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Topic: riches

Over the past decades much effort has gone into the digitisation of our rich and varied cultural heritage, producing vast amounts of high quality digital data, ranging from images, video, sound and 3D. However, this valuable resource is not being … Continue reading

Borders blur. Disciplines merge. Barriers come down. The 21st century is a time of repositioning, and there is a key role to play for heritage. How do we (re)present ourselves, our public, our archives, our countries and our institutes? This was … Continue reading

“RICHES Taxonomy of cultural heritage definitions”. “Digital Copyright Framework. The move from analogue to digital and new forms of IPR”. These the titles of the two policy briefs produced by the RICHES project and recently published in the e-Library of the European Commission. The RICHES papers are intended as practical resources to provide support and advice to decision-makers at all levels. Other policy papers are in the works…stay tuned! Continue reading

In the 21st century, the world faces epochal changes which affect every part of society, including the arenas in which Cultural Heritage (CH) is made, held, collected, curated, exhibited or simply exists. This workshop provided a framework to understand this context of change and the impact of the move from analogue to digital. International experts met in Ankara (Turkey) on 13-14 May 2015 to attend the event, organised in the framework of the European project RICHES (Renewal, Innovation and Change: Heritage and European society). Continue reading

In the 21st century the world faces epochal changes which affect every part of society, including the arenas in which Cultural Heritage is made, held, collected, curated, exhibited, or simply exists. The RICHES project is preparing a publication about these changes, and has opened a call for contributions to the book. Continue reading

it is a portal for the people all over Israel and the globe. It enables Israel to be a leading member of the global community for digital culture and heritage, integrated with Europeana and functions a common platform for other cultural branches once they are moving toward the digital era. Continue reading

The European Commission, Directorate General for Research and Innovation, unit B6 Reflective Societies, in cooperation with the FLASH-IT project kindly organises the workshop “Bridge over troubled waters? The link between European historical heritage and the future of European integration” being held in Rome, on the 17th of October 2014. The workshop revolves around the problematic of the interconnectedness of the past, present and the future in the current European societies and brings together specialists of history, cultural heritage and identity studies as well as policy makers and managers from the European Commission and national funding bodies. Continue reading

On 9-10 December, at the EBN (European Business & Innovation Centre Network) in Brussels, 10 partners from 6 EU countries and Turkey kicked-off RICHES, a new EC funded research project in the field of Socio-Economic Sciences and Humanities. RICHES investigates the change digital technologies are bringing to our society. Continue reading