Search Results for: cultural project

Seventh TourMIS Users’ Workshop Modul University, Vienna

International Seminar on New Media Analysis and Strategies for Tourism Marketing Organizations Organized by the European Travel Commission, European Cities Marketing & MODUL University Vienna Manfred Hackl – project coordinator of HamoSearch – will hold a keynote on “Monitoring Hotel … Continue reading

Digital strategies for small and medium-sized European museums: the call by DOORS

DOORS, the Digital Incubator for Museums, is a project co-funded by the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation program, aims to create an European incubator to support small and medium-sized museums. It is coordinated by ARS ELECTRONICA. The digital transformation … Continue reading

EGI community forum 2014
E-infrastructures and services for data preservation and curation @ EGI CF 2014, Helsinki

Aim of this workshop, organised by DCH-RP project, was to present the first concrete results of the cooperation between different projects aimed to the development of a joint registry of services and tools for the long-term preservation of digital data and to demonstrate how these services can be tested and used by memory institutions. Continue reading

Tourism 4.0 for the Black Sea

Tourism is increasingly popular at the Black Sea, while the challenges affecting the sustainability of the sector (environmental pressures, peak visits in limited areas, poor overall visibility, etc.) are rising at the same rate. Tourism 4.0 for the Black Sea … Continue reading

The INCULTUM Pilot Mining Treasures of Central Slovakia at the INNOVATION MEETUP

Article by Darina Rojíková,  Matej Bel University On Thursday 11 May 2023, the University Library of Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica became the venue for the second INNOVATION MEETUP series of events. The event was organised by the Banská … Continue reading

Europeana DSI-2 kick off in Vienna

Hosted by the Austrian National Library in the prestigious location in Vienna, on 7-8 September the kick-off meeting of the Europeana DSi-2 project took place. The aim of the DSI-2 project is to ensure the continued operation of the Europeana … Continue reading

D3.5 Experience Workshop

The Experience Workshop took place Berlin on 23 November 2016, in connection with the second Prototype Demonstration. The PREFORMA partners shared their experiences of working with suppliers under R&D service agreements with other memory institutions. The morning session focused on … Continue reading

Best in Heritage with IMAGINES

As the award-giving programmes around the world announced their laureates category by category in 2017, the Best in Heritage diligently collected all the information and generated the annual list of the best practices in the field of museums, heritage and … Continue reading

Results of the PREFORMA CfT published!

Here are the names of the suppliers who have been awarded a contract with PREFORMA to develop an open-source toolset for conformance checking of digital files (texts, images and AV), intended for long-term preservation in memory institutions. Continue reading