Search Results for: "Alamire Digital Lab"

ICPT2016 International Conference of Photography and Theory

The conference, organised by the International Association of Photography and Theory, will be held between 2-4 December 2016, at NiMac, Nicosia, Cyprus. Keynote Speakers: Martha Langford, John Stezaker, Lucia Nimcova Research in historical, artistic and vernacular photography has been rapidly … Continue reading

EUreka3D presented at CS3 2024 Conference at CERN (Geneva, CH)

On the 13th of March 2024 the CERN, prestigious intergovernmental organisation that operates the largest particle physics laboratory in the world, hosted CS3 2024 Cloud Storage Synchronization and Sharing Conference as part of CERN’s TechWeek on Storage and Data Technologies. Dr. Michał Orzechowski from Academic Computer Centre … Continue reading

Saving Collective Visual History – online workshop by Photoconsortium

The opening event for the prestigious DIGITAL PAST 2021 conference, organized by the Royal Commission of the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales, was a 1-hour capacity building workshop by PHOTOCONSORTIUM to share experiences and lessons learnt for visual collections’ … Continue reading

Preserving Documents Forever: when is a PDF not a PDF

The Open Preservation Foundation and Digital Preservation Coalition, with support from the European Commission and the PREFORMA project, invite members to a briefing day on preserving PDF at Oxford University on Wednesday 15th July 2015. Carl Wilson will introduce the Vera PDF Project and Consortium. Continue reading

EAGLE plenary meeting in Ljubljana

On the 18th February 2014, in the beautiful premises of the National Museum of Slovenia, it was held the third plenary meeting of EAGLE project, which included a special training session for the content providers. The meeting was joined with the EAGLE Public Workshop ‘Current Practices and New Directions in Digital Epigraphy’. Continue reading awareness and training session, Pisa and online 24th January 2023

Organized by Photoconsortium in collaboration with Europeana Foundation, this training session is dedicated to cultural heritage institutions who don’t know or know little about Europeana but would like to hear more and discover how to participate. The training was organized … Continue reading

Call for book chapters: CEPROQHA Project

Data Analytics for Cultural Heritage: Current Trends and Concepts Editors: Abdelaziz Bouras 1, Abdelhak Belhi 1,2, Abdulaziz Khalid Al-Ali 1, Abdul Hamid Sadka 3 College of Engineering, Qatar University, Qatar DISP Laboratory, Université Lumière Lyon 2, Lyon, France Brunel University, London, United Kingdom Book Scope … Continue reading

DiXiT now open for application

The Digital Scholarly Editions Initial Training Network (DiXiT) offers 12 fellowships to Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) for a period of 3 years and 5 fellowships to Experienced Researchers (ERs) for a period of 12 to 20 months. Fellowships are now open for applications (except 4 ER fellowships which will start at a later date). Continue reading

History of the Indian Tribes of North America, an extraordinary historical heritage

text by Caterina Sbrana. img. Public Domain via Wikipedia “History of the Indian Tribes of North America” is a three-volume collection of Native American biographies and portraits originally published in the United States from 1838 to 1844, by Thomas McKenney … Continue reading