INCULTUM – Methods for collecting and analyzing tourists and visitors

On February 13th, the INCULTUM pilot coordinated by Uppsala University  held a training session on methods for collecting and analyzing tourists and visitors. The session was held in Uppsala with 15 participants ranging from employees within three different municipalities, place developers, outdoor recreation strategists, and interest organization.

During four hours the participants learned about the method that was co-developed by the INCULTUM pilot and Öregrund to understand visitor engagement and behavior. The session was an interactive learning session where the participants also had the opportunity to test the GPS loggers and what the results can look like and how they can be analyzed.

The training session was intended to develop the participants’ competencies to facilitate their capabilities to interact and to know what kind of information and data they need that can be delivered. Both place and destination developers (DMOs) and those who are working with GIS data participated in the interactive activities.

The presentation delivered in the session is available in Swedish (PDF).


INCULTUM marketing and social branding in tourism destinations

The new academic course on marketing and social branding in tourism destinations is available in the INCULTUM Training Portal. for free access.

The contents have been developed under the scientific coordination of the University of Pisa, partner of the INCULTUM project.

The course is made of three thematic subsections each composed by several subsection which cover both general marketing and branding issues and many specifics of tourism and place branding, with a special focus on peripheral destinations and local’s involvement. It is all based on tutorial videos supplemented by additional material and quizzes for self-assessment.


Seminar on Archives and Tourism

The City Council of Lloret de Mar, the Diputació de Girona and the Generalitat de Catalunya are promoting the realization in Lloret de Mar of a biennial seminar on “Archives and Tourism”, which should facilitate bringing the history of tourism closer to the society from multiple perspectives and in this way make known the importance of preserving and making this documentation accessible in both public and private entities around the world.

The objective of the “Archives and Tourism” Seminar is to publicize the public and private documentary funds generated around tourism and encourage their recovery, conservation and organization among the tourism sector as part of the documentary heritage of contemporary society.

The “Archives and Tourism” seminar, which will include presentations, round tables and several communications sessions, will be held in Lloret de Mar on Friday, May 24. Complementary academic activities have also been planned for Thursday 23, in the afternoon and Saturday 25, in the morning. This seminar also includes a social program with different touristic-cultural proposals.


  1. Preservation of documentary heritage, and the diffusion of documentation related to tourism.
  2. Research and study of data, documents and archives linked to tourism.
  3. Current data and information management in tourism activities and future challenges.


More information and definitive program in Archives and

INCULTUM International conference

The INCULTUM project is approaching the conclusion of the EU funding period. A final event is planned to take place on 12 April, 2024 in Guadix, Andalusia, organised by the project’s coordinator UGR hosted by ENTURNA Escuela Internacional de Turismo Rural y Naturaleza (Internation School of Rural Tourism).

The conference represents a valuable occasion to present results and outcomes of INCULTUM, to prepare for further exploitation by the partners, and to trigger the next implementation and replication phases in new areas across the European Union.

Experts from the INCULTUM Consortium and from other cultural tourism initiatives will contribute to the event with their experiences, exchanging their know-how and innovation experiences in the domain of cultural and creative tourism.


Towards an Automated Art? Learning Machines, Human Creativity and Uncertainty

“Towards an Automated Art” International Conference and Call for Papers


International Conference “Towards an Automated Art? Learning Machines, Human Creativity and Uncertainty” is announced.

The conference will take place in Lisbon (Portugal) on 24 May, 2024.

The event aims to provide a space for interdisciplinary discussion, bringing together different perspectives on the interaction between creative practices and digital technologies, with a particular emphasis on the still uncertain impact of AI on contemporary arts.

While images abound and never-ending streams of data are becoming unachievable for humans, the need for reflection is more urgent than ever. The predominant discourse has naturalised technology as neutral and unstoppable, favourable to all. Nevertheless, art might feature there not as a blind ally of technology, but as a necessary counterpart, a means of reflecting on the need and direction of its benefits through its use. The widespread use of software tools and apps makes us dependent on our trust in technology while interacting with the real physical world. The search engines guide us in our navigation of the Internet, its platforms and databases, making things visible in the virtual digital world. How are they programmed? By whom? To see what? Are we finally entering a new art ecosystem where artists are as replaceable as images? Are we becoming immersed in a new mechanized and financialized art system where artworks can be rapidly produced, consumed and wasted?

Can human creativity survive in this context? Can machines really learn how to make art?

Scholars, independent researchers, digital media experts, curators and artists are invited to submit proposals for a 15-minute in-person presentation, focusing on one or more of the following topics:

  • Automation of Creative Practices
  • Machine Learning and AI in Art, Design and Architecture
  • Generative and Algorithmic Art & Design​
  • Computational Creative Practices
  • Web-based Art
  • Extended Reality in Art and Exhibition Spaces
  • Virtual Museums and Galleries
  • Digital Aesthetics
  • Art Interfaces
  • New Media Art History
  • New Media Art Preservation
  • Media Archaeology

Proposals can be submitted until 22 March, 2024.

More information about the call for papers here.

The event is a collaboration between Institute of Art History, School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Universidad de León (Spain): Instituto de Humanismo y Tradición Clásica and Grupo de Investigación de Estudios Literarios y Comparados. Insólito, Género y Humanidades Digitales;  Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa; and Museu Zer0, Tavira.

First meeting of the Scientific Council of The South Fyn Archipelago

Friday 19 January 2024, the first meeting of the Scientific Council of The South Fyn Archipelago took place. It was actually a very exciting encounter.

Carsten Humlebæk from CBS participated to represent the field of action that deals with Geotourism, bringing in the discussion references to the results of INCULTUM.

