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- Vila-seca, Catalonia, Spain. June 17-20, 2025
The ATLAS Annual Conference 2025 is taking place from 17 to 20 June 2025 in Vila-seca, Catalonia, organised by the ATLAS Association for Tourism and Leisure Education and Research. The theme of the event of this year is Tourist destinations … Continue reading →
- Launch of new book: Creative Tourism, Regenerative Development, and Destination Resilience
The CREATOUR Observatory delivered the new interesting book Creative Tourism, Regenerative Development, and Destination Resilience. The book draws upon the international conference, “Creative Tourism, Regenerative Development, and Destination Resilience”, which was held 8 to 10 November 2022 in the Azores, … Continue reading →
Tag: Antonella Fresa

The great experience of the Europeana Photography project is near to its end: the project is finishing on 31st January 2015 with a big closing event in Leuven. But the end of the project is nothing else than what it … Continue reading

ICA congress 2014 was a major event organized by Europeana Photography partner CRDI/Ajuntament de Girona. That was a perfect occasion for project’s dissemination towards an international and very valuable audience, and several partners attended it. Continue reading

The core topic of the conference was how to enable a creative re-use of digital cultural content thus unlocking the business potential of cultural heritage and fostering the creation of new jobs and economic growth. A very interested audience almost fulfilled the parterre of the former theater, now conference venue. As a side activity, in the afetrnoon of the second day the registered participants could visit the Venice incubator H-Farm, an inspiring environment for creativity and technology. Continue reading

by Sofie Taes, KU Leuven The program of the monumental, multi-disciplinarian conference on archives and cultural industries held in Girona’s Palau de Congressos (13-15 October), and co-organized by EuropeanaPhotography-partner Ajuntament de Girona (CRDI), featured several members of our consortium: Antonella … Continue reading

The plenary meeting of the project took place at the beautiful location of Ca’ Foscari University, one day ahead the Opening Conference of Europeana Space. After the welcome speeches by Sarah Whatley (Project Coordinator) and Leonardo Buzzavo (representing the hosting … Continue reading

Antonella Fresa, Technical Coordinator of Europeana Space project, says: “This is a golden opportunity for the creative industries, for the cultural institutions, for students and researchers, for anybody interested in the new scenario of digital cultural heritage. This is the occasion to learn what is happening in this sector: join us, follow us on our blog, website and social networks!” Continue reading

It is a prominent conference featuring the participation of the Italian Minister for Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, along with representatives from the European Commission and from many important Italian Institutions. Continue reading

Valuable experts were invited for discussing different themes and for driving question and answer sessions. The participants were from the project consortium and also from other organizations such as the National Archives and the National Museum of Denmark, the Danish Film Institute and LFF Foundation. Arbejdermuseet is one of the partners of Europeana Photography project, providing 25.000 digitized photos that witness the conditions and everyday life of the workers’ and the labour movement’s history. Continue reading

Letterkundig Museum @ Koninklijke Bibliotheek (The Hague) hosted a meeting that has provided an opportunity for coordinators and relevant work package leaders of recently started Europeana-related projects to exchange information about their projects, identify overlaps between projects and discuss an agenda for co-operation. Europeana Space is one of these 6 projects. Continue reading

NET4SOCIETY organised a transnational conference which took place in Athens on the 26th and 27th February 2014 on the occasion of the Greek EU Council presidency. RICHES Project Coordinator Neil Forbes, of Coventry University (UK), and RICHES Communication Manager Antonella Fresa of Promoter Srl (Italy) attended the conference as invited experts. Continue reading