CULTUS: arebyte free online events by artist Zach Blas

img. courtesy: arebyte

CULTUS is the second instalment of the Silicon Traces trilogy, a series of moving image installations that contends with the beliefs, fantasies, and histories influential to Silicon Valley’s visions of the future. Spanning queer and speculative engagements with psychedelia, the nootropics industry, California futurism, network infrastructure, and political resistance, the trilogy surfaces the political unconscious of the tech industry.

CULTUS Online Panel Discussion
Wednesday, February 7, 2024
7:30PM – 9PM

Together with academics, artist Zach Blas and arebyte curator Rebecca Edwards unravel complex intersections of artifical intelligence, religion, feminism, ani-racism, and speculative thinking present in CULTUS.

CULTUS: Online Lecture Performance
Thursday, February 15, 2024
6:30PM – 8:00PM

Artist Zach Blas delves into the key concepts behind his new work CULTUS. Blas takes us through research into organisations like The Way of The Future Church, theories like Ray Kurzweil’s spiritual machine, and transhumanism in sci-fi and religion.

Both events are free of charge and will take place online

EVA Florence 2024



EVA FLORENCE, the annual event in Firenze of the EVA series.

Electronic Imaging and the Visual Arts

Conference, Training and Workshops

Only in-presence, Grand Hotel Minerva, Florence (Italy)

27th May 2024



Main topics:

– European Commission Projects, plans regarding Cultural Heritage
– Artificial Intelligence
– Cybersecurity
– Digital art, music, theatre
– Ethical and environmental issues
– 2D and 3D digital image acquisition and display

Who Should Attend:
– The Cultural Sector
– The Government Sector
– Media & Related Sectors
– The ICT Industry, especially multimedia SME’s
– Tourism & Travel Sector
– Technology & Visual Arts Research Organisations
– Trade Culture Activities

Organised by Professor Vito Cappellini

An eBook (with ISBN), containing the Final Program and the accepted Papers, will be edited with “free” international distribution.

Download announcement and call for papers here (PDF)

Lambousa Fishing Boat: progresses on digital preservation

images in this post courtesy of Cyprus University of Technology.

January 12 2024 marked a significant milestone as the EUreka 3D partner UNESCO Chair on Digital Cultural Heritage had a productive meeting with the esteemed members of the Δήμος Λεμεσού – Limassol Municipality. Progresses have been shared of the Lambousa Fishing Boat case study, part of the EUreka3D project, showcasing the incredible strides made in digitization, modeling, and the development of the e-platform dedicated to Lambousa.

The team has been hard at work, passionately committed to preserving and promoting the rich cultural heritage embedded in the Lambousa Fishing Boat, a unique part of Cypriot fishing tradition and industrial heritage. Through meticulous digitization efforts, detailed modelling, and collaborative initiatives, this fascinating piece of history is being brought to life in the digital realm.

The Lambousa Fishing Boat case study

The upcoming e-platform for Lambousa is set to be a comprehensive hub, housing all materials and insights related to the case study. From historical documentation to 3D models, the platform will provide an immersive experience, allowing enthusiasts and researchers alike to delve into the intricate details of the Lambousa Fishing Boat. The model, accompained with informative metadata and paradata, will be published soon on Europeana, the European website showcasing heritage collections, openly available for education and resercah purposes.

The meeting was a wonderful opportunity to share the achievements with the Municipality of Limassol, fostering a collaborative spirit for the preservation of cultural heritage.

Learn more about the Lambousa Fishing Boat case study

Participatory Governance and Models in Culture and Cultural Tourism

This book has been developed within the framework of the INCULTUM project, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.

Authored by Kamila Borseková, Katarína Vitálišová, Alexandra Bitušíková and reviewed by Antonella Fresa and Agnieszka Rzenca, the publication was developed by the Matej Bel University in the frame of WP4: Policies and participatory models of INCULTUM.

The main purpose of the book is to define the key terms of participatory governance in culture, to identify and characterise the participatory models in culture, cultural tourism as a part of sustainable development, based on literature review, own knowledge, and experience from previous empirical studies and to demonstrate their application on the selected examples of good practices.

