Search Results for: cultural project

Call for applications: youth, mental healt and culture

What role can the cultural and creative sectors play in improving the mental health of young people? This is the topic of the new call for applications launched by Voices of Culture, the “platform for dialogue between the cultural sector … Continue reading

New results of UNCHARTED are available on the website

The latest outputs produced by the scientific work packages of UNCHARTED, WP2 Identifying the Emergence of Values of Culture” and WP3 “Measuring and Imagining, are available on the site for free download. The Work Package 2, led by the University … Continue reading

EUreka3D presented at CitizenHeritage multiplier event

Improving and facilitating the participation of citizens and local communities in heritage-related projects, such as with collection days, metadata co-curation, transcriptions, and other citizen-science activities, is important to support knowledge sharing and deeper enjoyment of cultural collections. In the context … Continue reading

How to foster placemaking as an inspiring European co-creation process?

Trans-making is a H2020 research and innovation project leaded by Relais Culture Europe Association (France). It aims to establish a multilateral network of research and innovation staff active in the fields of placemaking/place-based art activities as a space to create … Continue reading

EUreka3D training at Bibracte

In November 2023, as part of the training “Raw materials to sources, from the archaeological object” organized by the Resource Center for Artistic and Cultural Education (Préac) Archaeological heritage, Bibracte hosted a workshop on digitisation and aggregation to Europeana. Within the context of … Continue reading

CIVIC EPISTEMOLOGIES @ Panel session at DISH 2015 Conference

The CIVIC EPISTEMOLOGIES project is continuing to be disseminated worldwide also after the end of the funding period. DISH2015 conference is a perfect place for discussing the many challenges faced by cultural institutions, and the needs they have to make strategic … Continue reading

ADDICTed to creative and cultural industries!

Last month EBN welcomed ADDICT – Creative Industries Portugal, the Creative Industries Agency in Portugal. ADDICT is a non-profit association created in 2008. It currently gathers around 100 members and is recognised by the Ministry for Economy as the coordinator of the Creative Industries Cluster in Portugal. ADDICT’s mission is to foster a favourable environment for culture and creative economy to thrive, advocating the sector interests and acting as platform for knowledge and innovation. Continue reading

The European INCULTUM project and the Portuguese pilot. Challenges and opportunities for the sustainable development of Campina de Faro

Thinking Faro Forum is organised by the municipality of Faro in Algarve, and is attended by various stakeholders, university students and citizens. The representative of the INCULTUM pilot on the Campina de Faro will present the results of the activity … Continue reading

PAGODE – Europeana China

Co-financed by the European Union under the CEF Connecting Europe Facility Programme, PAGODE wants to contribute to generating rich user experience and high audience engagement with Europeana, the European digital library, by proposing a thematic approach in the aggregation, curation … Continue reading

Europeana Photography: excellent results

The review meeting, hosted by the project Coordinator Fred Truyen at the premises of KU Leuven, welcomed the Project Officer Krzysztof Nichczynski and the reviewers Makx Dekkers and Tom Wachtel with whom the Europeana Photography WP leaders had the possibility to illustrate and discuss the project achievements. Photo courtesy Continue reading