Search Results for: cultural project

EUreka3D at the XV Jornada d’Estudi i Debat in Barcelona

This annual conference is organized by the Professional Association of Archives and Document Management of Catalonia. The programme of 2024 edition discusses importance and challenges of establishing policies, strategies, processes, instruments and collaborations for the preservation of digital assets, and … Continue reading

PAGODE at Museo della Grafica in Pisa

img. from the event All photos by Rudy Pessina. As a complementary event in the framework of PAGODE final conference, an exclusive invite-only meeting at the Museo della Grafica in Pisa was organized on 23rd September 2021, to present the … Continue reading

Call for Papers: Resilience of Heritage in Resilient Cities

Authors of both theoretical or empirical research studies are invited to join the workshop devoted to the concept of resilience in general and connected to urban heritage in particular. The idea of the workshop is rooted in the project which … Continue reading

WEAVE Team member published chapter in Creative Activism Research, Pedagogy and Practice

text by Rosa Cisneros, C-DARE Coventry University. This collection explores the growing global recognition of creativity and the arts as vital to social movements and change. Bringing together diverse perspectives from leading academics and practitioners who investigate how creative activism … Continue reading

Succeed Final Conference

PREFORMA project will participate with a poster to the conference “Succeed in digitisation. Spreading excellence”, organised by the Succeed project on November 28th, 2014 at Bibliothèque nationale de France. Continue reading

CRe-AM final event / ICT & Creative Industries in Europe: current trends and future policies

The event will present CRe-AM’s roadmapping work and results. The day will be divided into two parts to present the main outcomes of the CRe-AM project and to allow networking among participants. The morning plenary session will present roadmaps for each creative … Continue reading

DCH-RP @ CIDOC 2014 Conference

The CIDOC Conference 2014 committee has accepted the proposal to present a paper on the DCH-RP Roadmap at the CIDOC 2014 Conference in Dresden. The presentation will be given in the session Session G/1, Digital Long Term Preservation on Tuesday 9th September 2014 and the paper will be published in the conference proceedings. Continue reading

E-Space and TV Pilot at DISH2015

Europeana Space and the Europeana TV pilot were extensively presented at DISH 2015 in Rotterdam, an important biannual conference about digital strategies for heritage. A table session was chaired by Greg Markus (NISV), under the title: Adding another layer: Europeana Space … Continue reading

DAVID – Final User-Test-Workshop

PREFORMA project has been invited to the final evaluation and user-test-workshop organised by the sister R&D-project DAVID (Digital AV Media Damage Prevention and Repair) in Vienna at the ORF-Centre on 28-29 April 2015. Continue reading

Collect & Connect: Archives and Collections in a Digital Age

Collect & Connect aims to promote exchange and discussion between researchers and heritage professionals in the field of digital heritage. The conference officially concludes the Making Sense of Illustrated Handwritten Archives research project and presents the results of finished and … Continue reading