A real useful instruments for students, teachers and professionals who are interested to go deeper on the question of how participatory approaches can be beneficial for more harmonious governance, respectful development of territories and promotion of cultural tourism.

The book is freely accessible via the DOI link.


How the EUreka3D project supports 3D in the data space for cultural heritage – a new blog post on Europeana

img. from Europeana website


3D technologies offer opportunities to broaden access to culture, preserve our shared cultural heritage and spur creativity and innovation. In support of the Twin It! 3D for Europe’s culture campaign, the EUreka3D project tells us how they are supporting cultural heritage institutions to unlock the potential of 3D digitisation for their collections.

Discover how with the blog post recently published on Europeana Pro

The post offers a very interesting opportunity to explore the possibilities of 3D for cultural heritage and was written collaboratively by Valentina Bachi, Antonella Fresa, David Iglésias and Ignacio Lamata Martínez, project partners of EUreka3D.

FILE International Electronic Language Festival

FILE Call for Entries 2024


Registration to participate in FILE – International Electronic Language Festival projects in 2024 is now open. The festival seeks original works of art and educational projects (lectures and workshops) in Art and Technology, by Brazilian and international artists. It is possible to send proposals for interactive installations, sound art, video art, robotics, animations, CGI videos, virtual realities, augmented realities, mobile art, games, gifs, internet art, lectures and workshops, among others



FILE – International Electronic Language Festival is a non-profit cultural organization that, since 2000, has promoted exhibitions, workshops and meetings that seek to investigate the appropriation of technological tools in artistic production. With annual exhibitions in São Paulo, editions in Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte and Curitiba, as well as participation in international exhibitions, FILE is the largest electronic art event in Latin America.

Join the 23rd edition of the International Electronic Language Festival, which will take place at the FIESP Cultural Center, in São Paulo, during the period from July 2nd to August 25th, 2024.



Submit your proposal at this link. The works will be analyzed by an internal evaluation committee, which will select the works that will be part of the FILE 2024 exhibition.

Registration closed February 10th


Given the exponential expansion of supports, formats, technologies and the integration of areas of contemporary knowledge, the FILE 2024 Notice will not have specific categories. This proposal aims at the diverse inclusion of physical, digital, hybrid and interactive works of Art and Technology, as well as educational projects such as lectures and workshops. Candidates interested in specifying a category for their work must indicate it when registering.

Some possible categories for nomination are: Interactive Art: Installations; Public Art, Performances; Augmented Reality; Multi-touch tables; Digital Objects; Outdoor projections; Projects for Mobile Devices; Electronic Graffiti; Sound Performance; Sound Installations; Sound Art; Genetic Music; Biological Music; Classical Electronic Music; Pop-Electronic Music; Soundscape; Sound Robotics; Video Music; Sound Poetry; Digital Language: Digital Games; Animations; Digital Cinema; Machines; Digital Video; Digital Architecture; Digital Fashion; Digital Design; Robotics; Artificial life; Biological Art; Transgenic Art; Art Software; New Interfaces; Hypertexts; Non-Linear Itineraries; Artificial intelligence; Programming language; Digital Poetry; Digital Dance; GIF; WebGL; Virtual Realities with 3D Glasses; Educational; Workshops; Workshops; Speeches; Round tables; Others.

‘The Impact of NFT and AI in Art’ – conference by Claudio Francesconi

The Alma Artis Academy of Pisa on Thursday 18 January, at 4 p.m., at the Auditorium of the Officine Garibaldi, is pleased to present the conference ‘The impact of NFT and AI in Art’, by Claudio Francesconi, Head of NFT and digital assets for the auction house Pandolfini.

The Alma Artis Academy of Pisa on Thursday 18 January, at 4 p.m., at the Auditorium of the Officine Garibaldi, is pleased to present the conference ‘The impact of NFT and AI in Art‘, by Claudio Francesconi, Head of NFT and digital assets for the auction house Pandolfini.

Among the main topics: what changes with digital property, the links between AI, digital art and NFT, how NFT marketplaces influence the way art is made and collected, AI and Generative Art, the latest developments in digital art, new trends in digital art including the Phygital approach and the peculiarities of the NFT marketplace.

