Search Results for: "Alamire Digital Lab"

Study on quality in 3D digitisation of tangible cultural heritage

This unique study on 3D digitisation demonstrates that complexity and quality are fundamental considerations in determining the necessary effort for a 3D digitisation project to achieve the required value of the output.The overall aim of this study is to improve … Continue reading

E-Space and TV Pilot at DISH2015

Europeana Space and the Europeana TV pilot were extensively presented at DISH 2015 in Rotterdam, an important biannual conference about digital strategies for heritage. A table session was chaired by Greg Markus (NISV), under the title: Adding another layer: Europeana Space … Continue reading

Workshop about Innovation Policies for Cultural Heritage Institutions

The CIVIC ESPISTEMOLOGIES project’s has the task to design a Roadmap for broadening e-Infrastructure deployment to support citizen researchers in digital culture. A first draft version of the Roadmap has been presented at the Workshop on the Roadmap in Leuven (20 February … Continue reading

‘Arts Technologies’ at Serpentine Galleries

Text by Caterina Sbrana. “Our Galleries are temporarily closed due to current coronavirus restrictions. We look forward to welcoming you back again soon”. This message is on the home page of the Serpentine Galleries website and it’s similar to others we … Continue reading

Scanning Technologies for Heritage

Theaters scalped in new 3D digital scanning and modelling technologies is at the heart of preservation, conservation and protection of ancient structures. It is using digital technology to preserve culture and heritage. This latest publication, written and prepared by the academic staff of the Dipartimento di Storia Disegno e Restauro dell’Architettura (DiSDRA) of La Sapienza Università di Roma, is a great addition to new technology scanning using 2D and 3D modelling with a special focus on the Merida theaters. Continue reading

WEAVE was a best practice example at the Erasmus+ NEFELI training

text and image by Rosa Cisneros. The Erasmus+ NEFELI project offered a weeklong training of non-formal learning activities and methods that can support women from various parts of society. The team targeted women from grassroots communities, refugee and asylum seekers as well … Continue reading

new name, same mission: European Fashion Heritage Association

Starting today, the Europeana Fashion International Association changes its name in European Fashion Heritage Association. A new name, a new identity, but the same mission: “make it easier for fashion GLAMs and brands to get better value from their cultural heritage … Continue reading

RICHES presented in Bilbao to the PUCK Project’s network

On 13-14 January 2014, in Bilbao, at the University of the Basque Country, a workshop was held by the “PUCK Project – Assessing effective tools to enhance cultural participation”. Karol Jan Borowiecki from University of Southern Denmark, PUCK and RICHES member, delivered a presentation of RICHES to PUCK’s network. Continue reading

RICHES signs a Memorandum of Understanding with the “EuroVision – Museums Exhibiting Europe” (EMEE) project

This new cooperation will allow exploring synergies between both projects, especially on the case studies addressing the role of museums. The RICHES workshop “The context of change and the move from analogue to digital” has been the first opportunity to share experiences. Continue reading

Exhibition “Fragmenta“ by Artist Gianluca Cingolani at Today Art Museum in Beijing

Gianluca Cingolani is a multidisciplinary artist, working with video, photography, graphic and music. The exhibition Fragmenta, that opens in Beijing on 16th November, is a journey in Time, a reflection on the concepts of Narration. Fragments, the origin cells, take us in … Continue reading