Search Results for: "Maria Sliwinska"

INCULTUM Pilot in Portugal co-organizes the 10th Congress on Rural Studies

How does water, waters – groundwater, rainwater, river, marine – condition or conditioned agriculture and rural society? What strategies and what processes of cooperation or conflict have occurred in the access and use of water? What economic uses have been … Continue reading

The virtual showcase of UC Davis graduate students for the Arts & Humanities 2020 Graduate Exhibition

The Arts & Humanities 2020 Graduate Exhibition, the annual exhibition of the UC Davis graduate students, is an essential component of the Master of Fine Arts programs in art studio and design and is also open to visual, performing, and … Continue reading

INCULTUM Pilot at the 10th Congress on Rural Studies at the University of Algarve

This congress was hosted and co-organized by the Faculty of Sciences and Technology and by the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences of the University of Algarve, with participation of the Team of INCULTUM Pilot focused on research and recovery … Continue reading

Recovering abandoned spaces at the Dry Stone Balates School, Jérez del Marquesado (Granada)

text and images courtesy of Elena Correa Jiménez (University of Granada). On the 29th and 30th of January 2022, the “Escuela de Balates” (dry-stone balates school) took place in the municipality of Jérez del Marquesado, Granada. More than 70 people … Continue reading

Policy roundtable of EU-funded projects on sustainable cultural tourism

Text and image courtesy of Joao Martins, UNINOVA Lisbon. On Tuesday October 11th 2022, a policy round table was held between European Policy Makers and representatives of the six projects that were funded in the Transformations-04 call dedicated to sustainable … Continue reading

Recovering abandoned spaces in the rural area near Granada

text and images courtesy of Elena Correa Jiménez (University of Granada). Following the work for recovering the area that was initiated on Pilot site in January, the students of the Rural Public School “SENED” of Jérez del Marquesado were involved … Continue reading

Presenting INCULTUM in workshop “Smart Governance in local municipalities”

Original text by Kamila Borseková, UMB. The international workshop on Smart Governance in local municipalities – Innovative approaches to city and municipality management was organized as a hybrid event on 23.11.2021 at the Faculty of Economics of Matej Bel University, … Continue reading

Irrigation channel cleaning in Jérez del Marquesado and Cáñar at Altiplano de Granada

text and images courtesy of Elena Correa Jiménez (University of Granada). Following the work for recovering the area that was initiated on Pilot site in January and February, on the 5th of March another fieldwork activity was done in the … Continue reading

Inauguration of Aynadamar irrigation channel in Granada

text and images courtesy of Elena Correa Jiménez (University of Granada). In the context of project INCULTUM, the Biocultural Archaeology Laboratory (MEMOLab) of the University of Granada, directed by Dr. José María Martín Civantos, has launched the participatory project “Recovering … Continue reading

Archives and libraries to discuss management software

A round table on the theme “OPEN (RE)SOURCE, valorizing e integrating the cultural heritage” has been held in Turin, organized by the heritage agency Promemoria in collaboration with Teatro Regio Torino. The event saw the participation and speeches by many … Continue reading