Download the press release here (EN).
Scarica il comunicato stampa qui (IT).


Accademia Alma Artis, Via Gioberti, 39 – Pisa, Italy
+39 050 7846415

The UNCHARTED Policy Seminars


Two policy Seminars have been planned in the UNCHARTED project, as international events, to review policy briefs, recommendations and guidelines, on the basis of the actual needs from the territories of the participating stakeholders.

The first part of the UNCHARTED Policy Seminar took place in Budapest on 8/12/2023 hosted in the premises of the ELTE University.

The title of the event was “The Challenge of Recalibrating the Values of Culture in the Cultural Field“.

Representatives of the European institutions and policy makers, at international, national and local levels participated in the debate. The full programme of the event is available online.

The second part of the UNCHARTED Policy Seminar is planned to take place in Barcelona on 25/1/2023, under the coordination of UB, at the Cultural Studies and Resources Center of Pati Manning.

The title of this second seminar is “UNCHARTED: the Barcelona debates on cultural evaluation in cultural policy“.

The two seminars conclude the programme of the public events of the UNCHARTED project. The results of the debates will be part of the reflections included in the UNCHARTED Book, which is under editing and published during the 2024 as an open access publication available for all the researchers interested in the studies conducted during the four-years UNCHARTED project.




Bibracte, a 2000-year-old town under a forest

img. courtesy: Europeana

As part of the EUreka3D project, a blogpost authored by Agathe Le Riche-Maugis and collegues from Bibracte was recently published on Europeana.
The blogpost shocases the history of Bibracte, an archaeological site in the French region discovered in the 19th century and brought back to life, along with a museum that display nearly 2000 objects. With EUreka3D project the most representative objects discovered on the site will be digitised in so that they can be shared on Europeana.
Read the blogpost here.

eu emblemEUreka3D project is co-financed by the Digital Europe Programme of the European Union.

EUreka3D Advisory Board

The EUreka3D Advisory Board is a consultative body formed by experts representing cultural institutions, cultural heritage research teams and international organisations. It advises the project, provides feedback on its activities, and liaises it with the cultural heritage and research community. The Advisory Board members are invited to join project meetings and to take part in EUreka3D public activities, and the group met the project consortium on 15 December 2023, on the occasion of the first public demo of the project’s platform for CHIs. Following the demo, the experts shared their impressions, advice and recommendations to be taken into account in the subsequent phases of development in 2024 during year two of the project.

Among the comments received, prof. Costas Papadopoulos mentioned that nowadays many CHIs who want to publish 3D models online use Sketchfab, but this has various implications and challenges for the CHI. To provide an equivalent but safer solution, as EUreka3D is starting to do, is certainly of high value for CHIs. Of course, there is a challenge on sustainability after the project’s end, because various initiatives are funded to develop solutions and tools, but then the maintenance of these resources, especially for e-infrastructures in Social Sciences and Humanities, is left open, and sound sustainability models are needed. Also, the various EU funded initiatives developed along time created fragmentation, with many partners developing tools and standards, hence the need to encourage interoperability and connections between the various initiatives.

Prof. Monika Hagedorn-Saupe and prof. Isto Huvila argued about the importance of paradata in 3D models documentation. This may be felt by CHIs as a challenge, because it is a new element to be integrated in existing workflows, thus projects like EUreka3D should be attentive to this and to show the added value and innovation, which would motivate CHIs to do it. While in the future there will be systems and tools for automated capturing of paradata from the workflow, now CHIs and their staff need to make decisions on what to document and how to preserve and maintain such data. there are also ethical implications that need to be taken into account, such the information about the operators involved in the digitization process, which is a new challenge arising in this new context of 3D digitization.

Finally, some discussion of the group related to the identity of EUreka3D and its future. This project wants to be a pathfinder to show success stories, and foster interoperability and synergies with higher-level initiatives like the Data Space for Cultural Heritage led by Europeana, and the future European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage. With EUreka3D we want to offer inclusive opportunities for CHIs to deliver their content for reuse online and in XR applications, aiming at creating a decentralized ecosystem that works together.


eu emblemEUreka3D project is co-financed by the Digital Europe Programme of the European Union.