Search Results for: cultural project

WEAVE was a best practice example at the Erasmus+ NEFELI training

text and image by Rosa Cisneros. The Erasmus+ NEFELI project offered a weeklong training of non-formal learning activities and methods that can support women from various parts of society. The team targeted women from grassroots communities, refugee and asylum seekers as well … Continue reading

Arno, Compagno di Vita – photoexhibition in Pisa

European Commission’s project WeAre#EuropeForCulture is partnering with Photoconsortium’s network to organize participatory events in various European cities, with the aim of creating exhibitions that include both institutional and crowdsourced heritage and which celebrate the diversity of European cultural heritage, by … Continue reading

Results of the PREFORMA Experience Workshop

Presentations and photos of the PREFORMA Experience Workshop are now available online. Hosted at the Kulturforum in Berlin, the event featured keynote presentations by international experts in digital preservation, use cases and experiments of conformance checking at memory institutions and live demonstrations of the software developed by the three suppliers working in the project. Continue reading

RICHES Conference
“CH: Recalibrating Relationships”

On 4-5 December 2014, RICHES’ First International Conference will be held in Pisa, at the Museum of Graphics of Palazzo Lanfranchi. The event, patronised by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development, the Tuscany Region, the Municipality of Pisa, the University of Pisa and Fondazione Sistema Toscana, is organised by RICHES partner Promoter Srl. The conference, entitled “Cultural Heritage: Recalibrating Relationships” considers the over-arching objective of the project: how to reduce the distance between people and culture and recalibrate the relationship between heritage professional and heritage users. Such recalibration process will maximise cultural creativity and ensure that the whole European community can benefit from the social and economic potential of Cultural Heritage. Continue reading

WeAre#EuropeForCulture: partnerships across Europe

WeAre#EuropeForCulture is about engaging local communities with cultural heritage,  to connect people and histories at local and European level. According to the European Commission guidelines, the project principally addressed teenagers, adults and ageing people, with a particular view in engaging, … Continue reading

Training students in the creation of a visual identity for the local cultural heritage

Matej Bel University is coordinating an impressive action for territorial and tourist promotion in the INCULTUM Pilot 3 Mining Treasures of Central Slovakia in the region which has significant cultural and technical heritage related to its mining history. As part … Continue reading

D2.1 Overall Roadmap

PREFORMA (PREservation FORMAts for culture information/e-archives) is a Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) project co-funded by the European Commission under its FP7-ICT Programme. The main objective of the project is to give memory institutions full control of the process for testing the … Continue reading

EUreka3D at the TwinIt! Fair in Brussels

The TwinIt! Campaign is an initiative of the European Commission, coordinated by Europeana, which invited all EU Ministries of Culture to liaise with their national cultural institutions to submit at least one 3D digitised heritage asset to the common European data … Continue reading

Launching the INCULTUM Pilot in San Pellegrino in Alpe (Tuscany)

One of the Pilots of the INCULTUM project, aiming and empowering sustainable cultural tourism in peripheral areas with communities engagement, is coordinated by the University of Pisa and is set in the beautiful landscape of the Garfagnana in Tuscany. San … Continue reading

International Workshop: Digital History and Public History

The meeting, held last 29th October at the University of Alicante, represented a good occasion for All those involved in the promotion an preservation of Cultural Heritage in order to introduce the projects they are currently carry on and debate … Continue reading