- RELEVANT NEWS from Digitalmeetsculture
- Call for papers, deadline15th September - event to take place at the FernUniversität in Hagen 23 – 24 November 2023
- PREFORMA POPULAR TAGS in Digitalmeetsculture
- audiovisual Berlin Brussels call for tender conformance check cultural heritage digital archive digital preservation DPF Manager FFv1 file format validation file formats IPRES Matroska MediaArea.net MediaConch Open Source Portal open source software PCP PDF/A policy checker PREFORMA standards TIFF VeraPDF
Topic: preforma

On Wednesday, December 13, PACKED and the Royal Library of Belgium, in collaboration with the University of Girona, organise a workshop “Quality Control of TIFF Files”. The workshop is intended for digital archivists who are responsible for the long-term preservation of TIFF files. During the workshop you will learn how to gain an insight into the technical properties of TIFF files and what you can do to preserve them for future generations. The workshop is conceived as a hands-on session, where participants get started with TIFF files from their own collection. Continue reading

On Friday, November 24, PACKED and the Royal Library of Belgium, in collaboration with the Open Preservation Foundation, organise a workshop “Quality Control of PDF Files”. The workshop is intended for digital archivists who are responsible for the long-term preservation of PDF files. During the workshop you will learn how to gain an insight into the technical properties of PDF files and what you can do to preserve them for future generations. The workshop is conceived as a hands-on session, where participants get started with PDF files from their own collection. Continue reading

How Can the Public Sector Become an Agent of Innovation? As part of the preparatory work for the definition of the New eGovernment Action Plan 2016-2020 the European Commission DG CONNECT has asked to PwC, Open Evidence and the Institute of Baltic Studies to organise a Scenario Workshop on the future of Open eGovernment Services. The event will take place in Brussels on the 31th of May 2016. Continue reading

This workshop offers an opportunity to learn of progress in the standardization of Cloud contracts and SLAs by ISO-liaison body SLALOM and cloud procurement by PICSE, two EC-backed initiatives. Delegates can contribute to the emerging standards and understand how they can use the emerging results within their organisations. Continue reading

The AppHub team is glad to welcome you and your partners involved in open source innovation in Brussels, at two upcoming events, with interactive support for your project and AppHub Store demontrations: CloudScape and NetFutures 2016. Do not miss these opportunities to deploy and run your software on multiple clouds, physical and virtual infrastructures. Continue reading

Benjamin Yousefi represented the PREFORMA project at the AppHub SQuAT Fest 2016. As main recommendation, PREFORMA should encourage its suppliers to use AppHub as an additional channel to distribute the conformance checkers, and to evaluate and incorporate the code quality and OSS risk management documents and best practices developed by the AppHub community. Continue reading

Between 20 and 30 January 2016, a team of representatives of the PREFORMA project visited the three consortia that are currently working in the prototyping phase: veraPDF, Easy Innova and MediaArea.net. Aim of the visits is to better know each other, analyse the current status of the three open source projects and start future possible collaborations. Continue reading

In the continuation of their collaborative program on Cultural Heritage in the Digital Age which started beginning of 2015, iMAL and Packed organise on 30-31 October 2015 in Brussels the first international symposium on the issues of preservation of born-digital art and culture and their public access. We hope to see you there! Continue reading

The Workshop will be a great opportunity to meet MSP members, procurement managers, policymakers and ICT suppliers to discuss how to effectively reduce lock-in by using Open Standards. Best practice examples have been carefully selected to match the needs and wants of all potential participants. Continue reading

On March 6th 2015, the six suppliers who are currently working in the first design phase of the PREFORMA PCP project presented to the PREFORMA Consortium and to the external experts of the Evaluation Committee the results of their work. Stay tuned on our Open Source Portal! Continue reading