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- SYMPOSIUM ON HYDRAULIC HERITAGE, Nice and Saint-Martin-Vésubie, 28-29-30 April 2025
The Symposium on Hydraulic Heritage will take place in Nice and in Saint Martin Vésubie from 28 to 30 April, 2025. The three days of debates and field work represent an international meeting between academics and practitioners from countries around … Continue reading →
- By Harry Verwayen, General Director of the Europeana Foundation, and Sneška Quaedvlieg-Mihailović, Secretary General of Europa Nostra and Project Leader of the European Heritage Hub
As Europe navigates a complex landscape marked by a dramatic climate crisis and escalating socio-political tensions, including wars at our doorsteps, as well as by the rise of artificial intelligence, the role of cultural heritage – digital, tangible and intangible- … Continue reading →
Tag: Digital Cultural Heritage

Towards an e-infrastructure for the Digital Cultural Heritage sector and the humanities research: which are the needs and the requirements of the DCH?
How can this sector benefit from the new and innovative solutions offered by the e-Infrastructures?
Experts tries to answer these question. Continue reading

The shared vision of the INDICATE network is that in ten years’ time, access and use of digital cultural heritage will be available to all and that collaboration with the e-Infrastructures community will facilitate realisation of this vision. Continue reading

Hosted by the Irish Presidency of the European Union and Linked Heritage partner the Local Government Management Agency, the conference attracted an international audience of cultural heritage and memory institutions and numerous representatives of Irish local and national memory institutions. the conference featured a video message from Commissioner Neelie Kroes, who unfortunately was unable to attend the Conference in person. Commissioner Kroes emphasized the importance of an open approach to information sharing, and highlighted the role of Europeana. Continue reading

Highlighting Retrospect & Prospect as the theme, 2013 TELDAP International Conference was scheduled on March 14-16 at Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. In 2008, Taiwan e-Learning and Digital Archive Program (TELDAP) was launched to integrate the digital archiving and e-learning projects … Continue reading

Extract from the article by Steve Brewer, EGI, available on EGI’s blog. EGI, European Grid Infrastructure, was one of the protagonists of this valuable event that collected experts from the digital cultural heritage field, researchers, scientist and technicians. The common goal is to focus on interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary research on tangible and intangible Cultural Heritage, the use of cutting edge technologies for the protection, preservation, conservation, massive digitalisation and visualization/presentation of the Cultural Heritage content (archeological sites, artifacts, monuments, libraries, archives, museums, etc) Continue reading

Digital Cultural Heritage Roadmap for Preservation (DCH-RP) is a Coordination Action supported by EC FP7 e-Infrastructures Programme, which will be adding more concrete results in the specific area of the digital preservation of cultural heritage. The kick-off meeting took place in Rome on the 8th of October 2012, hosted by Coordinator ICCU Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico. Continue reading