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- PREFORMA POPULAR TAGS in Digitalmeetsculture
- audiovisual Berlin Brussels call for tender conformance check cultural heritage digital archive digital preservation DPF Manager FFv1 file format validation file formats IPRES Matroska MediaArea.net MediaConch Open Source Portal open source software PCP PDF/A policy checker PREFORMA standards TIFF VeraPDF
Topic: preforma

MediaArea and the British Film Institute are pleased to announce the third No Time to Wait conference, a free two-day symposium focused on open media, open standards, and digital audiovisual preservation hosted by the British Film Institute, who are about to begin a 5 year digitisation of obsolete videotape formats, preserving to open formats. Continue reading

Programmed by professionals working in the field, the annual AMIA Conference is the largest gathering of motion picture and recorded sound archivists and interested professionals. More than 550 people from around the world, interested in the preservation and use of moving image materials, meet every year to share information and work together. The 2017 edition of the AMIA Conference will be held on 29 November – 2 December 2017 in New Orleans. Continue reading

This is the seventh in a series of interviews with people using MediaConch within their institutions. Brendan is AudioVisual Digitization Technician at the University of California. He is using MediaConch both on the raw XDCAM captures, to make sure that they’re appropriate inputs to the ingest script, and on the outputs, to make sure the script is functioning correctly. Continue reading

This is the sixth in a series of interviews with people using MediaConch within their institutions. Ben and Geneve work in the Audio and Moving Image Preservation Unit at at New York Public Library. MediaConch is an integral part of the Quality Control workflow to reformat audio and moving image research collections and specific policies have been created to this purpose. Continue reading

Julia Kim is the Digital Assets Specialist at the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress. So far, she has primarily used MediaConch to create reports for new and incoming born-digital video from the Civil Rights History Project and the DPX files from digitizing celluloid film. Continue reading

Marion is a video archivist at the Austrian Mediathek, the Austrian video and sound archive. Her main area of work is the digitization of analogue videos and quality control of video files entering the digital archive. The main use case for MediaConch is to check if files that were produced outside of the default workflow procedure meet the policy for the archival master. Continue reading

We are pleased to announce the progress we’ve made this year. There are new updates to MediaConch that expand its capabilities, user stories to share, and new events related to implementation checking and the standardization of open audiovisual formats. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you’d like to join our community, be involved in our usability testing and integrate the software in your workflow! Continue reading

Have a look at the video recording of the webinar given by MediaArea and Artefactual to promote the recent integration of MediaConch into Archivematica software. During the webinar, Dave Rice and Natalie Cadranel gave a demonstration of MediaConch, followed by a demo by Sarah Romkey of the implementation in Archivematica so far. Continue reading

During late July 2016, Dave Rice and Ashley Blewer delivered two workshops at Tate Britain in London on the use of Mediainfo, MediaConch and FFmpeg in the preservation of digital video. Have a look at the blog post published by Ana Ribeiro on PERICLES Blog which reports on the result of these workshops. Continue reading

What’s new in MediaConch 16.09, the latest release of the conformance checker for audiovisual files now available to download on the PREFORMA Open Source Portal, the next appointments where you can meet MediaArea.net team (among which IPRES 2016 and the PREFORMA Experience Workshop in Berlin) and much more on this October release of the MediaConch newsletter. Continue reading