The South Fyn Archipelago is aspiring at becoming a UNESCO Global Geopark and it is expected that the official designation will come soon, hopefully at the next UNESCO Global Geopark Executive Committee meeting (spring 2024).

In the Council biologists, historians, archaeologists, and geologists meet and several of the tools and methods that INCULTUM has resulted in can be used in the Geopark context. There is a lot of overlap between the interests that INCULTUM’s pilot projects in peripheral and remote areas have in ensuring sustainable development and the interests of the Geopark’s smaller communities have in their own areas.

Officially, the focus changes from ‘cultural tourism’ to ‘geo-tourism’, but in the Geopark context it is still about ensuring sustainable development with tourism as a tool, and that is 100% the same thing that is experimented in INCULTUM.

Examples could be the alternative/innovative business models that are being implemented in the INCULTUM pilot project in the province of Granada in Spain. Similar models could be used to regulate and incentivize development along the Øhavsstien, a 230 km hiking trail around the Southern part of Funen and the larger islands. Also, the use of the tools and methods developed in INCULTIM pilot in Sweden can be experimented in relation to investigating the behavior and movement patterns of tourists at a location in collaboration with with the locals, for example on some of the islands of archipielago as Drejø, Lyø, Avernakø or Strynø.

Pictures of the wonderful places can be explored on the website of Geopark: have a look and be fascinated!

The Archipelago Trail, one of the longest hiking routes in Denmark, is accessible online: 220 km of hiking trails set against the backdrop of the South Fyn Archipelago.

Further information about the meeting are available here, in Danish language.


Cleaning of the Aynadamar irrigation channel: a participatory activity

After the recovery of the Aynadamar irrigation channel and the adjoining trail during the last year, the INCULTUM pilot in Andalusia continues with the maintenance of this important channel in the shaping of the city of Granada.

The main objective is to clean the canalisation, removing some of the soil and vegetation that has accumulated in recent months, in order to ensure the passage of water and continue with the landscape and environmental regeneration of this space.

A very nice participatory activity that sees the engagement of the local community together with the archaeologists of the University of Granada, coordinator of the INCULTUM project, funded by the EU under the Horizon 2020 Programme.

Algorithmic Unconscious by UCL BA Media

img. courtesy: arebyte Gallery

Algorithmic Unconscious (1-3 March 1-6PM, arebyte Gallery) is a group exhibition by UCL BA Media students as a response to arebyte’s current artistic focus on The Body, the Mind, the Soul, an exploration of the complex nature of humanity in the realm of technological progress.

Developed with curatorial and production support from arebyte team and UCL tutors, students present new media projects that examine the impact of digital transformation on the mind. Featuring works by Imogen Adeoye, Ellena-Maria Kappos, Daisy Lang, Cara McDerment, Hany Radwan-Radulescu, Maria Mujib, James Thom, Stephanie Lin, Eric Wei, Allison Zhong and Aaron Wang.

img. courtesy: arebyte Gallery

On 29 Feb 2024, 6.30 – 9 PM arebyte is hosting the opening party of the exhibition.
The opening party is open to the public, and you can book your ticket here.

On 2 March 2024, 2-3 PM, UCL BA Media students take audiences on an artist tour through their works in the exhibition Algorithmic Unconscious.
You can book your ticket here.

Both events are free of charge.

Communicating the Arts

This April, Communicating the Arts will host the 28th edition of the CTA Conference. Through this conference you will be able to join over 300 art professionals, innovators and change-makers over 3 days to explore challenges in the cultural sector.

The conference’s theme aims to provide insights into how institutions balance their cultural missions with the need for sustainability and relevance in today’s changing landscape.

The speakers include international experts from the arts & design, marketing, and communication sectors, offering insights into immersive experiences, communication, fundraising, multi-disciplinary art, media design, and visionary direction.

Read more and register at this link.

AMRO festival 24’s edition and open call

AMRO24’s edition


AMRO, Art Meets Radical Openness, is a biennial festival for art, hacktivism and open cultures, organized since 2008 by in cooperation with the Linz University of Art, Department of Time-Based Media. AMRO offers a context for discussing the challenges of digital cultures, software and network infrastructures, art and everyday life, education, politics and activism.

This year’s edition is also AMRO’s 15th anniversary and will take place from 8th-11th May 2024 at afo architekturforum öberosterreich & various locations in Linz.

AMRO24’s theme is “Dancing at the crossroads”. At the crossroads leading to a complex multi-crisis, AMRO24 aims to create spaces of resistance against the technological monoculture. It invites its community of artists and technologists, activists and developers to contribute with work envisioning forms of computational degrowth and permacomputational principles; developing with forms of protest and dissent to the normative, extractive and anti-social technological mainstream; and dealing with the consequences of a perhaps resistible rise of total AI.

Keywords for this year’s program are: Flirting with Burnouts, Looking at Points Tipping, Reseeding Resistance. While it is certainly true that in the present situation the need for action is ever increasing, the upcoming issue of AMRO refuses to conform to any simplification of reality. As a community located at the intersection of radical art practices and open source philosophies, this festival provides a space to envision alternative models of digitalization, as well as the liberatory social forms that flourish with them.

The festival is free for everyone to attend and there will be workshops, an exhibition, night performances and interventions.


Open Call

Deadline: 23rd February 2024, 20:24 CET

The festival program will also be enriched by a call for participation open to artists, programmers, researchers, activists and free spirits. You are welcome to propose a program point through the form, and the team will get in touch with you in the coming weeks.

The festival is looking for experimental, critical approaches to the uses of technology; combining performative and artistic research methods; and works open for feedback and further development.

Go To AMRO24 Call for Participation