Search Results for: cultural project

“From Intangible Expression to Digital Cultural Heritage” Erasmus+ project last meeting – Istanbul, 23rd-27th October 2023

“Programme of Small-scale partnership in school education of the Erasmus+ Project From İntangible Expression to Digital Cultural Heritage European number: 2021-Round 2-KA210-SCH-0A1738D9 Our last meeting in Turkiye took part from 23rd to 27th of October in 2023 with the participation … Continue reading

The BYZART project: creating one of the widest online collections of Byzantine art and archaeology

Funded as a part of the 2016 Generic Services call, this new project BYZART, led by University of Bologna, aims to digitize, catalogue and make available rich archive collections about Byzantine cultural heritage in Europeana, the European digital library. The project … Continue reading

IN SITU survey on ‘Mapping of cultural and creative projects & selection of case studies’

IN SITU is a 48-month-long research project currently exploring how cultural and creative practices can help tackle place-based issues in six non-urban areas representing the six IN SITU Labs: Azores, Portugal; Western coastal region, Ireland; Western region, Iceland; Rauma and … Continue reading

CALL FOR BOOK CHAPTERS “Cultural Heritage in a Changing World”

In the 21st century the world faces epochal changes which affect every part of society, including the arenas in which Cultural Heritage is made, held, collected, curated, exhibited, or simply exists. The RICHES project is preparing a publication about these changes, and has opened a call for contributions to the book. Continue reading

REACH project supports EUROMED Conference 2018

The 7th edition of the International Conference on Digital Heritage will host hundreds of excellent oral and poster presentations, as well as workshops and demonstrations from academia and industry, reflecting the wide scope of the work of the main actors … Continue reading

CitizenHeritage, a new project about citizen participation in education and research

CitizenHeritage – Citizen Science Practices in Cultural Heritage: towards a Sustainable Model in Higher Education A new project co-financed by the European Union under the Erasmus+ programme, to empower Citizen Science and participation in cultural heritage as a booster for … Continue reading

Final Deliberative Workshop of HERIWELL EU project

Yesterday,  January 26th, it was held  the final event  of a 3-days online participatory initiative promoted by the HERIWELL project. In the first part of the meeting the HERIWELL team introduced the goals of the project and a brief description … Continue reading

This afternoon, Thursday 5th November, stay connected and join the REACH project at the Euromed 2020 on line Conference

In the framework of the storytelling session of Euromed 2020 conference, the social platform of the REACH project will leave its contribution presenting a short speech titled “The Reach Project Contribution to Protecting, Preserving and Valuing Tangible and Intangible Heritage … Continue reading

INVENT Conference: Societal Drivers and Impacts of Cultural Participation

From 27th to 28th April 2023 the final Conference of INVENT takes place at Institut d’Estudis Catalans, in Barcelona, Spain. INVENT is the acronym of “European Inventory of Societal Values of Culture as a Basis for Inclusive Cultural Policies in … Continue reading

The new international project “Reconnecting With Your Culture”

The edA (Esempi di Architettura Internationale Research Center) together with UNESCO University and Heritage activated a new international project titled “Reconnecting With Your Culture” in order to bring the younger generations closer to the theme of cultural heritage. The concept from … Continue reading