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- SYMPOSIUM ON HYDRAULIC HERITAGE, Nice and Saint-Martin-Vésubie, 28-29-30 April 2025
The Symposium on Hydraulic Heritage will take place in Nice and in Saint Martin Vésubie from 28 to 30 April, 2025. The three days of debates and field work represent an international meeting between academics and practitioners from countries around … Continue reading →
- By Harry Verwayen, General Director of the Europeana Foundation, and Sneška Quaedvlieg-Mihailović, Secretary General of Europa Nostra and Project Leader of the European Heritage Hub
As Europe navigates a complex landscape marked by a dramatic climate crisis and escalating socio-political tensions, including wars at our doorsteps, as well as by the rise of artificial intelligence, the role of cultural heritage – digital, tangible and intangible- … Continue reading →