator Antonella Fresa and with a poster.