Search Results for: cultural project

Newly released RURITAGE “Travelling Voices” book

  INCULTUM and RURITAGE projects have in common a keen focus on empowering marginal and rural areas in the promotion of their cultural and natural heritage, which not only needs to be safeguarded but also leveraged for communities-driven sustainable development. … Continue reading

Successful kick off meeting for the UNCHARTED project!

Last 7th February, the UNCHARTED partners held their first meeting in Paris. 10 partners, from 7 EU Countries, presented their work packages and they worked in a positive and functional way going through the main technical and logistic issues and … Continue reading

Europeana Space plenary meeting, 15th October 2014

The plenary meeting of the project took place at the beautiful location of Ca’ Foscari University, one day ahead the Opening Conference of Europeana Space. After the welcome speeches by Sarah Whatley (Project Coordinator) and Leonardo Buzzavo (representing the hosting … Continue reading

CIDOC 2020 – Digital Transformation in Cultural Heritage Institutions

The CIDOC Conference 2020 in will address an important societal theme that cannot be ignored nowadays: digital transformation in cultural heritage institutions. The use of digital technology, though marginal at first, has gradually reshaped documentation practices and transformed almost all aspects … Continue reading

Linked Open Data in Libraries Archives and Museums 2017 Summit

The Fourth International Linked Open Data in Libraries, Archives and Museums (LODLAM) summit will be held in Venice, Italy, at the Fondazione Cini June 28-29 , 2017. LODLAM stands for Linked Open Data in Libraries, Archives and Museums. Linked data is a … Continue reading

Video recordings of the Open Source Workshop now available

The video clips of all the presentations of the PREFORMA Open Source Workshop are now available on the event website. The workshop, hosted by the National Library of Sweden on April 7, 2016, featured keynote presentations by representatives from the PREFORMA project and the open source community. Continue reading

ILUCIDARE Innovation Handbook

After the ILUCIDARE Playground event on 2-3 December focusing on the relationship between heritage and innovation, citizen involvement and participatory governance of heritage for innovation in the territories, the ILUCIDARE project launched its Innovation Handbook for heritage. The publication is … Continue reading

“Entretiens de Biracte-Morvan”

Pictures @ Claude Artier 2023 For the past 16 years, the yearly conference Entretiens de Biracte-Morvan (Bibracte-Morvan Talks) aims to debate the challenges facing the territory with the help of scientists and, for the latest editions, the mediation of artists. … Continue reading

Open Preservation Foundation publishes Annual Report

The 2014-2016 Annual Report has been published by Open Preservation Foundation, looking back on the activities and achievements undertaken by the Foundation over the past two years. veraPDF, one of the three open source projects funded in the framework in PREFORMA, is considered a crucial technical success by providing the definitive implementation of a PDF/A validation tool, which was released in version 0.14 earlier this year. Continue reading

Results of the PREFORMA Innovation Workshop

Hosted at the Botanical Garden in Padua, the PREFORMA Innovation Workshop brought together more than 100 attendees interested in digital preservation and cultural heritage to present the open source conformance checkers developed in the project and discuss about the business models that can be built around them. The presentations delivered at the workshop are now available to download on the PREFORMA website. Continue reading