Search Results for: cultural project

INCULTUM meeting, impressions from Uppsala

Hosted by partner Uppsala University, also leading the INCULTUM Pilot 10 Escape into the Archipelago Landscape, a friendly project meeting was organized to mark the conclusion of INCULTUM’s second year of work, and to review the progress and challenges. All … Continue reading

MuPop, the Pop-Up Museum exhibition tool created within E-Space goes to Ohio!

The conference MW17: Museums and the Web (this year taking place in Cleveland, Ohio, April 19-22) will feature advanced research and exemplary applications of digital practice for cultural, natural and scientific heritage. During the conference, a 1-hour demonstration by Brigitte Jansen … Continue reading

The Gypsy Roma Traveller in Higher Education- Influencing Policy

The Gypsy Roma Traveller in Higher Education- Influencing Policy is a research project concluded the 31st March 2020 and funded by QR Strategic Priorities Fund 2019-20 and Coventry University Centre for Dance Research. Focus of the project was to concern … Continue reading

veraPDF 1.2 released

The latest version of veraPDF is now available to download on the PREFORMA Open Source Portal. This release is the first of the PREFORMA testing phase and it is focused on bug fixing and improvements of the test infrastructure, conformance checker and policy checker and on the improvement of the user documentation. Testing and user feedback is key to improving the software. Please download and test the latest release. If you encounter problems, or wish to suggest improvements, please add them to the project’s GitHub issue tracker. Continue reading

The European Heritage Days announced the projects selected for the 2022 awards

Every year, starting from the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018, the European Heritage Days invites communities across the continent to share their stories about Europe’s cultural heritage. The aim of this initiative is to encourage people to engage with … Continue reading


A cooperation agreement has been signed between the two projects for the promotion and presentation of the respective results and the organisation of joint events and activities, focusing in particular on the use and quality check of common standards for digitisation and long term preservation of textual content. Continue reading

FEDERCULTURE 2014: new courses started

FEDERCULTURE restarts its training project. On the 20th of May 2014, in Rome, was held the first course of a cycle devoted to deepening several aspects of the cultural services management: gathering of funds techniques, information day about the next EU announcements for culture, fiscal issues of sponsorship, new frontiers of cultural marketing. Continue reading

Europeana Space Kick-off meeting

Beside the project members, participants in the meeting were the EU Officer Marcel Waletet and the deputy director of Europeana Foundation Harry Verwayen. The kick-off meeting was already the place to start the organization of the first public event of Europeana Space: the appointment is in Venice, in October 2014 with a great opening conference organized by the hosting partner Università Ca’ Foscari. Continue reading

Join the International MAPSI Network!

Managing Arts Projects with Societal Impact (MAPSI) refers to a specialisation in management of artistic projects with societal impact and aims to create an international network focusing on educating cultural managers and facilitators to manage and mediate artistic and cultural projects with societal impact. Subscribe to MAPSI’s e-mailing list! Continue reading

E-Space MOOC: a successful first run

by Clarissa Colangelo, KU Leuven. Article originally appeared on the E-Space Photography Pilot Blog. photo courtesy KU Leuven On January 10th 2017 the MOOC “Europeana Space: Creative with Digital Heritage” ended. With almost 1000 enrolled learners from 90 different countries … Continue reading