Topic: europeana-space

BlackBox is an interdisciplinary ERC-funded project hosted by Universidad Nova de Lisboa (FCSH-UNL) since September 2014, under the direction of Prof. Carla Fernandes as its Principal Investigator. With a wide-breadth duration of 5 years, the BlackBox project aims at developing … Continue reading

The intensity of a dance resides in its weightless stream of movement and harmony, and in the single beat which connects one moment to the next. Dance has the power both to give meaning to time and to create the … Continue reading

The Dance Pilot of E-Space had the aim to create tools for enabling the use of digital cultural content about dance for education and learning. DanceSpaces focuses on the needs of the general public, dance enthusiasts and pre-professionals, dance audiences/viewers and … Continue reading

DanceHE (Dance in Higher Education) represents the interests of its members from Dance higher education to organisations such as the funding councils, HEFCE and HEA in areas concerning funding, policy and processes. Acting as a mediating body DanceHE facilitates collaboration and debate … Continue reading

Dance Fields Post-Graduate Research Un-Symposium Thursday 8th-Friday 9th December 2016 EXTENDED Deadline for proposals: September 19th 2016 The Dance Fields Postgraduate Un-Symposium is designed as an informal event to share research and ideas, ‘network’, and engage in dialogue and discussion through a series of … Continue reading

by Rosemary Kostic Cisneros (Coventry University). This was an international conference mainly for Dance/Art related academics, professionals, archivists and practitioners, with over 150 participants, organized by SIBMAS, the international network of cultural heritage in the performing arts, on 31 May – … Continue reading

The Centre for Dance Research (C-DaRE), Coventry University seeks a highly motivated creative artist/ coder to join a unique trans-disciplinary team exploring the artistic, scholarly and scientific potential of choreographic and dance-related data. The opportunity will be supported by an … Continue reading

by Hetty Blades and Rosamaria Cisneros, Coventry, University (UK). As part of the EU funded Europeana Space (E-Space) project, C-DaRE held its Digital Dance Day March 16th, 2016, to showcase two recently developed digital tools for dance practice and scholarship. E-Space is a three-year project, now in … Continue reading

by Hetty Blades and Rosamaria Cisneros, Coventry University (UK) The Europeana Space Dance and Games Pilot joined forces and organised the 6th edition of the Digital Echoes Symposium. The event took place at Coventry University in the UK on Friday … Continue reading

(Re)Collecting the Past: (Re)Making the Future 4th March 2016 – Centre for Dance Research (C-DaRE), Coventry University For the 6th edition of the Digital Echoes Symposium, we focus on participation as one of the most prominent legacies of the digital, in particular … Continue reading