Search Results for: cultural project

E-Space at eCult Skills event (22 September 2015 in Athens)

The event was organized in the context of the eCult Skills project, which investigated the emergence of new job roles as a result of the latest ICT developments and their adoption by the museums, and aims to present project outcomes … Continue reading

veraPDF 1.4 released and available to download

We are pleased to announce that the new release of veraPDF, the open source file format validator for PDF/A documents, is available to download on the PREFORMA Open Source Portal. veraPDF 1.4 has a new GUI wizard for creating custom policy files. Significant performance optimisations have been made to the greenfield PDF parser. Testing and user feedback is key to improving the software. Please download and use the latest release. Continue reading

RICHES at EuroMed 2014

On 3 November 2014 in Limassol, Cyprus, RICHES particpated in the 5th International Euro-Mediterranean Conference (EuroMed 2014), held on 3-8 November. RICHES Coordinator Neil Forbes of Coventry University (UK) presented the project, its objectives and its first outcomes within a workshop, entitled “The Digitisation Age: Mass Culture is Quality Culture. Challenges for Cultural Heritage and Society”. The workshop was organised by RICHES Communication Manager Promoter Srl. Continue reading

Open Knowledge Foundation joins Europeana Space

Open Knowledge is a nonprofit organisation that promotes open knowledge, including open content and open data. With such great credentials it seemed natural for Open Knowledge to participate in the Europeana Space project to cooperate on WP3 – The Content Space. Continue reading

REACH at the Faro Convention research-action workshop

The second Faro Convention research-action workshop “Cross-fertilization roads between Heritage and Participatory Citizenship” took place in Huelva (Spain) the 3-4 December. It focused on the actual organization of  “heritage communities” to both manage such enlarged “cultural heritage” and participate effectively … Continue reading

Digital Humanities 2013

At the International Conference, the abstract “An Evaluation of the Involvement of General Users in a Cultural Heritage Collection” submitted by Cultura project has been accepted. The project will attend the meeting to present its results, including posters and short papers. Continue reading

Investigating the innovation potential of CCIs in non-urban areas

The IN SITU project that participates in the INCULTUM network of common interest launched a survey investigating the innovation potential of cultural and creative industries (CCI) in non-urban areas. Focusing on IN SITU’s six Lab regions, the survey aims to … Continue reading

Collect & Connect International conference: paper submission deadline extended to September 18 2020

This conference welcomes papers that present, discuss, and reflect upon the technical, social, and institutional challenges that experts and researchers in the field of digital heritage encounter when enriching heterogeneous digitized collections with context. Thematic scope of the conference: Many … Continue reading

PERICLES-PREFORMA-MediaConch workshop at Tate

On Saturday 23 July Tate hosted a workshop in London focussing on new tools to support the conservation of digital video, led by Dave Rice and Ashley Blewer. The workshop focussed on the functionalities existing with the latest versions of MediaInfo and MediaTrace accessed via the command line, and demonstrated the additional user friendly functionality being developed through MediaConch in developing policies for the technical evaluation of files. Continue reading

Keynote talk about PREFORMA @ DiPP2015

Antonella Fresa, PREFORMA Technical Coordinator, has been invited by the organisers of the Fifth International Conference on Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage to present a keynote talk on the experience in the PREFORMA project Continue reading