Monday, 03 March 2025


The European Commission tender WeAre#EuropeForCulture, financed in the framework of the European Year of Cultural Heritage, has the objective to realize a series of pop-up exhibitions across 2019 in various European cities, to celebrate the diversity of European cultural heritage and to empower citizens in a more participative approach to cultural heritage.

The exhibitions will be co-created joining institutional cultural heritage with crowdsourced stories and personal items. Each exhibition will be mixed physical-digital and highly interactive for the visitors, including a contest for the best cultural items presented in the exhibitions. The most voted crowdsourced item in each city will grant the holder a trip to Brussels for participating in the final event of the project.

10 European cities – Cultural heritage and local history – Co-creation and crowdsourcing


Discover the event in your city, and be prepared to join in at the House of European History in Brussels for the the final exhibition PAST | PRESENT in February 2020. WeAre#EuropeForCulture.



  • KU Leuven: Content coordination
  • Photoconsortium: Networking and exhibition coordination
  • Noterik: Technical coordination
