Search Results for: "Alamire Digital Lab"

PREFORMA Call for Tender published on!

The PREFORMA project informs that the call for tender has been published. Suppliers who want to prepare a proposal can find all the related information and documents in the Tender section of the PREFORMA website. Deadline for submission is August 12th, 2014. Continue reading

Public Domain and misuse: some thoughts

image: Rank Badge with Leopard, Wave and Sun Motifs, China, Qing dynasty (1644–1911), late 18th century, silk and metallic thread, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 30.75.1025. Being so deeply embedded in the Europeana ecosystem, the new CEF project PAGODE – Europeana China (2020-2021) … Continue reading

Image and Research | 2018 Edition

The Centre for Image Research and Diffusion (CRDI) of the Girona City Council and the Association of Archivists of Catalonia, are calling the 15th Image and Research International Conference, which will be held in the Palau de Congressos de Girona from 22th … Continue reading

RURITAGE Project webinar 12th May 2022

In this online event, participants learn how to use RURITAGE Resources Ecosystem, the project’s digital hub that gathers information, data and methodologies that were created and applied during the RURITAGE project. It serves as an online hub for rural regeneration, … Continue reading

RomArchive project winner of the Creative Europe Reasearch Award

The 21 May the European Commission and Europa Nostra, the leading European heritage network, announced the winners of the European Heritage Awards / Europa Nostra Awards 2019, the Europe most prestigious honour in the field, funded by the Creative Europe … Continue reading

Edvard Munch’s writings

Text by Caterina Sbrana. In August 2007 the Munch Museum set up a project related to Edvard Munch’s writings. The project was financed with funds from Arts Council Norway, the Fritt Ord (Freedom of Expression) Foundation, The Municipality of Oslo’s Kunstsamlingenes institutt … Continue reading

From Digitisation to Preservation, Creative Re-use of Cultural Content and Citizen Participation

On 1st October 2015, in Granada, European projects RICHES, E-Space, Civic Epistemologies, PREFORMA and the international association Photoconsortium were invited in a panel organised by Promoter SRL under the title “From Digitisation to Preservation, Creative Re-use of Cultural Content and Citizen Participation”. … Continue reading

PREFORMA at the Study Visit of the Leonardo da Vinci Project

On 12th of May 2015, Sònia Oliveras from the Municipal Archive of Girona presented PREFORMA at the Study Visit of the Leonardo da Vinci Project in Girona. This study visit was developed through several workshops about digitalisation, publication in Europeana and digital preservation. Continue reading

Reviving Palmyra in Multiple Dimensions

Reviving Palmyra in Multiple Dimensions, images, ruins and cultural memory is a book released in February 2018, by Minna Silver, Gabriele Fangi and Ahmet Denker.  This is a classic example of digital archaeology and virtual reconstruction and is a beacon … Continue reading

Europeana Space MOOC

Europeana Space acknowledges the key role of digital cultural heritage to enhance education learning and training since the very beginning of the project. A dedicated task on education and training material is foreseen in the project planning and led by … Continue reading